Fairy Winner

Chapter 1625: Dogen

After the auction, the Haihui became a sorority, and Zhou Shu became the center of doing his part.

A few hours later, the crowd slowly dispersed, and everyone was smiling when they walked out the door.

Using his own talents, coupled with Wushuang City Guards’ news network and resources, Zhou Shu knows these people very well, and he prepared for a long time in advance. Every word he said is considered to be something he wants to exchange. , Can also relieve their worries, how can they be unhappy?

In the end, almost all the sects and forces are willing to do what they can to suppress the evil spirits of the Heyin Sect, because of their admiration for Zhou Shu, and because most of them get what they want, such as flattery and news. .

To most people, Zhou Shu revealed the same message, that is the relationship between Soul Shu and the Jiang family.

I believe that after today, many people will be prepared for the Jiang family who is suspected of being a magic door, and will even unite to actively attack, such as Guan Hong.

The Shannan Guan family is recognized by the immortal world as the fifth largest family, and its strength is only below the four largest families. They always want to go further. Among the four largest families, Guan Hong, as the head of the family, is also the most persistent-in their own When he was the head of the Patriarch, he made the four great families, but he was able to last forever. Recently, he had just successfully crossed the catastrophe and was very active. He tried his best to find the stains of the four great families and wanted to replace them all the time.

The Jiang Family Spiritual Technique problem is undoubtedly a godsend for him, and he will definitely make some plans.

It is worth mentioning that he might have been Zhou Shu's arch enemy, but now he has become an ally.

——At the ceremony of Wuzhangyuan, Zhuge's family will announce that it will be incorporated into Kunlun, so he can sit back and enjoy his success and become one of the four great families. If Zhou Shu wants to stop, he will do his best to stop it and become Zhou Shu at a huge price. The trouble, but now he has a new goal, without knowing what Zhuge's family will do.

Zhou Shu also made some promises, such as helping Guan Hong refine a dragon blood pill.

This Tier 8 pill is very difficult to refine, but if there is real dragon blood to assist... For Zhou Shu, as long as the materials are collected, it is just a matter of letting Yangmei do it.

Zhou Shu walked out of the venue and went to a restaurant.

There are two more people to see, two people who may be more important.

"Sorry, Elder Zheng has been waiting for a long time."

Entering the room, Zhou Shu bowed his hands in a salute, quite sincere.

"It's okay, Sect Master Zhou, please sit down."

Zheng Daoxuan smiled back, like an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

Zhou Shu nodded and sat down with a bright light in his eyes, "Elder Zheng, what's the matter with the invitation?"

Zheng Daoxuan said with a smile, "Sect Master Zhou has made the limelight. After today, I am afraid that no one in the world of cultivating immortals will not know the emperor, and the Heyin school will also be famous in the world. Ashamed."

"I just want to do a little thing, not to mention that I haven't done it yet. Compared with Kunlun, it is far behind..."

Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, and said in a straightforward voice, "The elders just talk about it when you have something to do. There are still important things to do next."

"it is good."

Zheng Daoxuan nodded, staring like a knife on Zhou Shu, quietly watching for dozens of breaths.

Zhou Shu looked at him with a calm expression.

Between staring at each other, the two people's spirit, consciousness, power, and even the power of Dao, etc., are constantly competing. After dozens of secret battles, the two have a deeper understanding of each other and let go.

"These ones……"

Zheng Daoxuan shook his head slightly, and said thoughtfully, "Sect Master Zhou, is it all brought by the spirit of the spirit?"

Zhou Shu was slightly stagnant, "The spirit of the fairy? Elder Zheng is joking, this is the Xuanhuang world, how can there be the spirit of the fairy?"

"You and I know it, there is no need to hide it."

Zheng Daoxuan said indifferently, "Your vitality and source power are far purer than normal genius, more than 50%, and it is impossible for monks of the same realm to resist. This is definitely not relying on vitality and source qi cultivation. It can be obtained, because no matter how good the source of energy is, there will be impurities, and it is impossible for the cultivator to get rid of all... and your spirit and consciousness are far beyond ordinary geniuses, but the four-level realm of the crossing is not weaker than I am even stronger than me, and coupled with your extraordinary speed of cultivation, do you think there is any other explanation besides the spirit of the fairy?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Maybe it's because of my luck and working hard."

"Why bother?"

Zheng Daoxuan shook his head, "Don't worry, no one else will know what we are saying."

Zhou Shu was quite puzzled, "I know this naturally, but I still don't know what the elders are talking about. Even if the fairy spirit exists in the Profound Yellow Realm, it must be in Kunlun, not me."

"Yes, it should be in Kunlun indeed."

Zheng Daoxuan nodded naturally, but there was a hint of sharpness in Zhou Shu's eyes, "If you are willing to hand it over to Kunlun, that will be it."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Hehe, don't always say something I don't understand, Elder Zheng."


Zheng Daoxuan shook his head unconsciously, and paused for a while, "Do I have to make it clear?"

Zhou Shu nodded earnestly, "Then please elder clarify."

"Fine," Zheng Daoxuan smiled and nodded, "You are now a born spirit soul, the best aptitude unique in the world, but your spiritual root also has the soul aptitude, that is, the soul root. The capital, to have the present, are all upgraded to this level through the later stages. No matter the soul root, you can change it by your own will, but the spiritual root is difficult to improve. As far as I know, only the purest original energy can continue To temper, go through a very long stage, at least five hundred years before it is possible to change, you did not have such conditions before, but you did it in a very short time, from Qingyuan Mountain to Lingyu City , Up to fifty years~www.ltnovel.com~Why is this?"

Zhou Shu's figure was slightly startled, and his complexion changed a little, "I didn't expect the elder to understand me so clearly. Didn't you just see it?"

"Yes, or not."

Zheng Daoxuan looked at Zhou Shu, and said slowly, "In short, you have a way to get the spirit of the fairy. This is a conclusive fact."

Of course he knew that it was a fact. Kunlun got the news from Zhuge Fuyan, but this was absolutely impossible to reveal, so he reversed it and used the result of Zhou Shu's celestial energy cultivation. Having said these things now, of course, what he said is right.

It is really difficult to change the spiritual root. The best way for a cultivator to get a good spiritual root is to destroy the spiritual root and rebuild it.

However, he could not know that Zhou Shu cultivated the Sea-Treading Art, a special mental method that breaks the whole body's qi and thus changes the spiritual root and transforms himself into a spiritual body.

Zhou Shu smiled and spread his hands, "The elders have finished speaking, and I have nothing to say, but I want to ask, is the roots planted by the elders a way of spying?"

Kunlun emphasizes Dao roots, the so-called spiritual roots, Kunlun will plant appropriate Dao roots for every qualified Kunlun disciple, called Dao roots.

This method has many advantages. It will allow the cultivators to adapt to their respective Taoisms quickly, and they can also practice quickly, and immediately have the power of Taoism available. They can surpass the cultivators of the same generation very early, but there are many shortcomings, and their own Tao is just like this It is fixed and impossible to change, and the Tao seeds that are planted are not cultivated by themselves, and it is difficult to truly enlighten the Tao and become a truly powerful cultivator.

Kunlun is like this. Strict systems and machine-based training have created countless stable geniuses, but there are very few true geniuses, there are many powerful monks, but there is no strongest monks. )!!

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