Fairy Winner

Chapter 1645: Sit back

"Ha ha……"

Changsun Youji's face was very ugly, he smiled without anger, and there was a trace of fairy style, "Sect Master Zhou, it seems that you are determined to be an enemy of Kunlun?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly and shook his head, "I just remind the elders to abide by Dongshengzhou and the rules of the festival."

"What if the old man refuses to comply?"

Changsun Youji stared at Zhou Shu, his eyes churning like a boiling lake.

"Why should the elders say so? Hehe, I believe the elders will take care of the overall situation."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and quietly passed the voice transmission, "Elder, you came early, maybe you don't know what happened in Xihezhou? Do you still want that fairy spirit?"

Changsun Youji's complexion was slightly stagnant, and the sound transmission said, "The old man knows that you have fairy spirit, but you never want to use it to intimidate the old man. Kunlun will never be threatened by anyone, absolutely not."

Zhou Shu still said with a smile, "I'm not intimidating, I just want to tell the elder one thing, if you insist on going your own way and have to share with me here, the price you pay will be even greater, don't Blame me for not reminding you beforehand."

Chang Sun Youji looked at Zhou Shu, sneered with disdain, "Superior? Do you really think you will be the opponent of the old man?"

Although Shicai had fought many times, he always felt that he had not used his full strength, and once he had used his full strength and used Kunlun's secret method that contained many laws, then Zhou Shu would definitely not be his opponent.

This is the way of thinking of most, um, rather all Kunlun monks.

Before suffering failure.

The two stood still before the altar.

In the eyes of the surrounding guests, the swords were already drawn, but suddenly they were speechless, which was a bit inexplicable.

"What are they doing?"

"Also, it must be a secret contest. They will never really fight at the festival, right? It's just a secret contest. Kunlun is too arrogant to say... Although Sect Master Zhou is the same, but he is We from Dongshengzhou.""

"If you really fight, the old man is a little expectant. It's the first time I saw Elder Kunlun doing something. Would Sect Master Zhou be his opponent?"

"Regardless of whether it is an opponent or not, if Sect Master Zhou comes out, it shows that he can fight against Kunlun. This is something that the two major sects of Dongsheng Prefecture are afraid to do. Music school."

"Yes, it's really rare to be able to wrestle with Kunlun for the disciples."

Some of these guests were inspired by Zhou Shu. In the process, they have been fueling the flames, spurring public opinion and making things more favorable, and some were temporarily driven by Zhou Shu. In short, the discussion was very harmonious.

However, there were also discordant noises, but it was Zhang Songbai, shouting there, "I don't think he is thinking. After a few days, he will be cleaned up by Kunlun, and he will feel comfortable. The only Dutch school dared to fight Kunlun."

He, who had just enlightened the Tao, was moved by the abbot's trip to the mountain by the grandson Youji, and spared no effort to speak for Kunlun.

The surrounding guests glanced at him and cast their disdainful glances.

"The Heavenly Sword Sect actually held Kunlun's stinky feet."

"If the Zhuge family joins Kunlun, I think the next one will be their Heavenly Sword Gate."

"Almost, alas, Kunlun was really going to dominate the world at that time."

"In Dongsheng Prefecture, the only thing we can rely on is the Heyin School."

Zhang Songbai just ignored him, still shouting loudly, and even brought a few small sects beside him.

Zhou Shu’s smile seemed to be fixed, and the voice was still transmitted, “I don’t know the strength of the elder, but I don’t know if it is better or worse than Lin Qingjue, Tai Lang, Zheng Daoxuan, and Nan Ye. ?"


Changsun Youji was shocked and stared at Zhou Shu, "Have you played against them?"

Zhou Shu smiled and no longer answered with a voice transmission, but said in a straightforward voice, "Elder Grandson, the matter of Zhuge's family has nothing to do with you or me, why don't you just sit back and watch them well, what do you think?"

Zhang Sun Youji still had doubts. Seeing Zhou Shu was about to speak, he suddenly sensed that a strong force came quietly.

The force quickly dissipated and turned into a few strong walls, like four screens, sealing all the four directions around him. If you don't want to touch it, you can only go back and drill into the ground.

"I really want to give it a try."

Secretly, Changsun Youji looked at Zhou Shu, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, and the long sleeve flung to the left.

Of course, he also left some leeway and didn't rush to Zhou Shu directly. After all, Zhou Shu's words just now were too impactful. If Zhou Shu is really safe under the attack of the four elders, then he has nothing to do. May defeat Zhou Shu.

Nan Ye is a waste, but there is Lin Qingjue inside, the ten-pin Daogen of Kunlun for thousands of years, the true genius elder.

The hands hidden in the sleeves faintly emit blue light, and a cyan dragon head is transformed into a cyan dragon head in a flash, and it hits the Shu Zhili screen directly.

Zhou Shu seemed to feel something, and Shu Zhili moved at the right time.

A silent competition, just like this.

It's over after only two breaths.

Zhou Shu still smiled, speaking through the voice, "No wonder, it's no wonder that Elder Grandson is actually a half-dragon body. The power of the palm and the power of the dragon are mixed together, it is really difficult to distinguish, hehe, admire it."

At this time ~www.ltnovel.com~ Changsun Youji's shock in his heart is hard to describe.

Indeed, in addition to the Dao roots, he also opened up the dragon source on his own, and cultivated into a half-dragon body. The two types of Dao powers are mixed together, and there is also the real Dao power of understanding Dao, weird and strange. , Almost never encountered an opponent.

The Qinglong hand just now was his original palm technique. With the dominance of the dragon and the strong palm strength, he boasted that he could break the ten thousand magic, but he did his best to break Zhou Shu's Taoism. Question, but how can I expect that every time there is a sign of breakthrough, it is immediately compensated by the power of the Tao, and with a strong palm, it disappears into the invisible as soon as the obstacle is broken, without a trace, and can never be found again. .

This kind of thing is beyond his expectation.

In his opinion, Zhou Shu's Dao power in front of him was definitely not the power in the Xuanhuang Realm.

"Fairy spirit?"

If he has enlightenment, transcribed and asked.

Zhou Shu didn't answer, and smiled and pushed Shu Zhili's screen forward, and said, "Elder Elder Sun, we should sit back."

Although Changsun Youji was resentful, he had to go back under the pressure. Many confrontations made him fully understand that he was definitely not Zhou Shu's enemy. If he breaks through forcefully, he will be even more embarrassed. He will make a move at the festival. It was an unwise act of last resort, and it would be even more unwise if it failed miserably in front of everyone.

Such a result is not something Kunlun wants to see, nor is he able to bear it.

In the surprised and puzzled eyes of many guests, the grandson Youji walked back step by step, each step seemed to be walking in the mud, as if he had received a great insult, had never been aggrieved, and resented in his heart. It's hard to describe.

"Damn, damn..."

He sat down slowly, like on pins and needles.

"Hehe, thank you elder for taking care of the overall situation."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, sat beside him, motionless.

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