Fairy Winner

Chapter 1630: Is such that

Penglai щww..lā

The black shadow of the city lord laughed, "I said Zhu Wu, you are showing your face this time in the sea meeting. You must take the initiative to suppress the evil souls and make your name in the world. Judging from the information obtained from these days Wushuang City, your name is afraid No one in the Xuanhuang Realm knows that no one knows, and you can hear praises everywhere."

Qingque nodded, "It's not just exclaimed and praised, but I heard that many monks were moved by your righteous deeds and planned to go to the lotus sect to help you suppress the evil souls. There are various sects, and some hidden ones. Aristocratic family, it is said that there will be people from Baiyun Temple. After a while, Lingyu City will be overcrowded."

"Although there are many hypocritical people, there are never fewer people with lofty ideals in the Xuanhuang world."

Zhou Shu said thoughtfully, "These monks are very important to the world of immortality and to our lotus sect. They must be treated well, and they can't chill other people's hearts. It's just... Qingque, I will trouble you again."

Qingque smiled slightly, "What's the matter? Bailong has already sent a letter. He will be on Penglai Island in a few days, and I will always go back."

"go back?"

The city lord said dissatisfied, "Qing Que, do you treat the Heyin School as your own home?"

Qingque snorted, laughed without answering, Yang Mei immediately raised her hand and said, "Brother, I also go back to help, I have nothing to do here, and sister Lin Zhu can't use me to help."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, warmly said, "Okay, you will leave later and go back to Lingyu City all the way back to Lingyu City. Be careful for some time after that."

"I know," Qingque seemed to understand, "Is Kunlun coming to trouble?"

"I shouldn't find you. They are looking for trouble, but they will test me first and understand my true strength before making plans. Therefore, when I leave the island, they will definitely come to besiege. I guess there will be at least two or three. A high-level elder." Zhou Shu smiled slightly, disapprovingly.


Yang Mei was shocked, "Two or three of the seven-fold or more crossing the tribulation realm? Brother, otherwise we should go back together?"

"Of course not. They are going to test me. If I cover up, wouldn't it disappoint them?" Zhou Shu smiled lightly, "It's okay, just let them get to know me."

"You don't worry about it anymore."

Qingque looked at him with a slight irritation, only the worry in his eyes flashed, and said slowly, "Keheyin School and Lingyucheng...Don't take it too seriously, Kunlun did it, they are very likely Start with the disciple or the chamber of commerce."

Zhou Shu nodded and said seriously, "I have made some preparations earlier. Besides, there are people in Shushan and Cihang right now. If they overstep the rules, they may cause serious consequences. That is something Kunlun does not want to see. I think They will not make any big moves in Dongshengzhou before Xihezhou Miechan is completed, and after you go back, they can help me stare. I am relieved to have you there."

Qingque laughed unconsciously, "Fine."

"By the way, these few jade slips helped me bring Ruoyan, don't forget."

Zhou Shu took out a few jade slips and gave them to them. After they said goodbye, they set off immediately.

Watching them leave safely in the tree, Zhou Shu relaxed a little.

The city lord still looked at Zhou Shu with a lot of dignity, "Kunlun don’t care, what are you going to do with the Shenmu Ding? Although it has gained popularity as you wish, the evil spirits still cannot get around the big problem after all. , I can't help you much at this point."

Zhou Shu was a bit solemn, "With the Muyu of Master Dazhi, there will be no problems in the past ten years. There is still time. I currently have two plans. I will use whatever I can do when I see. If I didn't do it, I took the Shenmu Cauldron to the ruins and used the alien race to deal with it together, but I had to wait for me to improve my cultivation."

"This is feasible. The evil soul is transformed by power, and will come out by itself in the secret realm, but it will be difficult if it is trapped by other things."

The city lord nodded slightly, and suddenly said, "If it's a secret realm, you don't necessarily have to go to the ruins."

Zhou Shu paused, "Is there any secret realm more difficult than returning to the ruins?"

The city lord said slowly, "Well, the Secret Realm of Chaos, where the original appearance of the Xuanhuang Realm is retained, and some features of the Immortal Realm can also be glimpsed there. In hand, there is a silver lining. When you reach your realm, I will tell you how to enter."

Zhou Shu was very happy, "Okay, it's a choice."

The city lord nodded and said, "In the past ten years, you have to work harder, but... if you can't handle the evil soul well, don't worry too much. The big deal is when the Tongtian Pagoda is completed, the first one to send it up and let it go to heaven. At that time, the Xuanhuang Realm will not be harmed."

"I don't want Tongtian Tower to do this, it wastes too much resources, let alone."

Zhou Shu arched his hands and said, "City Lord, I will go to see the Tongtian Pagoda first, and I will also leave in a few days. I think Kunlun can hardly wait."

"Can't it be by Penglai? I still want to see how you fight..."

The city lord sighed slightly, then stared at Zhou Shu, "I'm not worried about you!"

"Ha ha."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and disappeared quickly.

The unfinished Tongtian Tower.

Hundreds of puppets are busy working, stacking pieces of jade charms in suitable places, and the Lin Zhu in front of the tower is manipulating the puppets while observing the internal movements of the Tongtian Pagoda~www.ltnovel.com~ Concentrated, even Zhou Shu is here. Did not notice it.

Zhou Shu didn't bother her either. While watching the tower, practicing the formations to integrate Shu's Tao, while refining and improving her cultivation.

I got a lot of primordial stones and collected enough spiritual things, but now it is time to refine them.

However, within three or five days, Zhou Shu's cultivation level has improved a lot, and the four-level realm that has been stagnated for a long time has been completed and can be overcome at any time.

This is exactly what he wants.


Lin Zhu awakened from the meditation, saw Zhou Shu at a glance, and rushed over immediately.

The emotions that could not be resolved last time were completely released at this moment, and the short time alone made her very satisfied.

"Senior, when the Tongtian Pagoda is at a critical time, you can't neglect it at all. From now on, the little girl will be more busy."

She looked at Zhou Shu, a little excited, and a little tired, her crimson face, the sweat had not faded, and she was shining with moist light.

Zhou Shu couldn't say too many words of gratitude, and only warmly said, "Jiu, it's really hard for you."

"Senior has worked harder, the little girl knows."

Lin Zhu leaned on him and whispered, "For this tower, seniors don’t know how many dangers and hardships they have to face outside, and they are in danger of life and death at any time, and the little girl has a small wood here to help her practice. It’s good to set up an array with peace of mind. The array is originally the favorite thing for little girls, and even understands the Tao because of this. If there is anything to be difficult, it’s better to come a few times."

Zhou Shu smiled unconsciously, "Hehe, that's what I want to be outside, to be able to grow continuously."

"Only seniors think so."

Lin Zhu chuckled as he listened to her ear canal, "Senior, the little girl hasn't told you how to arrange the teleportation formation, it is like this...")!!

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