Fairy Winner

Chapter 1638: Lin Qingjue

Zheng Daoxuan and Tai Lang looked at Zhou Shu, not knowing what to say.

Zhou Shu in front of him has successfully passed the tribulation, reached the fifth stage of crossing the tribulation realm, and his strength has increased by a bit. Before the three of them could get the fourth stage Zhou Shu, not to mention the lack of the strongest Lin. Clear? Even if the two still have the strength to fight, it is impossible to do it again.

"It is said that the ancient king Qin drove beasts as soldiers and unified Zhongzhou. Don't dare not follow it. He yearned for it, but didn't want to get a glimpse of it today. Elder Lin's piano music, let him be taught."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and raised his hand, "Farewell, elders."

The three of them stood still, no one stopped and couldn't stop them.

I just watched Zhou Shu disappear in silence, and Zheng Daoxuan’s ear also heard a sentence, "Elder Zheng, thank you very much, remind me that if Kunlun chooses the first countermeasure now, it will not be the previous price. Up."

Zheng Daoxuan's expression turned pale, resenting that there was nowhere to go, and suddenly punched out, shaking the world.

"what happened?"

Tai Lang stagnated, seeming to notice something, "That Zhou Shu is indeed extraordinary. According to the old man, even if we have one more elder, it may not be able to stop him, let alone catch him."

Zheng Daoxuan vented, his mind slowly settled, and he only sighed, "It's a pity that we don't have nine-fold monks in Kunlun, alas."

Tai Lang seemed to feel a little bit, and said slowly, "If there is a cultivator of nine layers, it should be able to stop him."

"It's useless to say that."

Lin Qingjue took a rest for a while, and his expression gradually returned to normal, still elegant and unrestrained. He stared at the direction Zhou Shu was leaving, with a slight smile on his face, "This Zhou Shu is a bit interesting."

Zheng Daoxuan glanced at the sky and said with concern, "Elder Lin, are you okay? You used all your strength before, and you won't..."

Lin Qingjue was already eightfold complete, and in order to keep Zhou Shu, Shi Cai fully used King Qin to break the formation, which should have attracted the catastrophe, but he did not.

Lin Qingjue said indifferently, "In order to avoid the Nine Heavens Tribulation, forcibly suppressing the cultivation base, it hurts a bit of root, the current is vacant, the vitality is vented, and the injury must be closed for at least ten years."

"Oh, at this critical juncture," Zheng Daoxuan couldn't help shaking his head and sighed. "It's really not worth the loss. I thought I could get the spirit of the fairy, but the result..."

"What's important, Tianlong Temple is already serving fish, no need to worry, even if I'm not there, it doesn't matter," Lin Qingjue shook his head slightly, and said with a smile, "I have a lot of experience with Zhou Shu this time. Seeing the new beauty in Le Dao, when I come out of retreat, I may be expected to impact Kunou.


Zheng Daoxuan and Tai Lang were both surprised, surprised and delighted.

Thai Wolf hurriedly saluted, "The old man congratulated Elder Lin in advance."

Zheng Daoxuan also looked happy, "If the elders really achieve the ninefold, then our great cause in Kunlun will surely succeed."


Lin Qingjue nodded and looked at Zheng Daoxuan, her expression slightly calm, "Elder Zheng, I am not in the way, but how do you explain this to the elders? You said before that if the four of us come out, we will definitely be able to take it. To the spirit of the fairy."

Zheng Daoxuan's expression tightened, he thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll explain it to the elders."

"Don't say I won't help you, I think it is necessary to remind you."

Lin Qingjue nodded slightly, "As for Zhou Shu's matter, if you are not clear about your investigation, the current results will be obtained. However, this is also unimaginable. Even if I am in your position, it may not be possible. A better decision can be made, and...As far as Zhou Shu’s strength is concerned, the two elders of us will not be able to stop him. He will definitely leave Xihezhou. Haha, if he had not had such strength, he would not have gone to Penglai. The island left at will again."

Zheng Daoxuan seemed to realize something, "Elder Lin, what do you mean..."

Lin Qingjue said slowly, "After I go back, I will discuss with a few elders and try to consider his conditions. In the past ten years, if I only rely on force, I am afraid it is impossible to get fairy spirit from him. , But we have all seen the effect of the fairy spirit, and it is surprisingly strong. If he really gives it to Kunlun, it will be worth the price we paid."

"That's what I said, but I'm very unwilling."

Zheng Daoxuan shook his head unconsciously, "We Kunlun, are we really going to bow to Zhou Shu? This is something that has never happened before."

Lin Qingjue smiled slightly, "Now the initiative lies with him. We don't have any countermeasures, and we can't stop it even if we force it. What can we do."

Zheng Daoxuan thought for a while and said, "It's not necessarily. Zhou Shu's fairy spirit requires materials to be refined. We start from this aspect. If he can't get the materials, he will not be able to practice. Many materials have been sold out by our firm, maybe he will come back to us."

"Haha," Lin Qing did not realize that he laughed, "Do you think so? I don't think so. I think many of the information we have is false and wrong, and Zhou Shu leaked it to us. The materials collected by Huabaoxuan probably have nothing to do with the spirit of the fairy. It is just a scam. Even if we collect all the similar materials from the whole world of immortality~www.ltnovel.com~ he can still practice well. ."


Zheng Daoxuan was stunned for a while.

A fierce light flashed in Tai Lang's eyes, and he slowly said, "But from other people, the old man heard that Zhou Shu has several Taoists, and the lotus school, and there are many talented disciples in it. In our hands, Zhou Shu shouldn't leave him alone."

"If it's someone else, I won't object, you Thai wolf has done it many times," Lin Qingjue's eyes narrowed slightly, and he shook his head gently, "but Zhou Shu can't. You can find out when you fight him. Taoism is extremely stable. Whether it is Taoism or Taoism, it is the most stable I have ever seen. I don’t know how he tempered it, but this kind of Taoism is only for people who are extremely attached to Tao or the founder himself. , It is possible."

He slowly said, "With such a Taoist mind, it will not be easily changed for foreign objects, even if all Taoists are not there, his Tao is still there, and..."

"And what?"

"Whether we succeed or not, the disadvantages outweigh the benefits."

Lin Qingjue sighed slightly, her expression dignified a lot, "If we fail, the price for us to get the celestial spirit will be even greater, and it may be so great that we will lose the root. If we succeed, he will still retain the celestial spirit. And when we Kunlun got the aura of the immortal spirit, we would also forge an extremely terrible enemy. We did not have the ability to prevent him from ascending to the immortal. Although we do not want to admit it, he is indeed the most likely monk to ascend to the immortal. , What will he do after he is promoted to immortality? Our Kunlun may not be able to bear it."

He spoke calmly, but Zheng Daoxuan and Tai Lang were pale and silent for a while.

"Go back, and make a clear statement with the elders before deciding what to do next. I'm going to retreat to Fangzhang Mountain. I won't be out for ten years."

Lin Qingjue glanced at the two of them and walked away.

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