Fairy Winner

Chapter 1632: Defensive counterattack

Two vigorous forces, which seemed to exist and did not exist, came one after another.

Lin Qingjue held a green flute across his hand. The music sounded like silk, intangible and qualitative, soft and tough. Although it was not fast, it moved forward like quicksand, crushing and engulfing obstacles one by one.

What he practices is Le Dao.

In the Xuanhuang world, Le Dao is a very common Dao. There are many people with good voices in the world, but they are rare in the world of cultivating immortals. Because Le Dao is very special. When there is no enlightenment, the practitioners are not even a little bit. The power of Tao cannot be used, just like a mortal, but it is difficult to comprehend the Tao of music. There are many changes in music theory, and there are thousands of musical instruments. It is difficult to learn and master, and it is impossible to achieve without super talent.

However, once the enlightenment is successful, the music power acquired by Le Xiu is extremely powerful, invisible and invisible, and even silent. Often the opponent has not felt it and is hit by the move. If the power of music penetrates into the body, it will follow its music. At the mercy, unable to control the body and mind, it can be said that life is better than death.

The Thai wolf on the other side does not recognize the human form.

The whole body was wrapped in a jet of black blood and blood, and his body grew several times larger. In the high-speed movement, it seemed to turn into a fierce wolf, roaring, roaring, showing sharp claws and red eyes.

Tailang practices fierce way.

This kind of Tao from the ancient beasts can bring its own violence and fierceness to the extreme. This kind of Tao was once popular-among the barbarians and witches, and in the world of cultivation, there are only a few talented monks. To practice.

The Thai wolf has the form of a fierce wolf, which shows that it has realized the way and has begun to do its best.

Both of them have planted the corresponding Dao since they were young, and their own talents also coincided and complemented each other. Only then will they practice smoothly to this point and become the highest elder of Kunlun.

They are not good opponents.

Zhou Shu was not in a hurry to do it, the Dao Pagoda on his body was already formed, and at the same time he released Shu's power and divine consciousness, and quietly mixed into the two Dao powers, carefully perceiving them, and looking for the weaknesses.

Seeing the Dao Pagoda on Zhou Shu, Lin Qingjue was slightly stagnated, but Tai Lang didn't respond at all, still rushing forward.


Thai wolf hit the road tower directly!

Before Zhou Shu had time to escape, the Dao Pagoda immediately sank. Zhou Shu and the rushing Thai wolf faced each other, no more than an inch apart. The red eyes and the ferocious and cruel aura rushed toward his face, and he could barely breathe. .

His mouth opened, his teeth were cold, and he bit straight towards Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu retreated backward.

The Thai wolf was chasing after himself, like a shadow. At the same time, the sound of music also came around, quietly approaching the tower from below.

Layer by layer, silk flocks are wrapped around the Dao Pagoda, the power of music is like wind and water, and it penetrates the Dao Pagoda bit by bit, trying to break Zhou Shu's defense.

Zheng Daoxuan, who arrived afterwards, was still a bit short, but he did not rush to catch up, whispering in a low voice, "This kid's way is very strange!"


While playing the flute, Lin Qingjue responded with a calm expression, "It is different from all Taoism I have seen, and the text on that tower is the first time I have seen it. Although there are many Taoism species stored on Taoshan, they are all Nothing similar."

"This is strange."

Zheng Daoxuan's expression was slightly stagnant, "Could it be the Tao in the immortal world he obtained from the spirit of the immortal?"

Lin Qingjue nodded lightly, "It is very possible that this way is extraordinary. I can quickly find the false and true of my tactics, avoiding the true and making up for the false, and I can quickly make up for the slightest flaw. I can hardly believe that this is a cultivator. What he can do for two hundred years should be the characteristics of Tao itself."

Zheng Daoxuan let out a low roar, and immediately quickened his pace, "The spirit of the fairy must be obtained!"

Within dozens of breaths, Zhou Shu had already flown nearly a thousand miles with the Thai wolf.

The strength of the Thai wolf has not weakened at all, but the ferocious aura has become stronger and stronger, completely enclosing the space within hundreds of miles, and it is dark all around, only the sparks from the fire can be seen.

Lin Qingjue also followed closely, and the blue flute in his hand gradually turned into a blue, exerting a stronger force of music.

Zheng Daoxuan also chased him closer. The sleeve of his right arm had been rolled up, revealing a transparent arm that looked like a crystal. He spotted Zhou Shu's direction and shot out seven punches in succession.

The fist was full of shadows, and it turned into a solid giant fist in flight, carrying the wind and the fire, and rushed towards Zhou Shu.

What he cultivates is boxing. He who has never trained his body before, practicing boxing with the body of Qi is very rare in the whole world of cultivating immortals, but he did it. Although his boxing strength is not known for its strength, but Both softness, all-round destruction, no less than any physical training.

The three of them used all their strength to strike Zhou Shu into serious injuries, and there was nowhere to escape.

Against the backdrop of a few vigorous waves, the tower swayed constantly, like a candle in the wind, which could be extinguished at any time.

Brother Kunlun also waited for this moment to come.

But after hundreds of breaths, the three of them chased them for thousands of miles, the candlelight had not gone out, and they stood upright all the time.

Although Thai Wolf beat the Taoist Tower to as thin as a cicada's wings countless times, and faced Zhou Shu countless times, it was unable to break through the last layer. Lin Qingjue’s music power had already entangled the Taoist Tower, but he looked for it. There was less than one entrance.

Zheng Daoxuan's giant fist could beat Zhou Shu for dozens of miles with each blow, but after it fell, it remained the same.

The three looked at each other, their eyes gradually becoming anxious.

How could there be such a thing, the power of three eight-fold cultivators who crossed the Tribulation Realm could not break a four-fold cultivator's Taoist Tower?

But besides being anxious, he also had more determination to win.

Is this kind of Dao and this kind of power Zhou Shu equipped with? The spirit of the fairy ~www.ltnovel.com~ must belong to Kunlun!

In the Dao Pagoda, Zhou Shu closed his eyes slightly, his expression rather indifferent.

If in the past, he might have only escaped, but now it is different. Over the years, he has grown a lot, especially in recent years, he broke the shackles of Shu Zhidao, making Shu Zhidao progress by leaps and bounds, and making him more relaxed Facing these offensives.

But it is not appropriate to attack, he is still good at defensive counterattack.

With these three powers, he has enough coping experience, coupled with reliable perception, will not be overwhelmed.

Just procrastinate.

Find the flaws and resolve them. When the tower may be breached, simulating the power of the sun to dissolve the opponent's power is not small, but it is fairly stable.

At the same time, quietly, his Shu Zhili has penetrated into the opponent's Dao power, and his wisps of perception are conducting a comprehensive analysis in the sea of ​​knowledge, quickly deducing, and simulating. When he almost understands it, it is a counterattack. when.

But the Kunlun monk was besieging him with all his strength, and there was no way to detect it.

Nan Ye over there is a little weaker. In the midst of the catastrophe, Caiying is chased very embarrassed. She wants to escape but can’t get out. Whenever she wants to fly outside, she will be blocked by Caiying. Look back.

"Hehe, do you want to leave, this palace doesn't allow it!"

"Damn it!"

Nan Ye looked at this side anxiously, with a lot of resentment in his heart. He knew that after a hundred breaths at most, the catastrophe would fall.

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