Fairy Winner

Chapter 1621: 1 dead silence

Qingque looked at Master Dazhi, nodded and said, "It's all right."

Master Dazhi put together a ceremony, "Thank you."

Qingque stepped aside two steps, and said slowly, "Do you need me to tell me how to circumvent spiritism?"

Master Dazhi walked slowly, his eyes calm and waveless, "Don't bother daoists."

Qingque smiled and nodded, "I heard that Master Dazhi is a Zen master of bitterness, and his body can break through all obstacles. Master, please be cautious and don't disturb the evil soul."

"The old monk understands."

Master Dazhi has already reached the Shenmu Cauldron.

He sat down slowly, still in that weird posture, with his hands on the tripod, his eyes closed.

Four hours passed by little by little, and there was silence in the hall, and no one spoke.

Those monks were still fidgeting, for fear that evil spirits would suddenly appear and swallow them. Some people tried to escape, but they gave up after a few attempts, and they couldn't do without.

"Amitabha, Amitabha..."

The hurried voice suddenly sounded, far less certain than before, and it was messy like rain, making people's hearts chaotic.

Master Dazhi, who was sitting still, trembled, his complexion turned blue and white, and he looked quite oozing, and his lips couldn't stay open and closed, and a string of incomprehensible syllables flowed out, "Nanwu Amitabha Ye, Dota Gado Ye, Do Di Ye He..."

The situation is quite strange.

Zhou Shu's voice came from Qingque's ear again, "Quickly, let him leave the Shenmuding!"

Qingque's complexion tightened, and he quickly took two steps, raising his hand and shaking it out.

With a bang, Master Dazhi flew away, and fell to the edge of the stage like a dead tree.

Everyone in the audience didn't know the reason, but their complexion became hard to look. It was obvious that it should be the influence of Master Dazhi that made it like this.

"Is there really an evil soul..."

"Could it be that Master Dazhi was possessed by the evil soul?"

"No, what about us?"

The crowd was panicked again, but did not dare to leave, the atmosphere became even more bizarre.

After a while, Dazhishang got up slowly, his expression gradually became normal, and he saluted Qingque, "Thank you fellow Daoist."

Qingque replied, "No thanks, what happened to the Master just now?"

"There is indeed an evil soul."

Master Dazhi sighed and slowly said, "The old monk has just sensed it. After just one glance, he was affected by it. His mind was a little lost, but he couldn't leave immediately. He wanted to stop. The old monk hurriedly recited. The Tianlong Rebirth Curse wants to disperse all evil spirits and stabilize the mind, but the effect is not great. If it weren't for the Daoist to push me away urgently, I am afraid that I will be killed by the evil soul...

When the words were not finished, the audience was noisy.

"What, just look at it, my mind is lost?"

"Is it wrong, this is the Great Wisdom Master, the eighth-fold cultivator of the Cross Tribulation Realm, or the painful meditation practice that has endured to the extreme, is that evil soul really so scary?"

"Yeah, and it's useless if he recites the Curse of Death? That's the secret scripture of Tianlong Temple, even the evil spirit can be overpowered."

"However, it has no effect on the evil soul at all, it is just the result of a glance."

"Evil Soul..."

The noise gradually disappeared and turned into a dead silence, and the fear spread, everyone's face was similar and ugly.

Someone still didn’t know the terrible evil soul before, but after the Master Dazhi’s own experiments, they now fully understand that there is nothing to say, everyone knows that no one present can resist the evil soul and spread to the whole There are probably not many in the world of immortality.

The Qingque who presided over the auction was no exception, and a lot of fear grew in her heart. If it hadn't been for the voice that had been guiding and encouraging her, it would be difficult for her to persist.

A monk stood up suddenly and shouted desperately, "Who brought it on earth?"

"Find out and kill him!"

"Yeah, the thing that hurts people, for fear that the world will not be chaotic, kill him!"

Many monks responded, and the monk Emei was completely stupid, and was stunned as an idiot.

"Everyone, don't make noise."

Qingque settled down and said slowly, "Master Dazhi has determined that there is an evil soul in it, and there is no need to say anything else. I will introduce the specific auction situation of the Shenmuding, and then everyone will bid to compete."

"Who wants to compete for this thing..."

"I don't dare to ask for one hundred thousand yuan stone..."

Several voices wafted in the venue, all weak. Although there were only a few, they were about everyone's thoughts.

Qingque kept calm, "The evil soul is terrifying. You have also seen it. The soulcraft seal cannot stop it. It did not come out because the Shenmuding and itself were not perfect. There will be nothing wrong now, but according to our It is estimated that after 20 years at most, the evil soul will come out of the Shenmu Cauldron."


"Always come out, right..."

Still a weak response, everyone has completely lost interest in Shenmuding.

Qingque continued, "Everyone knows that the current Shenmu Cauldron is by no means a treasure. It is the source of evil. Carrying it with you means bringing death. When the evil soul comes out, there is no need to say more about the consequences. However, since the auction has started, there must always be a result. You can start bidding. The reserve price is only one yuan stone..."

She smiled and looked at the audience~www.ltnovel.com~ A primordial stone might get a magic weapon of heaven, what are you waiting for. "

A primordial stone gets a magic weapon of heaven, who will believe it? Everyone would think it was a joke, but none of the people at the scene thought so. They all glanced at the Shenmuding, then retracted their gazes like a tiger and bowed their heads.

After almost a hundred breaths, no one spoke.

"Don't you guys bid?"

Qingque shook her head slightly and said slowly, "I know no one wants to have contact with evil souls, but this evil soul will come out sooner or later, and sooner or later it will harm the realm of Xiuxian. It is a great danger to the world of Xuanhuang... However, it is not that no one can. Restraint, there are several big sects that can suppress or even eliminate it, here are two..."

Everyone looked at Zheng Daoxuan and Master Dazhi.

If anyone can suppress the evil souls, they are the only ones, and the two of them stayed still, without any expression.

Qingque smiled, "Hehe, it is not bad to take a picture of the Shenmu Ding. First, if anyone can stand up and buy it, eliminate evil spirits, and solve the great troubles of the mysterious yellow world, then all the cultivators will respect him, and the world is famous. , Both himself and the sect can get lofty prestige. Secondly, after suppressing the evil soul, this sacred wooden cauldron will naturally belong to it. The magic weapon of heaven is not so good, right?"

"That's right."

"If anyone buys the Shenmu Ding, the old man will be the first to salute him."

"The big sect should have the courage of the big sect. This kind of thing should have been done by the big sect."

"Yes, like Kunlun..."

"The first sect in the world of cultivating immortals, it shouldn't be a big problem to suppress an evil soul, not to mention that there is a Shenmu cauldron to handle, Kunlun should take action."

"Yes, then we will be saved."

Everyone talked a lot, and almost all their eyes were on Zheng Daoxuan. rw

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