Fairy Winner

Chapter 1634: ?? Shape


The robbery fell mercilessly and completely Щщш..lā

In a flash, the three people's Taoist tower shrank, avoiding its sharp edges. They were all monks who had survived many calamities, and naturally understood how to better deal with the calamity.

However, Zhou Shu was different. His Taoist Tower was actually a little bigger. Upon closer inspection, there was still a thin layer of white smoke hanging on the Taoist Tower. The white smoke scattered and gathered, as if it was devouring something.

That's the strength refining art of refining the demon pot, which is refining the power of the origin in the tribulation.

With the gradual recovery of the Demon Refining Pot, it has become stronger and can refine more power, and relying on Zhou Shu’s Tao Pagoda, it does not need to resist the catastrophe, it can take the opportunity to absorb the power of the original source and strengthen its own. For the Demon Refining Realm, this is a rare opportunity, not to mention that it can be **** off by Heaven.

Of course, Zhou Shu tacitly agreed.

While the four men resisted the catastrophe, both Tai Lang and Zheng Daoxuan's offensive stopped temporarily. Only Lin Qingjue did not, the flute was still there, and the drums were still constant, but the speed was a little slower. You can see his strength. , Is higher than the other two elders.

But it was in line with Zhou Shu's intention, which made him observe more carefully.

There was a ray of light in his eyes.

With a better understanding of Lin Qingjue's power of music, he can begin to plan countermeasures.

The robbery lasted for a full ten breaths.

When the thunder was gone, the sky and the earth were still pitch black, and the purple electricity began to gather slowly again, brewing the next thunderstorm, and the density of the thunderstorm and fire seemed to be a little bit more, the wind assisted the fire, and the fire kept falling, if It was just light rain before, but now it is almost light rain.

As soon as Jie Lei stopped, Brother Kunlun launched an offensive again.

The sound of the flute was still entwined, and Zhou Shu was not allowed to play. The drums still helped the momentum and increased the strength of the others, but the moves of the other two had changed a lot.

Zheng Daoxuan's expression was solemn, and his left and right fists were struck separately, forming two different shapes of fists, one black and white, one fast and one slow, one moving and one static, one rigid and the other soft, respectively hitting the upper and lower parts of the tower. , Both of these strengths are the power of boxing, but they gave Zhou Shu completely different feelings. Zhou Shu also needed to use different methods to resolve them, which felt a lot of effort.

But the problem did not lie in the individual boxing lights. Zhou Shu quickly discovered that there was still a wonderful connection between the two boxing lights.

This connection is unspeakable. It makes the fists sometimes attract each other, sometimes repel each other, and sometimes reach a wonderful balance. Between them, they are unpredictable. It is Zhou Shu's Shuzhi power. It is difficult to completely guard against it. He broke through the Dao Pagoda, and he used the power of the sun to melt a lot more times.

Originally the consumption was small, but now it is much larger, and the pressure on Zhou Shu has naturally increased.

Zhou Shu knows the reason, but for the time being he can’t think of a suitable way to deal with it. These left and right pairs of fists are Taijiquan in Kunlun. They are both rigid and soft. They contain the mystery of the law of yin and yang. It is difficult for people with laws to make effective responses.

It is worthy of Kunlun, the earliest immortal cultivation sect. Its advanced methods are all settled after countless revisions and verifications by the ancestors. There are various laws in the Tao. The later generations only need to practice to a certain stage, even if it is not feasible. Laws can also benefit from it, but most other sects have difficulty in achieving this.

On the side of Tai Lang, his body did not continue to grow, nor did he rush to attack Zhou Shu, but stopped.

He squatted on the spot, screaming, stomping his feet vigorously, and only for a while, a dark blue little wolf appeared on his head.

The little wolf is no more than two feet long, but the power it brings is more fierce than the three-foot-long Thai wolf, and the fierce aura is more solid. Upon closer inspection, the little wolf clearly has a human face. The claws are as sharp as a tiger, the fangs stick out like wild hogs, and the tail is extremely long. I am afraid that it will not be more than two feet long, full of barbeds, and cold and glowing.

This is clearly the beast 梼杌.

A cultivator with a fierce way and enlightenment will naturally transform the power of the fierce way into the shape of a 杌 when concentrated and erupt, thus possessing a part of the ability of the ancient fierce beast.

Tai Langxian has done a lot of hard work in the fierce way. The shape of this 梼杌 is not much different from the real one, but the color is much different.

The shape of 梼杌 rushed over.

Compared with the previous Thai wolf, this little wolf's power has suddenly increased by a large amount. Every time it hits the Taoist tower, it retreats dozens of steps. The entire surface, a large area of ​​depression, is unable to recover for a while.

And the tail behind that rushed in, and suddenly a lot of needles sprang out, taking the opportunity to stab the sunken Taoist tower.

The spikes were fast and powerful enough to penetrate the Tao Tower and stab Zhou Shu directly.

A thorn is a fierce gas, like ice, like a raging fire, and even more like a blade piercing the sea of ​​consciousness. If it is an ordinary cultivator who crosses the Tribulation Realm, it will not be able to bear it.

In the ten breaths of this tribulation, the Kunlun monk apparently went through exchanges and began to attack at all costs. He really used the strongest moves, and the cooperation was more tacit. Waves after waves did not give Zhou Shu a breath. Opportunity.

However, Zhou Shu has to take care of the three parties. No matter how full of Shu's power and thorough observation of his spiritual consciousness, he has never reached Consummation. It is inevitable that he can't connect. After a lot of time, I couldn't help backing up.

But it only seems so.

The two men's offensive, seemingly brave, actually had many weaknesses.

Although Zheng Daoxuan’s Taijiquan contains the law of yin and yang, which is extremely difficult to defend, he himself has not penetrated the law. He only knows that the punches are mechanized, left and right punches, one after another, without stopping, and the strength is basically the same, but I don’t know that Tai Chi pays attention to roundness and smoothness. It needs to be fast and slow, and power should be retracted and released from time to time. It can’t be constrained. His fists could have caused a greater threat to Zhou Shu, and sometimes even caused a lot of trauma, but It is a pity that the opportunities brought by the Yin and Yang laws were wasted time and time again by his compliance with the rules.

Not knowing the law of yin and yang, or knowing how to work it out, using such a profound fist technique by relying on fist alone does more harm than good.

Zhou Shu was still a little worried at first, but as Zheng Daoxuan kept punching, he was relieved a lot and could save his energy to deal with other people.

Tai Lang, his fierce way went straight forward, with power to suppress others, and Lin Qingjue's drum support, which may be the most threatening to Zhou Shu.

But it is a pity that there are also flaws in his shape.

Although the shape is similar, the color is quite different. The color of 梼杌 is snow white, while his color is dark blue.

This color difference caused him to have a deviation in his understanding of the fierce Dao, and the effect was naturally compromised. There was an outward fierceness and an internal force. Although the fierce Dao’s power reached his body, Zhou Shu didn’t even use Shu Zhili. It can be resolved with physique, but it is not as good as deterrence outside. At that time, Zhou Shu was suppressed, and there was a trace of instability in the soul.

Fierce Dao, the important thing is the overwhelming fierce aura that makes people look timid, frightened by the fierce face, and defeated without a fight, rather than substantial harm. )!!

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