Fairy Winner

Chapter 1651: Go to the tribe

"Elder Longsun, why are you treating Zhou Shu..."

Nan Ye stood beside Changsun Youji, quite puzzled.

"Unmatched, so what can I do?"

Changsun Youji shook his head lightly, with a lot of unwillingness in his eyes, "We are tempted by Zhou Shu for the time being, and he should not be too hostile to us. The most important thing for us now is the spirit of the spirit. No matter what, even if we make some Things that hurt Kunlun’s face."

If Nan Ye realized something, "Elder Zheng said the same. He said that if we still use force to intimidate us, the price may be even greater, but I didn't expect the elder to bend down like this... But I still have to wait for the elder to return and open. The elders will decide what to do later."

"The old man naturally understands that if it weren't for..."

Changsun Youji looked at Zhou Shu, his eyes gradually becoming greedy, "Now that Zhou Shu is so powerful, it is all because of the spirit of the fairy. In any case, the spirit of the fairy can only be Kunlun in the end."

Zhou Shu always smiled faintly. Although he couldn't hear him, he still wanted to know what the two people were talking about.

It's just the spirit of the fairy, if you want it, just give it to you, as long as it can satisfy me.

"...This thing and this ambition, forever, don't stand up, after the military consolidate the army, tell the Weizu, the real lesson, the emperor's land!"

In front of the altar, Zhuge Fuyan read the last few sentences, and saluted the statue with a solemn expression.

Liu Xuande also saluted, as well as the attendants on the side, and so on. The most peculiar thing was that the many puppets in the distance were also saluting, and their movements were uniform.

The guests were all standing, with solemn faces and no one spoke.

Liu Xuande and Zhuge Fuyan stepped onto the altar and shouted loudly, "After the ceremony, the ceremony is over!"

The crowd suddenly became noisy, and there were endless compliments.

Long Sun Youji raised his hand to Zhou Shu, "Sect Master Zhou, I will leave for the time being. It is the destiny that I will see you again. I believe that day will not be far away."

Zhou Shu smiled and polite, "I hope so, but I still have one little thing to say."

Changsun Youji's face changed slightly, worried about what Zhou Shu would do, so he paused and said, "Please say the sovereign."

Zhou Shu slightly pondered, "That Zhuge Mu..."

"Hehe," Changsun Youji sighed in relief and said solemnly, "The old man knows what to do, and he will hand it over to the lord at that time."

Having said that, Changsun Youji nodded to Liu Xuande, took Nan Ye and left soon, and hurried back to Kunlun to discuss countermeasures.

Liu Xuande came over with a smile on his face, "Sect Master Zhou, today you really surprised Liu Mou. If you had known that the Sect Master was like this, Liu Mou was also... Well, it was also Liu Mou’s fault. Damn it."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "It's okay, Gong Xuande doesn't need to care."

Liu Xuande nodded, with some worry in his eyes, "Just, will Zhugemu..."

"I care about it."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, called Zhuge Fuyan over, and said, "Fuyan, you will stay here for the time being."

Zhuge Fuyan immediately understood and saluted him, "Duke Xuande, I will disturb you for a while, just to ask Duke Xuande for advice."

Liu Xuande chuckled his palm and smiled, grabbing Zhuge Fuyan's hand, and repeatedly said, "Wherever there is a nephew, Liu can rest assured."

Zhou Shu lightly nodded, "The rest is up to you, I'll take one step first."

Liu Xuande just salutes, "Sect Master Zhou takes care of everything, just go."

Zhuge Fuyan seemed to have some enlightenment, "Don't worry about your suzerain, Zaiyan and I will do what you confess."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and went away in a blink of an eye.

The goal that should be reached has been reached, and some of the remaining finishing work, such as taking the opportunity to tie up other sects, etc., can be handed over to others, he has other important things, and time is running out.

On the fifth day, he flew to Nanzhanzhou quickly.

The magnificent one hundred thousand mountains flew past under him. A few days later, Zhou Shu landed in the tribe.

"Brother White Horse, meet again!"

Suddenly, a strong bear hugged like a straight forward, making Zhou Shu a little hard to breathe, but there was a joyful smile on his face, "Brother Elephant, okay?"

"Too good to say nothing!"

Suddenly, he laughed and shook the earth, "Since Zhu Rong descended from God, our tribe has swept away from the decline, and it is getting better and better. I believe that in a hundred years at most, our tribe can once again command the 100,000 mountains. Bring back the glory!"

"Then congratulations first."

Zhou Shu smiled and fell down, throwing out a jade board, and said lightly, "This seems to be the Huoman Huoman Bible. You are practicing Zhu Rong's Dao. If you can understand it, you should use it?"

"The fire bible?"

Suddenly the elephant's figure shook, all his brows were twisted together, and he thought about it for a while, "I heard the high priest Banglei said that he spent a lot of thoughts in Emei because of this savage Bible. Brother Baima, you unexpectedly Got?"

Zhou Shu nodded.


Suddenly it seemed to pat Zhou Shu on the shoulder, almost shooting him underground, "If you can understand it, it will be a great thing for our barbarians and tribes! Brother White Horse, I don't know how to thank you! "

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "Don't thank you~www.ltnovel.com~ if you can understand it, you can tell me that."

"That's for sure, I swear in the name of Zhu Rong!"

Suddenly there was a lot of dignity, both hands made a weird posture toward the sky, and then he said, "By the way, brother Baima, I will prepare the place you want me to make. No one will know about it. Make sure no one will disturb."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "I'm here for this, so take me there."

Not long after, the two came to a vast dense forest under the mountain.

The hidden part of the dense forest has been cleared out of a smooth land, surrounded by many barbarians, which can be described as airtight.

Zhou Shu showed some satisfaction and quickly arranged.

Within a few hours, the teleportation formation was completed, and many concealment or protection formations were placed.

When the time comes, go to Wanghai City to set up another one, which can be easily transmitted from Dongshengzhou to Nanzhanzhou. Unfortunately, the distance of the teleportation array is not far enough, otherwise it can be directly placed in Lingyu City, which is more convenient.

"All right?"

Suddenly, I have been waiting, strode up and solemnly said, "Brother White Horse, don't worry, I will never let other people move."

"Don't worry, it won't be arranged here," Zhou Shu smiled slightly, with a lot of solemnity on his face, "Once there is a high-level monk who wants to take it away, you immediately destroy it for me, and you can't keep anything. under."

"I understand, I will do it."

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he nodded seriously.

"All right."

Zhou Shu clapped his hands, "Let's go to Huamisi Lake on the sacred mountain. If you want to go in, I will take you in too."

Suddenly his complexion changed slightly, "Huamisi Lake..."

Zhou Shu was surprised, "What's wrong?"

Suddenly it seemed to spread out, with a lot of helplessness, "I don't know what's going on, but you will understand when you go and see..."

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