Fairy Winner

Chapter 1626: 3 countermeasures

Zhou Shu's expression condensed slightly, and said slowly, "The so-called fairy spirit actually has many shortcomings..."

"Sect Master Zhou needn't say much."

Zheng Daoxuan waved his hand, "We Kunlun knows better than you about the pros and cons of fairy spirits, Sect Master Zhou, I think you also know that the Xuanhuang Realm is about to usher in a catastrophe. As a cultivator, I will be brave. Earlier, I worked for the Xuanhuang World... I, Kunlun, admired the fact that Sect Master Zhou bought the Shenmu Ding. I hope Sect Master Zhou can also think of the world in other matters."

Zhou Shu paused slightly, "The words of the elders seem to have no deep meaning."

Zheng Daoxuan said indifferently, "In your hands, you can only make your cultivation level soar by yourself. It is really a violent thing, but it is different in Kunlun. We Kunlun can make better use of the fairy aura to cultivate Give out more geniuses to contribute to the Xuanhuang Realm and save the people of the world."

"Ha ha."

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "Good things are used well, and those who are able live in them, this reason is unassailable."

"Yes, doesn't Sect Master Zhou think so?"

Zheng Daoxuan nodded, and said sternly, "A thousand taels of gold falling into the hands of a beggar can only make him rich alone, but if it falls into the house of a good man, it can save hundreds of beggars and give them enough food and clothing. Isn’t it clear which result is better?"

"The elder's analogy is really good. His words are as sharp as a knife. I admire them."

Zhou Shu shook his head and sighed, "But I really don't know why the elder can say such things without shame, and without paying any price, just take the gains of others into his own, thinking that he is fair? Isn't it ridiculous? Now? If the elder is dedicated to saving the world, I have a better suggestion. I don’t know if the elder is willing to listen?"

Zheng Daoxuan said sternly, "Sect Master Zhou, please say that Kunlun will think of the common people in the world."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "It's very simple. Give the elder the sacred wooden cauldron that I just photographed, and I don't want the original stone, how about it?"

Zheng Daoxuan's complexion was slightly condensed, and he quickly recovered his solemnity, "That was taken by Sect Master Zhou, and there are still many colleagues in it. How can I take away the beauty of others? This is absolutely not a thing."

"Why is that fairy spirit all right again?"

Zhou Shu pretended to be puzzled, "I got it very hard. I explored the secret realm and discovered and interpreted the fairy sound book. After many years of accumulation, I got the result. I think, apart from me, everyone in the world of immortality It's impossible to interpret that fairy sound book, why should I give it to you?"

Zheng Daoxuan avoided answering, slightly hesitating, "Xianyinshu... Sect Master Zhou really has a great opportunity."

Zhou Shu nodded earnestly, "Yes, it's my chance, not your Kunlun."

Zheng Daoxuan stared at Zhou Shu and said thoughtfully, "Does Sect Master Zhou really intend to keep it? It seems impossible, right? No one knows about this except Kunlun, but if we Kunlun tells this matter, By the time Sect Master Zhou still has the Lotus Sect, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the entire world of cultivation, right?

Zhou Shu was silent, as if thinking about something.

Zheng Daoxuan smiled slightly and looked into Zhou Shu’s eyes, “Sect Master Zhou took the Shenmu Ding today to gather people’s hearts and accumulate prestige, probably to prevent problems after the exposure of the spirit of the immortal? But Sect Master Zhou should understand that the immortal cultivator For, it’s just to promote the immortal. The celestial spirit in your hand is just a shortcut to the celestial being. Facing it, there is no possibility that any cultivator will resist, even the closest person, even the most loyal to you. Disciple...Even if you accumulate more prestige, it will not be useful."

Zhou Shu turned his head and looked out the window, seemingly convinced.

Zheng Daoxuan knew that there was a way, and he stepped up his rhetoric. "It was always true before Sect Master Zhou became a powerful person. And we in Kunlun also discovered that Sect Master Zhou has been full of cultivation steps recently. Is it because the spirit of the fairy spirit has also reached the bottleneck? No wonder, all the way to the present is a miracle, there is no accumulation of hundreds of years, there is not enough material, I am afraid it is difficult to go further, these hundreds of years, you are confident Can you get by?"

Zhou Shu turned his head and said slowly, "So what should I do in the opinion of the elders?"

"Haha, Sect Master Zhou really understands the truth."

Zheng Daoxuan stroked his beard and smiled, with a lot of triumph on his face, "According to our Kunlun guess, the celestial qi obtained by Sect Master Zhou should be a method of refining qi, rather than physical objects such as spiritual veins. We can also basically determine the several special items that Baoxuan has been purchasing. What are the materials for the Qi refining method, right?"

Zhou Shu couldn't help but shook, showing a lot of surprises, "You..."

The complacency on Zheng Daoxuan's face became more and more, and he became a little bit forgetful, "In this case, we Kunlun also prepared three countermeasures for Sect Master Zhou."

Zhou Shu's complexion was slightly stagnant, "Three countermeasures?"

"Not bad."

Zheng Daoxuan thought it would be useful ~www.ltnovel.com~ and smiled and said, "The best policy is that the Heyin Sect joins Kunlun, and we will give you a high status. For example, the Kunlun Sect Master, from the Heyin Sect Sect Master to the Kunlun Sect Master, Leap is not a big deal, and with Kunlun’s protection, you can concentrate on your cultivation. As for the spirit of the immortal spirit, you don’t need to worry about it. Give it to Kunlun. Don’t worry about the refining materials, you can have as many as you want. How much, then your bottleneck will be broken without attack, and you will rise to the immortal smoothly.

Zhou Shu thought for a while, "What else?"

Zheng Daoxuan showed a hint of surprise, "Can't even the Supreme Strategy impress the Daoists? Well, it seems that the Sect Master really has a lot of obsessions with the Heyin Sect. Qi, the Qi refining materials you need, our Kunlun will help you obtain them. The quantity will not be much, but it is definitely better than the suzerain. If you do this, the suzerain will not have to worry about the materials, and you will be able to break through for decades. The bottleneck keeps crossing the robbery and raising the immortal."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly and said calmly, "It sounds good, what else?"

Zheng Daoxuan shook his head unconsciously, and said with regret, "If even Zhongce and Daoists are unwilling to accept, then there is only a bad way."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes."

"What a trick..."

Zheng Daoxuan looked at Zhou Shu, with some threats in his eyes, "Sect Master Zhou really wants me to say?"

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "Let's talk, I want to listen."

"Okay," Zheng Daoxuan was not polite, his eyes condensed, "If the Supreme Policy and the Sect Master of Zhongce do not accept it, we in Kunlun can only do this and make use of..."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Using Kunlun's own huge strength to suppress the Dutch School and Lingyu City, unscrupulously, murder and arson, threatening me to surrender the spirit of the spirit, right?")!!

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