Fairy Winner

Chapter 1654: Crusade team

A few days later, the three got together.

"It's hard to find anything."

Xuan Hu said slowly, "It's not surprising that countless people have been here, and valuable things have been taken away long ago."

"Yeah," Zhou Shu nodded and smiled, "Xuanhu, I have delayed you for a few days. Isn't it in the way?"

Xuanhu frowned, "What does it matter?"

"Hehe, I'm not looking for it."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "I will go to Wanghai City to set up a teleportation formation, Xuanhu, you can go to the secret realm directly through the formation, but..."

"Needless to say, I understand."

Xuanhu shook his head and said seriously, "I still take them from Nanzhanzhou. The teleportation array matters too much. The fewer people I know, the better... In fact, I'm also very worried that the children of the Ji family will leak the news."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Alright, then we will separate here."

Xuanhu arched his hands and left without saying much. Seeing the direction he was leaving, he was heading west.


Zhou Shu sighed lightly.

Hao Siyun blinked, "Senior Brother Shu, what are you sighing? Isn't Senior Xuanhu doing this wrong?"

"It's not a question of right or wrong."

Zhou Shuwen said, "I heard that the Ji family is the most disgusting power of teleportation technology. Xuanhu may have been affected a bit, but he should want to change it. After all, the teleportation array has more advantages than disadvantages. It was just a good opportunity. , But he chose to avoid it. From this point of view, he does not have much power in the Ji family and lacks control. It is not a good thing for the Heyin faction and me."

Hao Siyun was stunned, a little confused, "This way..."

"It's like a cloud, sometimes it's good to think more."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and took her hand, "Let's go to Wanghai City first, and then return to Lingyu City."


Without Xuanhu by the side, Hao Siyun was even more happy. The confusion just disappeared long ago. He relied on Zhou Shu and said, "Brother Shu, did you really find nothing? But I see your expression, it doesn’t seem like Very disappointed."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "I found it."

He didn't find anything real, but he did find the trace of the beggar, and under the eighth sense, a little breath could be clearly seen.

Hao Siyun clapped his hands and said, "Hehe, I knew it!"

The two swept into the clouds and headed north.

After a delay in Wanghai City, he returned to Lingyu City after ten days.

"So lively!"

Hao Siyun exclaimed when he glanced at the city below.

The original Lingyu City was very prosperous, with people coming and going, and the flow of people was like weaving, but now it is a series of people, almost every shop has people, and tens of thousands of immortals gather in the square at all times. The voice is full of voices.

Zhou Shu's expression was indifferent, this was something he had expected earlier.

At this time, the fact that the Heyin faction wanted to suppress the evil souls for the four continents has been completely spread. Many sect forces have rushed to make plans and even contribute their efforts to create such a grand scene, but this is what they got. After these ten years of news that the evil soul could not appear, if the evil soul could come out every moment, I am afraid that it will not come but leave, and Lingyu City will be much desolate.

Hao Siyun seemed to think, "Cihang, Chongyang Palace, Shushan, the big sects are here, there are countless small sects, even the Heavenly Sword has monks?"

"It's impossible not to come, it's always something to do."

Zhou Shu smiled and showed a little solemnity again, "Siyun, do you remember what I said to you these days? The lotus school and Lingyucheng of the past few years will be managed by you and your sister. ."

"Don't worry, I must help my sister seriously!"

Hao Siyun nodded, swept down like an arrow, and rushed straight into the Heyin School.

Zhou Shu looked around carefully for a while before returning to the sect.

A few days later, the hall of the lotus school.

Standing in the hall, looking at the familiar figures in front of him, Zhou Shu smiled unconsciously, "Are you all going?"

"That's natural!"

"The Returning to the Market Crusade Team, I'm excited just listening!"

"If you have such an opportunity, of course you can't miss it!"

"We have to at least reach the sixth floor!"

Some people shouted loudly, some quietly agreed, most people were very excited, except for Li Aojian who was still proud.


Zhou Shu nodded lightly, but his expression was extremely solemn, "It seems that you are all well aware of it, but I still have to remind once again that it is Guixu, the secret realm of ascending to immortality, and it is the most likely to enlighten the way. The place where great growth is possible is also one of the most dangerous and difficult secret realms in the world of cultivating immortals. There may be deadly dangers in it at any time. If you go, you must be prepared not to come back... So, you think again."

"Don't think about it, Junior Brother, I'm definitely going to go."

The first person to stand up was Yan Yue. After Ci Hangzong cultivated to the realm of transforming the gods, she returned to Lingyu City. In order to catch up with Zhou Shu, she always wanted to find a suitable place to practice, and she wanted to find a way that suits her. , She stared at Zhou Shu and nodded earnestly, "Junior Brother, no matter what happens...I am willing to die."

Zhou Shu beckoned, "I understand, Senior Sister, come here first."

Looking at Yan Yue, he gently exhorted, "Sister, be careful, I'll wait for you to come back."

Yan Yue blushed, "Yeah."

"Needless to say the two of us?"

Li Aojian and Zhu Dashan walked over directly, patted Zhou Shu, "Definitely going."

"After crossing the sword body of the robbery, and understanding the mountain body of the Tao, where can't you go?"

Zhou Shu nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ only in a very serious voice, "This trip to the secret realm, the two of you are very important, but you can't take care of your own experience. The main task is to take them to the sixth place. Reconstruct Tianwu Dao, and try to protect others, remember, not to protect, but to maintain."

Zhu Dashan touched his head, "What is the difference between protection and maintenance?"

Li Aojian looked disdainful, "You don’t know anything about pig brains, of course it’s not the same. Maintenance is an environment for others to experience well, while protection is to treat them as children..."

Ding Yu said angrily, "Who is a kid? Don't look down on people."

He looked at Zhou Shu and said righteously, "We Shushan disciples never need protection."

Gu Letian hurriedly pulled him back, "Sect Master Zhou is not talking about protection. Don't mess around. Besides, it's not that you haven't compared with Senior Li Aojian a few days ago. You are not an opponent at all."

Ding Yu's face turned red, and he muttered softly, "I also know it, but it's uncomfortable to hear..."

Mo Lian Xing took a step, her delicate face, star-like pupils flashed expectant light, "Brother Zhou, we have already made our consciousness in Shushan. Lian Xing knows this is a great opportunity, please allow us to go. Return to the market."


Zhou Shu nodded, "Elder Miao entrusted you to me, but I haven't been able to do anything. I'm really sorry. This trip to the market hopes to help you, but you also have to pay attention to your safety. Now Shushan is indispensable. Several of you."

"Thank you Sect Master Zhou for your accomplishment!"

The three nodded together and walked quickly to Zhou Shu's side.

When Mo Lianxing passed by Zhou Shu, he looked up at Zhou Shu and said in a low voice, "Senior Brother Zhou, are you going to go too?"

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "I won't go this time."


Mo Lianxing lowered his head slightly, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

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