Fairy Winner

Chapter 1643: Scold

All of a sudden, the scene was very chaotic.

"He Fang junior, make chaos here!"

Changsun Youji stood up, yelled in a cold voice, raised his sleeves, and shot towards the altar.

Although the light is not dazzling, it is like a wave of water, completely covering the white light on the altar, and when it is collected, the figure clearly appears, but it is a young monk with a long stature, holding a black blue scroll in his hand. Zhuge Xuan glared.

"The pearl of rice also shines."

Changsun Youji was quite disdainful, "Who are you who dare to destroy the festival?"

Zhuge Xuan on the stage was relieved, "Fortunately, fortunately, it turns out that it is the nephew Yan, who really scared me just now..."

"What nephew? You silence me, trash!"

Zhuge Mu gave him a fierce look, turned to Zhuge no matter how strict he was, and shouted, "Zhuge Fuyan, you are a traitor to our Zhuge family, and Zhuge's family matters have nothing to do with you! Hugh, no more nonsense! Give it to the old man now! Get out!"

He glanced at Liu Xuande next to him, "Liu Xuande, what is going on?"

Liu Xuande just didn't answer, and stepped back silently, gradually retreating to the audience.

"not my business?"

No matter how Yan Zhuge's face is serious, he said in a straightforward voice, "No matter how Yan Zhuge is in Xia, Zhuge Yan is the eldest son of Zhuge Yan. He is a member of Zhuge's family. Today, at such an important moment, can I not come in Xia Yan? I just heard Zhuge Xuan. As a child of the Zhuge family, such rebellious remarks absolutely cannot be tolerated!"

Zhugemu confronted tit-for-tat, "Your father Zhugeyan killed Zhugelian, committed a heinous crime, and died of self-destruction. You have been expelled from the family a long time ago. How come you are still a member of the Zhuge family?"

"That's all you did!"

Zhuge said sternly, "You killed Zhugelian with the poison of a thousand spiders, framed your father, used the invading talisman to force him to explode, and forcibly lifted Zhugexuan as the head of the family, and then treated him as a puppet. With great power, the Zhuge family is not as good as the day, and the name of the family is gradually declining. Now I still want to give the Zhuge family to Kunlun! Such a retrograde act, heaven and man are angry, no one can tolerate it!"

Zhugemu's complexion was slightly stagnant, and he sneered, "I don't know who you were instigated to frame the old man here! The old man is loyal to the Zhuge family, upholds the family motto of Zhuge Wei, dedicated himself to death, and obeys the owner's orders in everything. As for the merger, it was the result of the Zhuge family's deliberations!"

"The result of the negotiation?"

Zhuge said with no disdain, "Said it was a discussion, why didn't you see the other elders of Zhuge's family, and even the descendants of the next generation, only three people came? Shouldn't such a major matter, shouldn't be fair and honest. Is the world cultivator of immortals? It is clearly your idea to force Zhuge Xuan to do it!"

"Haha, the more you say it, the more outrageous it gets."

Zhugemu laughed unconsciously, "You don't have any evidence. You are here to slander the innocence out of thin air. It's so funny! You are just like your father Zhuge Yan, who has no abilities and can only do these tricks."


Zhuge no matter how stern and generous, he said loudly, "I don’t have any abilities, is Zhuge Xuan? Zhuge’s martial art, Zhuge even has the most comprehension, has already enlightened Dao, his father Zhuge Yan is not far from enlightenment, only Zhuge Xuan, just squeezed into the threshold, he is a thousand miles away from the way of enlightenment. No one should be the master of the house, it should not be his turn! He can be the master of the house, it is all you villain's trick!"

Zhugemu's face tightened, but he was a bit poor in words, and didn't know how to respond.

He looked at Changsun Youji, and he was even more suspicious. At this moment, wouldn't Changsun Youji not take action? If he did, would Zhuge have the chance to say a word no matter how strict he was? Before so many people, it was incredible.

He wouldn't know that Changsun Youji had already taken action, many times.

But every time, he was interrupted or stopped by Zhou Shu. Changsun Youji hated him very much, but he also understood that he had no way to stop Zhuge from speaking harshly unless he desperately tore his face. Let him make a fuss at the festival.

This is what Zhou Shu and Zhuge No matter how Yan said before, Zhou Shu will promise to turn the ceremonies into Zhuge No matter how Yan personal battlefield, but how to play, depends on himself.

Zhuge sighed again and sternly, saying very sadly, "Zhuge Lian was poisoned by you just as soon as he enlightened the Tao. Zhuge's family lost a major pillar. It is really pitiful. Your father was trapped by you, exposed and died. It is only a pity, but Zhuge Zhuge Xuan is the only one left in the family’s direct line, which is simply sad. In the end, letting the incompetent Zhuge Xuan become the head of the family is really hateful."

He turned to Zhugewei's statue and worshipped, "Duke Zhuge, if you could see all this, what would you do?"

After speaking, he turned to everyone, "You think, as the son of Zhuge's family, what should I do?"

From Zhuge's appearance to the present, the audience is quiet, making the festival completely a stage for the two of them, and Zhuge's words, no one is sighed, and the audience gradually becomes noisy. .

"It turns out there is such a thing, it's really sad."

"I'll just say, how could the Zhuge family take refuge in Kunlun for no reason? It turns out that this guy is the ghost of it."

"That Zhuge Xuan is really useless, I have seen him several times these days, and he looks like a head and ears~www.ltnovel.com~Where is he like a patron?"

"It seems that Zhuge Mu and Kunlun are very related..."

"Look at what the result will be. Anyway, the Zhuge family's affairs have nothing to do with our Dongsheng Prefecture, but Kunlun lost face."

"It's weird, how come the elders of Kunlun haven't spoken all the time, are they acquiescing?"

"It sounds like it is true, but no matter how strict Zhuge is, there doesn't seem to be any real evidence?"

Amidst the discussion, the grandson Youji slowly stood up with a reluctant smile, "This fellow Zhuge Daoist, your speech is very fierce, and the old man admires it, but you have said so much, but there is little evidence in it. If you produce evidence to prove that you are telling the truth, the old man can also consider taking revenge for you."

"This is the matter of our Zhuge family and has nothing to do with Kunlun."

Zhuge refused coldly, and said slowly, "Yes, I have no evidence, but I have this, Zhugemu and Zhugexuan, do you know?"

He waved his hand and opened the scroll.

The scroll seems to be made of iron, with a picture of eight formations drawn in the middle. There are two lines of large characters on the side of the picture. On the left is "Revival of the Han Dynasty, return to the old capital", and on the right is "Dedicated to the end, but after death", there is a line below it. The small print is the "Book of Zhuge Wei", with thick, robust handwriting and majestic spirit, which was left by Zhuge Weigong.

Someone in the audience asked, "Zhuge Tie Juan?"

"Yes, it is Zhuge Tie Juan."

Zhuge looked at Zhugemu again and sneered, "Zhugemu, and Zhuge Xuan, do you not know each other? It was it that my mother took away, and now you look at it seriously and take Zhuge Wei Gong The third article in the family rules left behind was read out as it was."

Zhugemu and Zhugexuan were stunned for a while.

Changsun Youji made his hundredth attempt to capture the iron roll, but was still blocked by Zhou Shu without success.

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