Fairy Winner

Chapter 1644: Excuse me for being rude

"If you don't read it, I will help you read it."

Zhuge looked at the two with a stern smile, and said slowly, "Children of the Zhuge family, we must always..."


Zhugemu suddenly shouted, "Family rules are determined by people. Zhuge Weigong also said that future generations can change the family rules according to the situation. We Zhuge children have no need to follow the rules. We have always followed the family rules and joined Kunlun. Do it better!"

He shouted hoarse.

He was able to speak so loudly because Zhou Shu was letting go and didn't deliberately stop it.

Things are proceeding in the direction that Zhou Shu expected. The overall situation is determined. Zhou Shu didn’t need to stop him, but this was Zhou Shu’s second plan, not the best choice. The best first plan failed. Success, because Zhuge Xuan possessed several treasures of the Zhuge family and Kunlun, so that his spirit and consciousness were well protected. Even Zhou Shu could not influence him with the spirit technique, so Zhou Shugeng Willing to listen.

"Yes, the house rules can be changed, but one thing is unchangeable."

Zhuge nodded sternly, raised the iron scroll in his hand, and turned to the people. "Whoever holds the iron scroll of Zhuge should protect the law of the Zhuge family. When Zhuge's children have objections to the Patriarch’s approach, they can hold the scroll to question, challenge or even In the process of deposing the Patriarch and the elders, both parties can only use Zhuge's military method."

He looked at Zhugemu and said straightforwardly, "Today, I am Zhuge no matter how strict I am, holding the iron scroll of my ancestors, adhering to the will of my ancestors, and solemnly challenging Zhugexuan and Zhugemu, you must accept, not accept any reason."

Both Zhugemu and Zhugexuan paused.

The guests in the audience started talking.

"I seem to have heard that the Zhuge family has such rules."

"Many aristocratic families have similar rules. Among the disciples who are connected by blood, only the strong can become the real Patriarch. However, no matter how strict Zhuge is to transform the gods, he dares to challenge Zhuge Mu? He has already crossed the fourfold. How could it be possible to win."

"This is the rule, you can't let an outsider challenge it."

"Today you can see the military doctrine."

"However, judging by the appearance of Zhugemu and Zhugexuan, they won't avoid fighting, right?"

Zhuge Xuan trembled. In the Zhuge family's generation, his strength is the worst, as is the military discipline, which is worth a beginner. Zhuge Mu's face is calm, looking at the grandson Youji in the audience, he just shook his head slightly.

Changsun Youji couldn't sit still, and slowly stood up.

Forced by the situation, it's no longer possible to stay up until you can't help secretly.

He smiled faintly, and the corner of his eyes swept toward Zhuge no matter how strict he was, "No matter how strict Zhuge is, your request is very reasonable, but it is still uncertain whether the iron scroll in your hand is really unsure. How about checking with the old man?"

Zhuge categorically refused again, "Senior is a master of Taoism, and juniors admire it very much, but this matter is a family affair in Zhuge's family and has nothing to do with seniors."

"Ha ha."

The eldest grandson smiled while stroking his beard, "Yes, it is your family affairs, but the family affairs also need a middleman to circumvent it. It is muddled, unclear, and very bad. The Zhuge family is a famous family of four. If something goes wrong, it will have a very bad impact on the entire world of immortality, even turbulence, and cause a lot of killings. Kunlun has guarded the world of immortality for many years and will never sit back and watch."

"Elder elder grandson is concerned about the common people, and he is really a Confucian style."

Zhang Songbai stood up immediately with a generous expression, "Kunlun made a lot of sense. The affairs of the Zhuge family are not family affairs. Our other sects are also responsible. We can never see the civil strife of a large family and the disaster of the immortal world."

Several small sects also followed suit, "Yes, yeah, it's better to figure it out."

And most of the other sects have nothing to do with themselves, do not stand in line, and look lively.

Zhuge paused again and said coldly, "Why didn't you talk to you when the Zhuge family was struggling for power? Now it's time to worry about what the Zhuge family will not disappear? There is no such thing in the world, please Senior sit down and stop talking about these useless nonsense."

"You junior, you are rude! Wait until the old man teaches you a little etiquette!"

Changsun Youji's complexion suddenly changed, and he stepped up to stand in front of Zhuge Zaiyan, swinging his sleeves and striking out.

His sleeves had just been thrown out, and Zhuge Fuyan in front of him had disappeared, and he was replaced by Zhou Shu.

Changsun Youji deliberately got angry to attack Zhuge no matter how strict it is, it is already shameless, of course Zhou Shu will stand up and fight back face to face.

The power of Tao that is very secret and strange is different from that Zhou Shu has seen, but what he can be sure of is that this power of Tao is not as pure as his Shu Zhi, and its power is slightly inferior.

That's easy.

The law is hidden in the power of Dao. When the power of Dao can't break the defense of Shu's power, the law will naturally not take effect, especially when the people who use the power of Dao do not know the law.

There are many monks in Kunlun, but they are basically made up of tactics and resources. There are very few geniuses who truly understand the Tao.

This is where Kunlun's weakness lies, Zhou Shu has always seen clearly.

Shu Zhili formed a strong wall, firmly blocking him, while the extra power was guided by the divine consciousness ~www.ltnovel.com~ quietly infiltrated into the power of Changsun Youji, trying to spy The mystery of the law of space.

If you can't understand, let me help you understand it, knowing the tactics but failing to understand the rules, and violent things.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long.

One hit missed, and Changsun Youji immediately took it back.

After clearing up his surprise, he stared at Zhou Shu and said coldly, "Sect Master Zhou, you have to protect Zhuge no matter how strict you are, could it be... you provoked all the things here?"

"The elder's words are bad."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Zhuge Fuyan is a disciple of my lotus school. As the master, do I not defend my disciples? But you are an elder of Kunlun, a senior of the Eightfold Realm of Tribulation. Heavy hands, has Kunlun's dominance reached such a point that even the elders of the Presbyterian Church can do anything wrong? So Kunlun's misnomer makes the world's immortal cultivators cold."

He looked at Changsun Youji, his expression was unusually solemn, and he said every word, "Elder Changsun, I tell you, this is Dongsheng Prefecture, not Xihe Prefecture, and it is not a place where you can go wild in Kunlun. Take part in the festival. , We welcome, if you want to do something else, then you are in the wrong place."

"what did you say!"

As if caught in a thunderstorm, Changsun Youji's expression suddenly changed. Since he became an elder of Kunlun, no one has spoken to him like this.

How could someone be so rude to Kunlun, how could someone be so bold?

The Kunlun monk was walking outside, and all he encountered was respect and flattery. As an elder, he had long been used to it, but Zhou Shu in front of him was beyond his cognition, and he felt like he had fallen from the peak.

"I can repeat it again, but is the elder really willing to listen to it again?"

Zhou Shu calmly raised his hand, "Elder, forgive me for being rude, but please do it back, and don't care about Zhuge's family affairs anymore."

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