Fairy Winner

Chapter 1629: Great Wisdom Master

After stagnation for a while, Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Master, you came to me specially, not just to talk about Yunli?"

"Yes, there is another щЩш..1a"

Master Dazhi looked at Zhou Shu, his calm eyes seemed to have been blown by the violent wind, and many wrinkles appeared. "Although Yun Longzi does not want the old monk to do this, the old monk feels that it is necessary to say something."

Zhou Shu nodded earnestly, "But it's OK to say."

Master Dazhi slowly said, "The battle between meditation and Kunlun has been going on for a long time, and almost the entire Xihezhou has been implicated. Now three temples and one temple, Linyun Temple has been invested in Kunlun, and the Great Desert Temple has disappeared without a trace. Only Tianlong Temple and Leiyin Temple is still there, but I am afraid it will be difficult to sustain it for too long..."

He kept shaking his head, showing a little bewilderment, "No one expected that Kunlun had hidden so much strength, and it was stronger than expected. If it is allowed to continue, it is afraid that meditation will be annihilated. , It's another extinction of Zen..."

Zhou Shu nodded unconsciously, "It is true that Kunlun is stronger than expected, but Linyun Temple actually took refuge in Kunlun, alas."

Judging from his long-term experience, all the major sects except Kunlun basically have big problems. Most of them are in decline. They don’t pick up, and there is not much anger. Kunlun, who has not been to Kunlun, seems to be unable to see this. The signs of, are still developing, and there is no sign of weakness, and Wushuang City's intelligence network also fed back similar information.

It's no wonder that their cultivation method and the mountain of Taoism left by the ancient Kunlun Mountains, strict system, make them never lack of strong combat power.

"Linyun Temple has always been like this. They are just a group of ordinary monks pursuing the Way of Ascending Immortals in the name of meditation. They don't have the Zen heart of meditation to overcome eternity and wish to become Buddha..." Master Dazhi shook his head. Slowly said, "If it was only to destroy Zen, the old monk would never mention it to Sect Master Zhou. After all, it was just a matter of meditation, but the problem is that Kunlun’s goal is much more than that. The old monk can conclude that meditation in Xihezhou After being annihilated, they will definitely launch an offensive against other states. What they have to do is to unify the entire Cultivation Realm and become the only sect of the Xuanhuang Realm. There has not been a world of misery that can appear in 20,000 years."

Zhou Shu nodded earnestly, "The Master said it is extremely true, and the next also think so."

"Sect Master sees it the same way, it would be the best."

Master Dazhi was very pleased, "Yun Longzi has always disapproved of bringing other people into the dispute between Tianlong Temple and Kunlun, especially the Heyin Sect and Sovereign Zhou, but the old monk feels that Sovereign Zhou is absolutely capable of changing the situation, and also No need to participate directly, Sect Master Zhou, what do you think?"

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "If I had met the Master a few years earlier, it would be fine."

Master Dazhi was slightly puzzled, "What does the suzerain mean?"

Zhou Shu waved his hand and melted on his face, "Hehe, I don't mean anything else, I just think it's a good idea to talk to the Master. If you meet earlier, you can ask for advice and talk, wouldn't it be fun?"

Master Dazhi seems to have realized something, his jaw said, "Then the lord plans to..."

"You don't have to tell Yunli, and don't tell Tianlong Temple. The Master knows it," Zhou Shu said calmly. "I also have an old grudge with Kunlun. As far as I can do, I will never make Kunlun feel better. ."

Master Dazhi sighed in relief, got up to face Zhou Shu, and bowed together. "The old monk is here to thank Sect Master Zhou. Don’t worry, Sect Master Zhou will never know what he said today. If you violate this statement, The old monk will suffer from the evil spirit of the heavenly dragon."

"The Master is serious."

Zhou Shu hurriedly returned the ceremony, which was quite heavy. The oath he said was the most terrifying for meditation in Tianlong Temple.

"You are guilty if you speak to the suzerain. If you can't keep the secret, you can be punished."

Master Dazhi was very calm, even showing a smile that he had never had before, "Sect Master Zhou, please accept these things."

He took out three jade slips and a wooden fish from his sleeve, and put them in front of Zhou Shu one by one, facing Zhou Shu’s suspicious gaze, saying, “It’s the death curse of Tianlong Temple, there is also a Diamond Heart Sutra, and a Zen treasure. Six inscriptions on wooden fish."

Zhou Shu seemed to feel something, "Suppress the evil soul?"

"Yes," Master Dazhi nodded, "In ancient times, Tianlong Temple Da Neng also suppressed or even eliminated evil souls. Among them, the Diamond Heart Sutra and the Tianlong Rebirth Curse played a lot of roles."

Zhou Shu was a little confused, "But..."

"Did the sect master see that the old monk used it to no effect?"

Master Dazhi is quite self-deprecating, "Vajra Holding Heart Sutra is the scripture of body meditation, while Rebirth Mantra is the scripture of Wenchan. The old monk is suffering meditation. Although he understands it, he cannot exert their true function, so there is no What's the effect, and at that time, the mind was lost and it was a little messy. It may be different from the suzerain. The suzerain can call some body meditation and literary meditation to recite the scriptures, which will temporarily suppress it. If the suzerain himself can, Naturally it is also excellent."

"So thank you Master."

Zhou Shu hurriedly gave thanks. This is more or less a way, and he was said to be predestined with Zen very early~www.ltnovel.com~ Maybe something can be learned from it. After all, Shu Zhidao should Being compatible with Zen Tao is also the direction he has been thinking about.

"As for the wooden fish with six inscriptions, it is a magic weapon that the old monk has been using since he got started. It was opened before the Buddha, and it has the effect of calming the soul."

Master Dazhi looked at the wooden fish with a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

Zhou Shu couldn't help but shook his head, and solemnly said, "This wooden fish has been with the Master for thousands of years. I don't know how much Zen breath and the Master's sentiment are contained in it. This is so precious that there is no one in the world. Two, I can’t accept it below."

"Accept it."

Master Dazhi waved his hand and said, "The old monk will make another one when he returns, and it won't take much time. Sect Master makes good use of it."

Zhou Shu turned down several times, but was blocked by Master Dazhi and had to accept it.

The wooden fish starts to sink slightly, the appearance is smooth, seemingly ordinary, the material is not very good, and even a little shabby. The six inscriptions on the above are just common anti-evil writings in the Zen gate, but its value is far more than this ordinary appearance. Shu is very clear that it is more precious than the seventh or even eighth-order magic weapons. It has been used for thousands of years of magic weapons and has been used in meditation. Among them, he does not know how many Zen essences have been absorbed, and he has accepted the light of Buddha, the effect of calming the soul and warding off evil spirits. No less than some holy beasts.

Zhou Shu could determine that putting this wooden fish in the Shenmu Cauldron could slow down the evil soul for at least ten years.

Master Dazhi showed a touch of relief, "If you can do something to suppress the evil spirits, the old monk can also have less guilt in his heart."

"Master's righteousness and virtue will be remembered in the next."

Zhou Shu respectfully bowed, "Please don't worry, Master, I will not let evil spirits ravage the world, and I will try my best to do what I promised the Master.")!!

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