Fairy Winner

Chapter 1622: Wait a minute


Zheng Daoxuan stood up and let out a sneer, "Qingque, do you Penglai want to shift the blame to Kunlun?"

Qingque shook his head slightly, "Don't say that, it's just an auction, and Kunlun was originally the most powerful one to get the lot. Didn't the Taoist friends have been bidding before, why don't you speak anymore?"

"Yes, that is, it makes sense."

"If Penglai Island doesn't say it, then the Shenmu Ding has not been bought by Kunlun?"

"Speaking of Penglai Island, it's really kind. I said this kind of thing in advance. I changed someone else and wouldn't say it at all. I just sold it."

"Let me say that Kunlun has saved a lot of Yuanshi, what about taking the Shenmu Ding?"

Some monks began to point to Zheng Daoxuan.

These words, in other places or other times, are absolutely afraid to say them.

"shut up!"

Zheng Daoxuan let out a cold snort, he was about to break out, but before the coercion went out, he was blocked by a force and had to give up, full of resentment in his heart.

Looking at Qingque, he said loudly, "Friends of Daoist, it was before, but now it is different. There are evil souls in it, who will buy it? Kunlun is indeed the first sect in the world of immortality, and has always been to save the world. For one's own responsibility, dare to be the first to cultivate immortality, but after all, it is an evil soul, a powerful evil spirit. Nowadays, the world of immortality has no power. How can it be so easy to destroy it? It’s not just a few words from you. You can’t even think of the price paid for it."

He looked at the auction table and said solemnly, "Senior, it's Kunlun who doesn't want it, but it can't."

As an elder, he sees thoroughly that Kunlun really wants to eliminate or suppress evil spirits. The price Kunlun pays is far greater than a sacred wooden cauldron. As for fame, Kunlun’s name is known to everyone, and there is no need to fight for it. .

"Kunlun admits that he can't do it anymore, then..."

Qingque looked at Zheng Daoxuan thoughtfully, then turned to Dazhi Shangren, "Tianlong Temple probably won't make any move, right?"

Master Dazhi bowed a salute, "The old monk is very committed to Taoist friends, but this is not something that the current Tianlong Temple can do. Please don't blame the Taoists."

"Never mind, those two will continue to watch to see who will fall into the hands of this sacred wooden cauldron."

Qingque smiled faintly, "Everyone, are there any bids?"

The crowd was silent, only quiet comments came out.

"Even Kunlun dare not ask for it, why should we ask for it?"

"That is, the first sect did not intend to deal with evil souls, do you want us to die? I will not go."

"If no one would want it, that evil soul is destined to appear in this world..."

"Is there any way, after all, it's great, no one is an opponent."

"When this auction is over, the old man will take the family to hide, as far as possible."

"I think so too, but where is far and where is near..."

Their eyes are full of worry, and even a little desperate. If someone shows up at this time and takes away the Shenmuding...

As expected, Qingque didn't care too much, "In other words, if no one bids, then Shenmuding will return to the holder. I think he doesn't want it now, and will probably abandon it. When the time is up, the evil soul will appear, causing a catastrophe in the Xuanhuang Realm."

She spread her hands and said calmly, "At that time, no one of you will be able to hide, plus another catastrophe that is about to come. At that time, the Xuanhuang Realm is going to be over. The big sect is better, but the small The door is..." At this point, she didn't say any more, just watched the crowd shook their heads slightly, her eyes showing pity.

Most of the people present knew what another catastrophe was. No one spoke for a while, and it was even more deadly.

Someone said, "Is there no other way, isn't Penglai Island..."

Someone agreed, "Yes, you Penglai Island should be able to suppress the evil soul, right? After all, there are senior island owners."

Qingque said faintly, "You should know that Penglai Island has always been neutral. No matter what the outside world, Penglai Island will not participate in it. It has been like this for tens of thousands of years without exception. This Shenmu Ding was brought to Penglai Island, then Penglai Island can only do its best to find a good destination for it, instead of leaving it on Penglai Island. Of course, if the Shenmuding is from Penglai Island, Penglai will do its best to suppress it."

The crowd was silent for a while, and soon someone shouted, "Damn it! Who brought it here? It killed us!"

The venting words drew a lot of echoes.

Qingque waved his hand, "Shenmu Ding came from Jiang's family in Nanzhanzhou. Many people know that if you are dissatisfied afterwards, you can go to Jiang's family to inquire, but at this time, let's forget it. I will ask three more questions. Are people willing to buy this sacred wooden tripod?"

After taking a look at the stage, she said slowly, "One."

No one spoke, everyone's mind was shaken, everyone looked around, as if expecting something to appear.


After waiting for a while, Qingque continued to shout, then paused and said, "Everyone, if anyone wants to photograph the Shenmuding and bring it back to the sect, and find a way to suppress and exterminate the evil spirits, Penglai Island will help. And give 500,000 yuan stones."

"Penglai Island can also be considered intentional."

"Five hundred thousand yuan stone, for a sect, it is a huge wealth, I really want..."

"Didn't you hear the conditions she said? You will die if you want it~www.ltnovel.com~ Not only you are dead, but the entire sect is dead."

"Even Kunlun dare not ask for it, no matter how many stones are, then the sect's foundation will be destroyed, and others will blame you."


Amidst the sighs of everyone, there was a different voice suddenly, "If anyone wants to photograph and leave the Shenmu Ding, the old man is also willing to support a little, not much, but tens of thousands of stones can still be obtained."

"I am also willing to support some, fifty thousand yuan stone."

"I'll give out fifty thousand."

As several monks responded, more and more people said this, but after waiting for a long time, no one spoke.

Qingque shook his head lightly, with a hint of contempt at the corner of her mouth, "Well, three..."

"Wait a minute."

Before finishing talking, one person in the crowd slowly stood up.

Everyone's eyes gathered in the past.

"Who is this person?"

"I haven't noticed before, there is still someone here?"

"Always use the divine sense to cover the breath. It seems that his divine sense is very powerful. Although it has always been there and still in the middle, we have ignored his existence, and even the old man has not seen it."

"It seems to be covered with a fog, I can't see everything clearly."

As the person stood up completely, the concealment on his body disappeared, and the clear face was completely revealed.

Many people were still at a loss, but some of the cultivators who crossed the Tribulation Realm were stunned. The most surprised was Zheng Daoxuan. He stared at the man with surprise in his eyes, "Zhou Shu? Why is he here?"

This is the West Sea in Xihe Prefecture. Many monks have never seen Zhou Shu, but Kunlun, who regarded Zhou Shu as a thorn in his eyes, would not know.

(PS: Thank you for your continued support for those who are not alive than dead, and thank the book friends who have subscribed to vote~) 8)

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