Fairy Winner

Chapter 1631: Hold on, I'll go through a robbery first

Chapter 1631

Leaving Penglai Island, Zhou Shu headed east.

He didn't hide anything, so he walked out hundreds of thousands of miles and was surrounded by several people.

Zhou Shu felt it a little, and shook his head unconsciously, "For me, you Kunlun has also moved the crowd."

More than expected, there were four Kunlun monks, three elders of the eighth rank, and one of the seventh rank.

The presence of these four monks at the same time may be the top power in the Xuanhuang world, and only Kunlun can do it here.

"If Sect Master Zhou is worried about Kunlun, he will stay on Penglai Island and leave Xihezhou with Penglai Island."

Zheng Daoxuan arched his hand, but the killing intent in his eyes did not hide, "Since the sovereign is such a calm island, I don't care how many people we have, so why should we disappoint you?"

"Elder Zheng, his words are like a knife."

Zhou Shu arched his hands and turned to one side, "This senior is so graceful and admirable, should it be Elder Lin Qingjue?"

This monk wore elegant green clothes. He looked very light last year. His skin was shiny and flowing. His eyes showed a special color of glaze. His appearance was picturesque and his style was outstanding. His long white hair was scattered behind him, without a crown. , Even more unruly and unspeakable.

He glanced at Zhou Shu, slightly disdainful, did not return courtesy or speak.

"Sure enough, it is pure and beautiful."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, not caring, turned to the other side and said, "Senior is the elder Thai wolf, right?"

The monk was born quite rough, dark as charcoal, standing in the clouds, very conspicuous, short, but five feet, his bare chest showed a fierce crimson wolf head pattern.

He bowed his hands back, sounding like thunder, "Sect Master Zhou is very knowledgeable, and the old man is a Thai wolf. I am a little curious when it comes to speaking. Where are you from? Even if you have the spirit of immortality, you won’t be so. Be bold."

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Zhou Shu smiled, turned around and said, "Elder Nan Ye, we have seen it."

Nan Ye shook the long sword in his hand and said coldly, "Don't talk nonsense, don't hand over the spirit of the fairy, just pay for your life."

"Speaking of which I am looking for you too."

Zhou Shu’s voice became much colder, “As a senior elder, you have poisoned our Heyin school disciple Zhuge Fuyan, which has caused him to be unstable and lose consciousness at any time, unable to cultivate normally, for fear that his future will be lost. You ruined and ruined my son, what should you be guilty of?"

Nan Ye said in a deep voice, "Huh, who made him..."

"Elder Nan, don't talk too much."

Zheng Daoxuan waved his hand and turned to Zhou Shudao, "Sect Master Zhou, you must be very clear about our intention. This is not Dongshengzhou, but Xihezhou. Since you are here, don't think about leaving easily, or use the method of refining qi. Tell us, or just disappear on the Xuanhuang Realm."

"The people in the hundreds of thousands of miles around have been driven away by you. No wonder, as the elders of Kunlun, he would say such shameless remarks in such a grand manner. It's really unscrupulous, but it happens that I also have this intention. "

Zhou Shu smiled, "But I would like to ask you all to wait a moment, I'll take the trouble first."

"Passing the robbery?"

How could there be someone who crossed the robbery at this time, and several people were startled, Nan Ye immediately shouted, "What nonsense, do you say that you will cross the robbery? How easy is it!"

"Do I have to fight when I cross the catastrophe?"

Zhou Shu unconsciously shook his head and smiled, "That's not impossible, come on."

Before the words fell, the sky was already covered with layers of dark clouds.

They are all dark purple tribulation clouds, and they gather very quickly, but within a few dozen breaths, they completely cover the sky. The tribulation wind and tribulation fire also follow, and the places within tens of thousands of miles are completely covered by wind and fire. .

Electric light, fire light, raining down.

Zheng Daoxuan's expression changed slightly, "Zhou Shu, do you still have this hand?"

Lin Qingjue seemed to feel something and calmly said, "It is a good idea to complete the cultivation base in advance, and to trigger the catastrophe when you encounter a strong opponent. In most cases, you can easily get out of trouble, but unfortunately, you The Five Heavens Tribulation is of no use to me, it will only make you die faster."

"Yes, plus us, the catastrophe does not come singly, Zhou Shu, you have nowhere to go."

Tai Lang also couldn't help shaking his head, hissed, "You think we will avoid the catastrophe, that is ridiculous, I have waited for the eighth rank, what kind of catastrophe has not been seen? Naturally I will not be afraid after experiencing it, but you are smart Being mistaken by cleverness really deserves to die."

The three of them didn't seem to care, but Nan Ye shivered, pointing to the sky and said, "His catastrophe seems to be different."

"It's not the same, it's about to approach the power of Tier 8 Heavenly Tribulation."

Zheng Daoxuan raised his head and glanced, and he knew it. He was a little surprised and said quite calmly, "Elder Nan, you haven't experienced such a catastrophe, don't get hurt by mistake, and leave quickly."

"it is good."

After receiving the pardon, Nan Ye flew out immediately, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong early.

"Since I'm here, why go?"

Zhou Shu sneered, his figure fluttered, and he followed him tightly, but after a few breaths he caught up.

As soon as the sea stepping sword moved, the vast sword intent carried the wind and the fire, casting a golden stream of clouds all the way, and rolling towards the south night.

Love knows that I can’t escape ~www.ltnovel.com~ Nan Ye can only turn around, and the long sword in his hand surges out, turning out thousands of vortexes, trying to resist Zhou Shu’s sword intent, but the vortex is just taking shape The tide of sword intent swallowed.

No matter what he tried to display his sword intent, he couldn't resist it either.

He became more frightened as he fought, thinking that he was already the Seventh Stage of Crossing Tribulation Realm, and was not the enemy of Zhou Shu Yihe. How could it be possible?

"Don't you care about your own calamity? You are the one who wants to overcome the calamity, how can you still have the strength to chase me? Are you not afraid of death!"

At this time, Nan Ye was confused, fearful, and surprised, and couldn't help shouting loudly.

"You are not afraid, what am I afraid of?"

Zhou Shu looked calmly, and the sea-stepping sword in his hand flew out suddenly, and he continued to chase Nan Ye, but a lot of golden light appeared on his body, and he suddenly turned around and greeted him on the other side.

During these few breaths, Lin Qingjue and Tai Lang also chased them.

Both of them carried a flickering flame. It was a robbery fire. Although it extinguished when they touched their body, it can be seen that the two also spent a lot of energy to deal with it.

Zhou Shu’s calamity has always been several times higher than that of other monks. Although it is fivefold, it can be compared with the eighth-order calamity of ordinary monks. Even the Kunlun elder who has experienced eight calamities, don’t want to easily block it. Open, and Zheng Daoxuan is worse than the two, and the speed is much slower.

Of course, Zhou Shu is not affected by it.

The demon refining pot offsets some of it, and the rest will not interfere even if it falls on the body.

These tribulations and fires are equivalent to the domain used by Zhou Shu, which can consume opponents extremely well.

At this time, he was crossing the catastrophe. Of course, he didn't want to use the catastrophe to escape, but to show his own strength to a greater extent and let Kunlun retreat. ) Download the free reader!!

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