Fairy Winner

Chapter 1642: Shut up

On the huge altar, nearly a thousand seats have been filled, all of whom are well-known figures in Dongsheng Prefecture.

Zhou Shu is also among them.

The tragic song sounded, and Zhugewei's life unfolded before everyone in the sad but not hurtful music.

Many ceremonies were carried out under the auspices of Zhugemu and Liu Xuande, solemnly and solemnly, and all the guests stood up solemnly.

The ceremony lasted for more than an hour, and many guests came to the stage and recited the sacrificial texts to express their respect for Zhuge Wei Gong.

Everything is normal.

After the last tribute guest left, Zhuge Xuan slowly took the stage.

He looked nervous, his old face was more wrinkled, his beard was a little bit of sweat, and his pace was trembling. He didn't stabilize until he walked to Taichung. He glanced at Zhugemu next to him and gritted his teeth. Hesitating to say, "Zhuge family is deeply honored to be able to invite all of my fellow practitioners. When the festival is about to end, the old man has one thing...I want to announce, and I ask Zhu Jun to listen."

The crowd stopped talking and turned to Zhuge Xuan.

Staring at the crowd, Zhuge Xuan sighed secretly, and said every word, "The old man is the current head of the Zhuge family, Zhuge Xuan, and I announce here today that from today onwards, the whole family of the Zhuge family..."


With a stern shout, it came from the stage, and it struck the stage like a thunder, shaking Zhuge Xuan's figure violently, frightened, and unable to speak.

Everyone was panicked and looked at the sound source.

Among the crowd, Zhou Shu slowly stood up, his complexion froze.

Zhuge Mu pointed at Zhou Shu and shouted, "Sect Master Zhou, what do you mean? In front of so many colleagues in Dongshengzhou, do you still want to destroy the ceremonies of our Zhuge family!"

Changsun Youji also stood up and glanced at Zhou Shu, "Friends of Taoism, don't do nothing, this is not a place where you can make trouble."

The other guests were also a little puzzled, "What's the matter?"

"Sect Master Zhou, this is what you are not, other people's ceremonies, why are you shouting loudly..."

"That's right, Sect Master Zhou, they don't have much to do with our Dongshengzhou, let him talk."

Zhang Songbai's voice is exceptionally loud, "Zhou Shu, do you think you are the supreme of Dongshengzhou? How dare to mess around here, do you know a little etiquette?"

Zhuge Mu said solemnly, "Sect Master Zhou, please sit down, otherwise don't blame us for driving you out."

Zhou Shu looked calm and said indifferently, "I didn't mean to sabotage the ceremony. I just want to remind fellow Zhuge Xuan Taoist that you must think clearly before you speak. Don't be the unscrupulous descendant of Zhuge Weigong, a sinner through the ages, and be laughed at by thousands of people, otherwise, People from the Zhuge family will come to deal with you."

"What, sinners of the ages?"

"What the **** is Zhuge Xuan going to say, are there such serious consequences?"

"Does he want to surrender to the Patriarch and Zhuge's family to others?"

"It seems interesting..."

As soon as Zhou Shu said this, the audience was in an uproar.

Zhuge Xuan's face tightened, looking at Zhugemu, his body was shaking again.

When Zhuge Mu heard Zhou Shu say this, he didn't know that Zhou Shu understood the truth. He felt a lot of resentment, but he could not help but said coldly, "Sect Master Zhou should not be alarmist. No matter what the Patriarch said, it is the family affair of the Zhuge Family. Not judged by you, an outsider!"

Changsun Youji looked at Zhou Shu and said slowly, "Sect Master Zhou, Zhuge's family affairs, don't bother you, please sit down."

Between the words, a force passed through everyone, cleverly applied to Zhou Shu.

The strength is exquisite and powerful, like water and steel, its quality is hard to describe, repeatedly attacking Zhou Shu's several weaknesses, wanting Zhou Shu to sit down, only Zhou Shu will not move, and the strength will be dispersed with a smile .

Snapped! Snapped!

After several loud noises, the guests around Zhou Shu fell down.

There was a commotion in the audience.

Zhang Sun Youji's complexion was slightly stagnant, Zhou Shu glanced at him and said calmly, "Since it is a family matter, people from the Zhuge family will handle it. I won't say much. I am rude, but this Kunlun Fellow Daoist grandson, what does the matter of the Zhuge family have to do with you? Why did you suddenly attack me? There are so many guests here, hurting others, and ruining the festival is not good, what do you think, friend Daoist grandson?"

Changsun Youji snorted coldly, and sat down without saying a word.

When he shot, he was 100% sure that it would only affect Zhou Shu, but he didn't want to be led out by Zhou Shuquan. As a result, he didn't understand and had nothing to say.

"As expected of Kunlun, it is very overbearing everywhere."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, told the surrounding people a crime, and sat down.

The fallen guests sat back one after another, looked at Zhou Shu, and then at Grandson Youji. They didn’t know who to believe in, but no matter who, it seemed that they were not easy to provoke, so they silently endured them. A little more fearful of both of them.

Isn't it an ordinary person who can make a move at this festival, and even easily knock them down in the God Transformation Realm or even the Tribulation Realm?

Zhugemu turned his head and glanced at Zhuge Xuan coldly. Zhuge Xuan quickly took a few steps and then stood in front of everyone.

He hesitated for a while, and slowly said, "The old man is Zhuge Xuan, the current patriarch of the Zhuge family, and I hereby announce today that from today onwards, the whole family of the Zhuge family..." He couldn't help but stop here~www.ltnovel.com~ I stopped again, glanced at Zhou Shu, saw that Zhou Shu had nothing to say, and then continued, "Merge into Kunlun, become a member of Kunlun, and serve Kunlun ever since."


"Merge into Kunlun?"

"The Zhuge family of the four great families wants to join Kunlun. What is the reason?"

"No wonder Sect Master Zhou would say that, he might have known it a long time ago, he wanted to stop, but he couldn't stop..."

"Damn it, Kunlun is even stronger now!"

"Zhuge Xuan is really a sinner through the ages. If Zhuge Weigong is still there, I am afraid that he will be attacked immediately."

"It was deliberately announced at the festival that the elders of Kunlun have also been invited to give Dongsheng prefecture!"

The audience was shocked. Everyone looked at Zhuge Xuan and then at the grandson Youji, and they all seemed to understand.

Looking at the statue of Zhuge Weigong in front of him, Zhuge Xuan was shaking more and more. How could he not be frightened to betray the aristocratic family like this, "Today, under your witness, our Zhuge family... …"

"Shut up! Rebel!"

"Zhuge Xuan, you don't deserve to be the head of the Zhuge family at all!"

Two loud shouts came from the altar.

In front of the statue of Zhugewei on the altar, a dazzling light suddenly lit up. In the light, there was a shadowy figure, tall and tall, pointing at Zhuge Xuan, angrily rushing towards the crown, his eyes pierced like two sharp arrows.

Look at that appearance and form, almost the same as Zhuge Weigong.

Zhuge Xuan's face turned pale, fell on the stage, and kept muttering, "Weigong, it's not my idea, no... you let me go..."

The audience was also shocked.

"What's happening here?"

"Don't Zhuge Wei's arrogance and sage appear?"

"It's no wonder that Wei Gong was angry when Zhuge Xuan made such a rebellious move."

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