Fairy Winner

Chapter 1636: Ask heaven

The strings move slightly, and the rhythm flows out like water.

Like the stream in the deep mountains, it is sometimes soothing, sometimes turbulent, sincere in the quiet and far, and unrestrained in purity.

Lin Qingjue knew that Zhou Shu could not hear or perceive it, but the sound of the piano was not for Zhou Shu.

The piano sound flowed by, and the Dao Pagoda beside Zhou Shu began to soften and melt away, and gradually became thinner as the piano sound was lost.

It’s not just Shu Zhili on the Dao Pagoda. If you look closely, you’ll find that similar changes occur in all the places where the sound of the piano flows. The power of the five elements in the air, the natural spiritual power, was before Zheng Daoxuan. The Dao power remaining with the Thai wolf lost its way in the sound of the piano, and flowed involuntarily with the sound of the piano.

Twisted, tangled, gathered, and scattered again, like masses of obedient dough, let the piano sound knead and control.

The mountains and flowing water are originally a piece of music used to attract and control various external forces. It uses music to communicate with other dao, so as to use the power of music to guide various other forces, so that they no longer obey the call of the master, and follow the rhyme. Sound for.

If there is enough divine consciousness or divine consciousness in those powers, there is still some possibility of resisting, but now Zhou Shu put away divine consciousness, he has no resistance.

Alcoholic is the first step, forcing the opponent to temporarily give up his spiritual consciousness, while the mountains and flowing water are the second step, weakening the opponent's defense.

All of this is difficult to detect and change without an opponent without the consciousness.

"His tower will be gone soon."

"Yes, Elder Lin's piano sound is too difficult to guard against, and his music is unparalleled in the world."

"It's not all the merits of Le Dao. Elder Lin's Le Dao is far from being able to connect with other avenues. The key is his piano. The Qiqing Qin is the magic weapon left by Yu Lingya. Yu Lingya is called the Qin Sheng. The love piano is also a magic weapon of heaven, and its magical functions are endless. The sound and rhyme that pops up have to be listened to even the power of the Dao... Now the power that Elder Lin can exert is far from all."

"Fuck him! Now the opportunity is here, should we go?"

"Go up? You will not be skewed by the vocal of the piano. Elder Lin and Qiqingqin's piano tone is his strongest domain. No one can control the power perfectly. Wait, Elder Lin has a way. Now, there is still a catastrophe."

"Yes, when the next time the tribulation falls, Zhou Shu will..."

"It's not for him to die if he won't be there."

The two people away from Lin Qingjue talked in a low voice with a slight smile.

Zhou Shu, who was sitting upright in the Tao Tower, looked calm.

The chaotic state of various powers around, and the changes in his own Taoist tower, he could see clearly by using the eighth sense. Even Zheng Daoxuan and Thai wolf’s voice transmission dialogue were heard by him. This was an unexpected discovery. When many perceptions are abandoned and only the eighth sense is left, the eighth sense is also particularly clear.

The eighth sense Zhou Shu is not often used, because it consumes a lot of money, and if it is not properly controlled, it is easy to fall into a state of "dreaming".

——In Zhou Shu's own words, when using the eighth sense, you will feel that you are in another world, an absolutely real world, and the surrounding world looks very unreal, completely different from the current perception , Because the image of the surrounding world is established based on one's seven perceptions, and without these seven perceptions, the world established by perception will naturally be lost.

In this state, carelessness will lead to a dangerous situation.

Therefore, most of the time in the Xuanhuang realm, one has to rely on the seven senses, and the eighth sense can only be used in rare circumstances, and it is best to assist the other seven senses.

"Is that true..."

Zhou Shu's expression was calm, and he also sensed that the reason the surrounding forces fell into chaos was because the Tao that breeds them was affected by Le Tao.

Although the Dao is fundamentally interlinked, many Dao seem to be opposite. Only after the cultivator has cultivated to the extreme and mastered Dao completely, can he realize the beauty of the connection with other Dao, and at this step, the cultivator often It’s not far from the true immortal, but it’s not all the same. Its own characteristics make it a good link to various Dao, even when it is not fully controlled, it can communicate and influence other Dao. The cultivator is in the Mahayana realm. It is expected to be done, but with the magic weapon of heaven, this requirement is further reduced, and even Lin Qingjue can do it.

It's just that Lin Qingjue is obviously not doing well enough, and he still needs other Dao powers without the control of divine consciousness and consciousness to fully influence and control them.

Knowing this truth, Zhou Shu couldn't help but relax a lot.

You should be able to resist if you release your spiritual consciousness.

He didn't move, only quietly let out his divine sense, entwining it around the tower, so that Shu Zhili was not affected by the sound of the piano.

It seems that Shu Zhili and Shen Sense are fighting against Qin Yin, but it is actually a collision between Le Dao and Shu Zhi Dao, and Zhou Shu’s Shen Sense acts as a fetter to prevent any involvement between the two.

This process is a bit mysterious, it is hard to say, but for Zhou Shu, it is undoubtedly a fresh and useful experience.

High mountains and flowing water, the sound of the piano is unpredictable, but there are times when it stops.

At this time, Zhou Shu’s Dao Pagoda became much thinner, but it stood stubbornly and was not taken away by the sound of the piano, while other forces piled together to form a great vortex of strength~www.ltnovel.com ~ Staying beside Lin Qingjue.

It is very clear in the eighth sense.

Lin Qingjue stared at Zhou Shu and shook his head. There was no contempt at all, "Your Excellency, now listening to a song."


The robbery fell suddenly.

The purple electricity, which was ten miles thick, turned into a giant dragon and rushed towards the two of them.

Lin Qingjue grabbed the qin and stood up, greeted Jie Lei with his head up, shouting proudly, "In the early days of ancient times, who preached the preaching? Up and down, why did you test it? Who can be the best? Feng Yiweixiang, How to know it?..."

When drinking, the fingertips kept sliding, and the sound of the piano changed again.

Desperate and passionate, plain but suddenly generous, with a slightly exaggerated tone, wherever the love comes, it comes at your fingertips.

The vast thunder of Heavenly Tribulation, before it reached the top of his head, was sucked in by the surrounding vortex, and then spread, forming a large sea of ​​thunder.

Lin Qingjue, with a disheveled hair, was standing in the thunder sea, ignoring the catastrophe, flicking the strings wildly, and constantly absorbing the thunder light into the whirlpool.

On the other side, Zhou Shu was still sitting like a statue.

Jie Lei fell on the Dao Pagoda and separated naturally without causing him any harm.

His Shu Zhili seemed to have taken another step in a short period of time. There was no conflict between Dao and Dao, so it was almost impossible for him to destroy Dao Pagoda by a mere robbery. Zhou Shu was not afraid.

Many of the scattered thunders also flew towards Zheng Daoxuan and Tai Lang.

The two erected a Taoist tower to resist, but their minds were not on the catastrophe, they were concerned about the battle between Lin Qingjue and Zhou Shu.

"Wen God..."

"Elder Lin's question, this is the first time I have heard it."

"Will God what is after?"

"It should be King Qin's Po Zhen Qu, as it says on the Seven Love Score." Free reader!!

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