Fairy Winner

Chapter 1652: New lake and old lake

Huamisi Lake is still as clear as promised.

It's just that there is a huge hole on the side, which looks the same size as Huamisi Lake.

Zhou Shu pondered slightly, "Why is this?"

Obviously, the pit was not extra, but the entire lake was moved. The original lake became a deep pit, with a new lake on the side.

It’s not difficult to create a pit out of thin air, but it’s difficult to transfer all the lake water over, and even the new lake is exactly the same as the old lake. It’s impossible for Zhou Shu to do it. The lake water has deposited countless dead water.


Suddenly touching his head, "It happened overnight, I have never heard of such a strange thing."

"Is it a natural change?"

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful. He couldn't do it overnight, even he couldn't. Who in the world of cultivating immortals could do it? Is there a hidden powerhouse? It's too strong. .

"do not know."

Suddenly staring at the lake, "There was a high priest on the mountain that day. He said that he seemed to have heard some weird things, but he didn't see anyone there. He thought it was an illusion."

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "What are you talking about?"

Suddenly, he thought for a while, and said slowly, "Say there are many savage beasts, it is enough to crash, but there is too much filth in the wild land, and the **** ancient gods have wasted all the good things. It seems that this is the case. The high priest is not very fluent in human language. He heard a few words and then disappeared. When he looked over, Huamisi Lake had changed its position."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Frozen...", suddenly startled, "Is it him?"

Suddenly it seemed a little curious, "Who?"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "I have only met once. He is a very strange person. No, I don't know if it is a human being. I can't tell, but it seems that he has no malice towards you barbarians."

Through the eighth sense, he felt a trace of the breath of a beggar, although under the cover of the dead water, the breath was extremely inconspicuous.

Suddenly he laughed and nodded, "No matter what it is, I am a strong man worth admiring. I say a few words that slander God, it is nothing. I am not an envoy and there is no need to pursue it. I want to thank him. Let us find a lot of treasures at the bottom of the original lake. There used to be stagnant water, even if I couldn't find it to the end, you see, the blue light at the bottom of the lake is the entrance to the secret realm in the lake you said, I didn't let people go in. "

Zhou Shu nodded, "Exactly, thank you very much."

"and this."

As if thinking of something, it suddenly seemed to take out something and hand it to Zhou Shu, "This shouldn't be a brute weapon, it's like a magic weapon you use. Look at it, and take it if you can use it."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, and when he took a look, he was a little surprised.

It looks like it is just a small stone slip, but the material of the stone slip is by no means ordinary, it is an open sky stone.

The Kaitian Stone is a real divine object. It is said to be born in the Xuanhuang world. The fragments left when the chaos first opened, are infinitely graded and extremely hard. They have the magical effect of breaking through ten days and crossing the sky. They are used to make magic weapons. It can also exert a special effect.

In the world of cultivating immortals, there are only a handful of open sky stones, most of which are in the hands of Kunlun.

Zhou Shu had previously obtained a small sword that opened the secret realm, which was made by the Kaitian Stone, and now he saw a stone slip.

There are two characters on the bamboo slips, which are the ancient characters "Kunlun", except for some decorative patterns, nothing else.

"Is it the key to somewhere in Kunlun?"

Combined with the small sword before, Zhou Shu naturally made such a guess, but it is difficult to tell whether it is or not, and it is obviously not a good time to test.

What if you open a door leading directly to the Kunlun Hall?

You can't fight with Kunlun directly. After Kunlun takes out the bargaining chip, you can make plans.

Suddenly, it seemed to be a little expectant, "What's wrong, is it useful?"

Zhou Shu nodded, quite solemnly, "It's probably left over from the ancient or earlier monks, very useful."

Suddenly he laughed and patted Zhou Shu on the shoulder, "Ha, then you can take it!"

"Then no thanks."

Zhou Shu was not polite, and smiled and said, "Brother Elephant, I plan to go to the Secret Realm. Do you want to be together?"

Suddenly it seemed to just wave his hand, "Forget it, the secret realm of the cultivator, it will be of no use to you if I go, besides, if you find something useful to me, you will definitely stay with me."

"of course."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, and flew quickly to the bottom of the lake.

Without the stagnant water, it is much more convenient to go to the secret realm now, even without Zhou Shu's help, other people can get in and out easily.

It was an unexpected gain.

As soon as I entered the secret realm, I saw a sky full of dark clouds and purple lightning.


A catastrophe fell straight into the distant mountains.

The catastrophe is not gross, it should be the first catastrophe, Zhou Shu didn't go there, he just looked from a distance with a satisfied smile.

Under the robbery, it was Hao Siyun.

Her talents were good enough, and she had been in retreat in the eighth-order spirit vein for many years, and it was almost time to cross the catastrophe, and she happened to be caught up by Zhou Shu.

The two robberies passed quickly, the clouds cleared and the sky cleared.

Hao Siyun, bathed in the Rainbow of Origin, seems to be wearing a layer of colorful holy clothes, her whole body is shiny, and she has an indescribable sense of sacredness.

She was once childish and naive, but she really grew up.

"Senior Xuanhu, aren't you coming?"

Hao Siyun shouted at the mountain.

There is a young monk standing on the mountain~www.ltnovel.com~The green shirt is simple, but he can't conceal the nobleness born from his heart, it is Xuanhu.

He comes from one of the four great families, the Ji family in Dongshengzhou, the oldest family in the Xuanhuang world, and the most admired family in the immortal world. In the last Lingyucheng ceremony, Xuanhu presented a gift on behalf of the Ji family. Taking the initiative to make a good deal with each other has made the development of the Heyin School and Lingyu City much smoother and easier.

Xuanhu shook his head, "That's what God gave you, so you can use it."

"Fine, but without the help of seniors in these years, it would be difficult for juniors to survive the catastrophe so quickly."

Hao Siyun nodded, a little disappointed in his eyes.

Xuanhu was about to speak, suddenly his face was stagnant, staring into the distance, without looking away for a long while.

Zhou Shu stepped on the cloud, fell by his side, and said with a smile, "Xuanhu, you also had a catastrophe, congratulations."

"But still just like you."

Xuanhu smiled bitterly, "There is so much vitality here, so naturally you can cultivate fast, but if you are outside, you can cultivate five times faster than me."

Zhou Shu nodded, "I have a chance."

"I know, anyway, you have countless opportunities, incomparable."

Xuanhu laughed, "You came just right. I was planning to go out, but it won't be long. You will have to bring me in again. You know, I must improve my cultivation as soon as possible."

"I know, for the Ji family, but I don't need to bring it anymore."

Seeing Xuanhu's surprised gaze, Zhou Shu smiled and said, "You will know when you go out. The lake outside has been cleaned up. You can get in and out at any time. It doesn't matter if you bring your Ji family with you. All are welcome here."


(PS: Thank you Chenxiang 54 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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