Fairy Winner

Chapter 1633: Big cutting punch

"Elder Nan's side..."

Zheng Daoxuan was slightly condensed, "I still have to save it, otherwise it will be difficult for him to wait for the disaster to come down..lā"

Lin Qingjue was quite disdainful, "Go, it's more convenient for you, there is me here, heh, the elder trapped by a sword."

"The sword spirit has all enlightened, not to mention the Azure Nightmare Sword, even if you change you and me, it may not be able to stop it."

Zheng Daoxuan shook his head, his face was already a little dignified, his figure turned, and he swept towards Nan Ye.

Lin Qingjue pressed the flute with his left hand, and a three-foot bronze drum slid out of his right sleeve, and banged.

The sound of drums bursts with excitement and silence, and the music is condensed into shape, like autumn wind sweeping leaves, swaying away like ripples.

Long spoon drum music is one of the most famous war drum music in the world of cultivating immortals. Together, the drum sounds are like returning to the long spoon battlefield of the barren ancient era. In that battle, human cultivators and ancient witches fought together for ten days and ten nights. The sky is dark and there are countless casualties, and finally ended with the victory of mankind. This is an important battle worth remembering in human history.

Whenever the drum music is played, it has a great urging effect on one's own side, violent without losing the mind, and the strength rises suddenly.

The Thai wolf in the music has doubled his stature, and the intensity of his attack has also increased a lot.


Accompanied by a long hiss, the Thai wolf leaped high, his claws drooped, and tore away the condescending Dao Pagoda.

Wei Neng is twice as powerful as before.

Zhou Shu frowned, but only frowned.

The wolf claws gathered by the fierce way still stagnated on Zhou Shu's head, not a few minutes away from the hair, but they could not fall anymore.

Tai Lang could also perceive the power of his fierce Dao, and when he was about to tear the Dao Pagoda, he suddenly disappeared. He was completely gone and disappeared.

He had never encountered such a thing before, but in the hundreds of breaths he fought against Zhou Shu, he had encountered it many times.

As fierce as him, there is inevitably a tremor in his heart. This seems to not belong to the power of the Xuanhuang world.

"Still not working..."

Lin Qingjue was naturally aware of it. He looked indifferent, but there was a lot of anger in his heart, "This must belong to the power of the immortal world, only the power of the immortal world can be so wonderful, we must, must get it! For Kunlun!"


In the distance, there was a scream.

Zheng Daoxuan was still a step short of rescue, and the Qingyan sword drew across Nan Ye's body, drawing an extremely deep wound.

The wound was covered with colorful clouds, which was very special, but what was special was not the color, but the damage it caused. Nan Ye soon discovered that with his body of tribulation, he could not quickly recover the wound, and the flowing clouds were still infiltrating. , And gradually penetrate into the body.

"help me!"

This was the first time he had tasted this kind of taste, and there was unspeakable fear in his heart, and he couldn't help exclaiming.

The golden light flashed, two giant fists rushed one after another, the fist wind shook, and the Azure Nightmare Sword shook aside dozens of feet.

"Get out!"

Zheng Daoxuan's face was solemn, and his fists struck out continuously at the extreme speed. He shot nearly 10,000 times in a flash, and finally hit an inexplicable hole in front of him.

The hollow is no more than seven feet, and the inside is dark, I don't know what is there, it seems to be a gateway to the unknown.

Nan Ye was overjoyed and rushed towards the portal, and was inhaled by the portal in an instant. He disappeared immediately and escaped from the battle.

As Nan Ye disappeared, the void also disappeared.

Qingyanjian retreated a little, quite puzzled.

Zhou Shu also secretly nodded. Obviously, the portal used the law of space, it should be Kunlun's Secret Technique of Boxing. The extremely difficult big cutting fist can temporarily cut a channel to transport the monk thousands of miles away. It's not far, and the duration is not long, but being able to do this step shows that Zheng Daoxuan's boxing skills are rare in the Xuanhuang world.

Zheng Daoxuan glanced at the Blue Nightmare Sword, slightly disdainful, and struck out his fists again, still a big cutting fist.

In an instant, the black hole formed, Caiying was shocked, and quickly swept away, heading back to Zhou Shu.


Only Zheng Daoxuan let out a cold snort, and several solid fists flew out one after another, into the black hole.

Pop, pop!

With a few repeated sounds, the fist suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Shu, and fell on Zhou Shu's chest fiercely.

You can hurt people with your fists even thousands of miles away.

"Elder Zheng, really extraordinary."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded from a distance. Only he was prepared for a long time. Although all of those fists had hit, they were all resolved, and his body retreated slightly.

Using the established boxing techniques and mastering some spatial laws, it can naturally take a lot of advantage in the battle, but Zhou Shu can also see that Zheng Daoxuan's use is not satisfactory. It requires a certain amount of preparation time and cannot accurately hit all the time. Moving objects can only attack a fixed position, otherwise these few hits will be aimed at the Blue Nightmare Sword - a monk like Zheng Daoxuan naturally knows the order, and it is more advantageous to defeat the Blue Nightmare sword first.

This is probably the shortcoming of the big cutting boxing, but it can also show that Zheng Daoxuan's boxing is practiced according to the rules, and there is not much self-related stuff in it. That enlightenment is also practice makes perfect, and there is no groundbreaking insight. This is also true. It is the shortcoming of Kunlun Seed Tao.

If Zhou Shu came to use such a boxing technique, he would definitely be able to change it according to the way of fist, making the boxing technique more suitable, which means to fight.

"Soon, you won't be able to laugh!"

Zheng Daoxuan gave a cold cry~www.ltnovel.com~ With both fists moved again, he soon returned to Zhou Shu's side, and formed an encirclement.

And Zhou Shu also took advantage of the characteristics of Treading the Sea to take the Blue Nightmare Sword back, but now he has no plans to use it.


In the sky, Jie Lei finally gathered and formed.

A purple dragon with a thickness of several hundred meters rushed down with its teeth and claws. Although the target was Zhou Shu, it swept all the three people nearby, and none of them escaped.

Getting too close will affect the tribulations of the heavens, and you will have to endure the wrath of the heavens and suffer the same amount of tribulation.

The expressions of the three of them were slightly stagnant, and there was no time to move their hands to Zhou Shu, their bodies shook slightly, and their respective Taoist towers appeared on their bodies.

For the cultivator who understands the Tao, using Tao Pagoda is one of the best choices to resist the catastrophe, and it is more reliable than magic weapons.

The towers of the three are different.

Lin Qingjue's Taoist Pagoda is light blue, rectangular, with slightly rounded ends, like a yaoqin, while the strings are composed of strange characters.

The Thai wolf's, unsurprisingly, was the Howling Siren who kept his head up to the sky, his mouth wide open and he couldn't help screaming, and his hair was standing up, fierce and brutal, and his momentum seemed to swallow all the catastrophe.

In contrast, Zheng Daoxuan's Taoist Pagoda is more normal, with a three-story tower, but the hexagonal eaves are clenched small fists, which is a bit strange.

Under the catastrophe, the four of them bear the calamity together.

The three of Kunlun's faces were solemn and dedicated, and they also knew that this calamity was equivalent to the seven heavenly calamities, and they must not be underestimated.

Zhou Shu was much more calm. He didn't even look at Heavenly Tribulation. Instead, he was studying the lines on the Three-person Taoist Pagoda, and he remembered them all in the Sea of ​​Knowledge.

This is the aggregation of all kinds of Dao, and it will definitely be used in the future, after we have a better understanding of Shu Zhi Dao. ) Download the free reader!!

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