Fairy Winner

Chapter 1637: Ending

"...Why don't you try to give yourself, loyalty name Akira?"

With the disappearance of Jie Lei, Yiqu Tianwen reached its final chapter.

The whole world fell silent immediately.

The sky after more than a dozen thunderstorms should have been turbid, but now it was as clear as it could be, with a clear view, except for the robbery clouds still gathering overhead, it was a blue sky with a clear sky.

And a small and dark vortex appeared under the sky, like a deep eye, opening and closing.

Beside his eyes, Lin Qingjue was standing with a sad expression on his face, staring at Zhou Shu, his eyes getting colder, "Your Excellency, would you like to listen to the last song?"

Zhou Shu stood up, arched his hands, "I wish to hear."

Lin Qingjue pulled hard, the strings tremble, and the sound was like cracking silk, rushing into the sky.

The string was so tight that it seemed to break at any time, and the sound of the piano suddenly dropped like a torrent of rain.

The deep eyes opened completely in the sound of the piano.

A scarlet horse rushed out.

The horse is like a coal, majestic and difficult to horse, without a trace of variegation, it looks like a horse, but it is a dragon, roaring and roaring, flying through the sky like a dragon for nine days.

After the steed, a bronze behemoth followed.

The body is more than ten feet long, tall and mighty, lion head, elephant legs, tiger claws, wolf mouth, sheep horns, ribs and wings, the body is holding fire, static is to ward off evil spirits, and the mountains are shaken when they move. The sky seemed to tremble.

Soon, all kinds of beasts rushed out, afraid that there would not be thousands.

After the many beasts, there are teams of warriors.

The sophisticated weapons, the neatness of the team, and the strict discipline are not under any strong army, and the number is even greater, occupying most of the sky.

On the opposite side, only Zhou Shu was alone.

He naturally observed that these beasts and their armies were transformed into extremely solid powers, with the power of joy, but also other powers, elemental power, star power, and even Shu Zhili that was taken away before. They are lifelike, different, and it is difficult to distinguish them all at a glance, but Zhou Shu can be sure that each form has different abilities, and one can be taken out of them at will. They are not weaker than the Nascent Soul Realm or even the Transcendent Realm. strength.

Such a method of transformation is somewhat incredible.


Without waiting for Zhou Shu to take a few more glances, the Ten Thousand Army of Beasts had already rushed towards Zhou Shu.

The harsh and solemn air instantly filled the sky.

Driven by the piano sound, they are neat and orderly, fast and slow, sometimes changing positions, but the goal is always the same, the distance of hundreds of miles, just a few blinks, and soon arrived in front of Zhou Shu, as unstoppable The torrent immediately flooded Zhou Shu.

Hundreds of miles of space has become a battlefield.

Zheng Daoxuan and Tai Lang in this distance couldn't even perceive whether Zhou Shu still existed.

"King Qin broke the formation and destroyed everything. This song has gathered all the strength of Elder Lin."

"It is said that the Qin Sage of the year, with such a song, King Qin broke the formation and destroyed a sect who wanted to seize the Qiqing Qin. There were more than 3,000 people in the sect, from Dujie to Jindan, none of them could Survive and shock the world."

"Sage Qin only relies on his own way, and Elder Lin has also incorporated other powers, and even robbery, is it higher?"

"It's hard to say that Sage Qin has become a saint beyond the ordinary, and his way back then is far better than that of Elder Lin... But the old man thought that Zhou Shu would be very difficult to resist."

"However, we are going to help Elder Lin resist the catastrophe."

"Yes, now he can't be distracted to deal with Jie Lei."

The two of them were frightened secretly and hurriedly rushed over.

In fact, the battle between monks, whether it is a siege of several to one, or a melee of dozens of dozens, in the end, it will almost become a one-on-one decisive battle. Only the two strongest people can stand in the end. , Walked to the center of the battlefield and became the most dazzling existence.

Lin Qingjue, whose eyes were closed, seemed to no longer feel the surroundings, and put his hands on the piano, immersed in the sound of the piano.

Elegant, rush, wild, dilute, high-pitched, and grand.

The sound of the piano is constantly changing, and the attacks of the fierce beasts and army formations also change and gradually strengthen.

Zhou Shu, who was surrounded by him, has not been seen.

Zhou Shu himself knew what kind of attack he was under. He was attacked by dozens of different powers, even his own power. It was continuous and all-round. There was almost no flaw in the attack. Everywhere, they are all being tested.

But he is happy to accept the test.

He didn't evade, didn't fight back, didn't even try to disrupt their formation.

He only used Shu's power to perceive, to try to accept and to be compatible with them. This song Qin Wang broke the formation is a substantial Dao power attack. Although powerful, it has lost the characteristics of Le Dao. For him, it is just A good exercise opportunity has nothing to do with winning, because he can't lose.

In contrast, the previous few songs, he is more interested.

A song of King Qin broke the formation, lasting more than a thousand breaths.

There are only a handful of musicians who can complete this piece of guqin, which is rarely seen in the long tune, and those who are enlightened should integrate the power of the Dao into the sound of the piano and guide the armies and beasts to fight. Lin Qingjue is probably the only one who can finish a song like this.

It seems to mourn the dead souls~www.ltnovel.com~ A burst of weeping elegy came slowly, and the music came to an end.

It seemed to be calculated, and it seemed like a coincidence, and the catastrophe ended at about the same time.

The sky in front of me was like a battlefield where gunpowder smoke was dissipated, leaving only a burnt smell and a lot of heavy dust.

In the dust, Zhou Shu still stood, like a pine tree.

The thousands of beasts and the constantly falling heavenly calamities did not seem to have had any effect on him. The Tao Tower was shimmering, and the text on it was very clear, as if it were new, and it was hard to see the appearance of being seriously injured. .

Only his expression was not indifferent, he brushed his sleeves, arched his hands far away, with a respectful look on his face.

"This song should only be found in the sky, and it can be heard a few times in the world. Elder Lin's wonderful song, I have learned it today, and it really deserves its reputation."

This is the first time that he has competed with such a powerful master of enlightenment, and he has a solid heart, and he has learned a lot from Le Dao.

Although there are winners and losers in battle, there is no difference between the two. When encountering an opponent worth fighting, it is also necessary to have awe and respect regardless of whether they are hostile or not.

Lin Qingjue opened his eyes, glanced at Zhou Shu, lowered his head slightly, and sighed, feeling speechless.

Playing the last song, he also forgot his grievances and devoted himself wholeheartedly. When the song ended, he was still unwilling.

At this time, he played four consecutive songs, mobilized all the powers, and even absorbed the tribulation, and finally released almost all the power of the music path. The consumption was too huge, and he couldn't do anything he wanted, if it wasn't for someone Support, I'm afraid it will fall.

"The other two elders, are you still coming?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and arched his hands to Zheng Daoxuan and Tai Lang.

Compared with Lin Qingjue, his condition is much better, and the aura that he exudes is still strong, almost the same as before.

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