Fairy Winner

Chapter 1653: Reunion like clouds


Xuanhu looked at Zhou Shu, very excited.

The Ji family is the oldest aristocratic family, but the problem also lies in this oldest. Due to the continuous use of the Ji family’s children, the spiritual veins and spirit springs they occupy have gradually dried up, and the current effect may not be as good as that. Sixth-order spiritual veins, and the Ji family is the most famous family in the Xuanhuang realm. They have never done anything to harm other sect forces. It is impossible for them to **** someone else's spiritual veins.

To this end, the Ji family has taken many measures, such as sending children to other sects, etc., such as using various ancient formations to attract vitality, but it still can't stop the family's fading.

Xuanhu, as a direct child of the Ji family, was also under a lot of pressure in order to save the family. Now he heard Zhou Shu say this, how could he not be overjoyed.

Xuanhu and Qingque are different. Behind him is a big family with heavy responsibilities. Zhou Shu also distinguishes between them. For example, some of his own secrets cannot be told to Xuanhu. This does not mean that they are not as good as Qingque. , But Xuanhu knows how much it may not be a good thing.

Zhou Shu nodded earnestly, "Don’t worry, it’s okay for you to regard this as the Ji family. Your Ji family refuses to **** the spirit veins, but our lotus school does not care. In the future, we will definitely change places to find the spirit veins again. You can do whatever you want here. use."


Xuanhu shouted, ecstatic, completely devoid of the calmness of the past, and the nobleness of that family's children disappeared.

Zhou Shu waited quietly for him to finish laughing, and said with some confusion, "I don't understand, can the Ji family not use the resources of Penglai Island? The city lord should not object to it, right?"

"Although Penglai Island has a lot of vitality, it is not suitable for our family."

Xuanhu paused, showing a trace of solemnity, "You also know that the original energy of the vitality is actually drawn by the city lord from other spirit veins by himself, and it is more or less contaminated with the aura of the city lord. It’s the tree of the founding, and our Ji family’s blood is still golden. We can barely use it until a certain stage, but there will inevitably be some hidden dangers. It’s not that the city lord refuses to allow it, but there is no way."


Zhou Shu nodded, "It's the same here."

The two didn't say a few words, they saw a light rushing towards Zhou Shu like a meteor.

"Brother Shu!"

Wen Xiang entered his arms, Zhou Shu was slightly stagnant, and he didn't realize it, "Isn't it good to accept the original Qi? What do you do when you run over in such a hurry?"

Hao Siyun raised his head, with two lines of tears still hanging on his face, complaining, "I haven't seen the brother for so long, so I don't care about the original energy."

Zhou Shu frowned, "Stupid, too much time, are you afraid that I won't be able to run?"

Hao Siyun twisted her body and shook her head like a rattle, "I'm just afraid that you ran away. I didn't call me the last time I came. Didn't you just sneak away!"

Xuanhu smiled slightly, "Brother Zhou, you are busy, I'll go there first, see you later, don't worry."

Watching Xuanhu leave, Zhou Shu unconsciously shook her head slightly, angrily and funny, she still didn't grow up much, "It's like a cloud, you've been through the catastrophe, and you are so reckless..."

"The robbery is the robbery, people..."

Hao Siyun curled his mouth, the tighter and tighter he clung to Zhou Shu, and he wouldn't let go.

It's no wonder that she and Zhou Shu haven't seen each other for decades. They missed so much and suppressed their enthusiasm. Now that they have a chance, they will not miss it.

Compared with other Taoists, her immaturity gave Zhou Shu a different kind of joy.

I don't know how long it took before the two people separated.

Hao Siyun's face was flushed and smiled contentedly, "Senior Brother Shu, I'm crossing the robbery now, and I want to go out with you and go back to Lingyu City to help my sister."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "Also, she is very busy."

"Well, I will help her, and I have to figure out a way to let her also survive the catastrophe."

Looking up at the sky, Hao Siyun counted the clouds, seemingly swearing.

"Don't worry, she is not as qualified as you, but she also has her own strengths, and crossing the catastrophe shouldn't be a problem."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, and Hao Ruoyan figured out what he wanted, and began to understand the official way and told her.

"Ah, Guandao, my sister is suitable for this!"

Hao Siyun clapped his hands and rejoiced, happier than he had survived the catastrophe.

Zhou Shu looked at her and said warmly, "It's you, you should also think about what kind of Dao you are suitable for. After crossing the catastrophe, you don't need to be busy with cultivating anymore. Experience more, try all kinds of Dao, and you will always find something you really like. No matter what it is, I will fully support you."

Hao Siyun thought about it for a while and said seriously, "Well, with the words of Senior Brother Shu, I will definitely find it."

Zhou Shu stood up, "Let's go, there are still some things to deal with, Xuanhu should be anxious."

"It didn't take long."

Hao Siyun blushed, stood up, twisted and flew to Shuiliandong with Zhou Shu.

Now that there is no stagnant water in Huamisi Lake, the teleportation formation will be completed soon. When the time comes, the disciples of the Heyin Sect and the Ji family will come frequently, and the four guardian monks at the entrance of the water curtain will become a trouble. It is necessary Temporarily imprisoned.

It didn't take long for Zhou Shu to achieve this. The price was a lot of primordial stones, and the Blood Waterfall Sword was also left as an eye.

Of course, the new formation must be reset. The entrance to the water curtain cave and the secret realm entrance are all necessary.

It took about a dozen days to complete the work. After confessing to Liu Yuer and Xu Mu who were left behind, Zhou Shu and others left the secret realm after leaving many auxiliary pills.

Leaving the Shiwanda Mountain and heading north, it didn't take long to reach the place where Zhou Shu was going ~www.ltnovel.com~Aolaiguo Site.

By the way, when passing by Taiyin Mountain, I also visited the Guiyin Sect and did a little thing.

"This is the former Aolai country, the original place of Huaguo Mountain?"

Hao Siyun looked at the devastated ruins with a shocked look, and couldn't help cursing, "These damned demons are really hateful!"

Xuanhu didn't say a word, just watched silently, he had been here many times.

Most monks in Dongsheng Prefecture, either spontaneously or admonished by the teacher, have deliberately visited the Scarlet Land, as a warning, they can better remind themselves to practice hard and avoid another tragedy in the Xuanhuang world.

Seeing Zhou Shu who was searching everywhere, Hao Siyun quickly followed, "Brother Shu, what are you looking for, let's find it together?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Well, I want to find traces left by the emperor."

"The Emperor?"

Xuanhu paused slightly, and said slowly, "Listen to the elders of the clan saying that the Emperor Human has brought many disasters to the Xuanhuang Realm, and it seems that he is not a good person."

"I don't know, but maybe there are other reasons."

Zhou Shu didn't say much, and looked up carefully.

He was looking for the traces of the Emperor, as well as the traces of the beggar. The beggar came out of Xuanyuanjian. If he didn’t guess wrong, he should have a lot to do with the Emperor. Then it seems that the beggar should come after he gets out of trouble. Check it out here.

In the secret realm, Zhou Shu had searched for it, but found nothing. Maybe the beggar was really not a human being.

"it is good!"

Without a word, Hao Siyun looked for it immediately.

Xuanhu didn't say anything, the three of them looked like a grate and inspected the ruins of Aolai Kingdom.

(PS: Thank you for your continued support for those who live a bad life rather than die, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for their favorites~~)

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