Fairy Winner

Chapter 1656: Traced

"Tweet, twee, twee!"

A big golden bird rushed straight down from the air and landed on the monk. It couldn't help bouncing and crying, overjoyed.

"Little gold."

Zhou Shu caressed the big bird, smiling more than ever, "A hundred years have passed, and you have grown a lot."

Big Bird is Zhou Shu's Xiaojin who stayed in Qingyuan Valley. He is considered the earliest old friend. He has always been attached to the Thunder Calling Eagle, and now it has a sixth rank.

After struggling for a while, Xiao Jin suddenly flew up and let out a long hiss. After a while, he attracted a large group of Thunder Summoning Eagles, afraid that there would not be seven or eight hundred.

The thunder-calling eagles followed Xiaojin and screamed and jumped.

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "If this continues, you will develop a big family, ha ha."

"Tweet, twee, twee!"

Xiao Jin held his head high, quite complacent.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, leaving behind some pills and soul fluid, and strode to the depths of Qingyuan Valley.

A deep valley full of bones.

The weird colossus of Xiangmiao, the witch god, is still standing in the middle of the valley, with a person sitting on the side. No, it should not be a person.

It was the beggar and the goal he had been pursuing.

"Sure enough, here."

Zhou Shu secretly thought to himself, showing a lot of luck.

According to his guess, the beggar was looking for a deadlock.

What is the crash and where does it come from? Zhou Shu is not completely clear, but it should probably be in places such as ancient battlefields or cemeteries. There may be more crashes. He has been to many famous death places in Dongshengzhou, but he found nothing until the end. , He suddenly thought of Qingyuan Valley.

Qingyuan Valley, this mysterious valley that has gone through tens of thousands of years, this place of death that is not allowed to enter, I don’t know how many monsters and spirit beasts have been buried here, leaving behind bones and souls, and perhaps many deaths are hidden. Satisfy the request of the beggar.

He came over immediately, and the beggar was really here.

Going around, but still returning to the original place, he felt fateful.

He arched his hands, Zhou Shu walked to the beggar's side, sincerely and solemnly, "Junior Zhou Shu, I have met seniors."


The beggar looked up at Zhou Shu, slightly disdainful.

It sounds like his voice is no longer full of vicissitudes of life, but is much clearer, and gradually matches his young and handsome appearance. Although his clothes are still shabby, his temperament has basically been highlighted, and his body is not big, but it is unspeakable The generosity and grandeur, with its own heroic style, is completely different from before.

The beggar turned to the lottery, his eyes shining like stars, "You didn't call it that way last time."

Zhou Shu looked calm, "Last time, the junior suspected that senior was an evil soul, so he offended senior and asked senior to forgive him."

The beggar laughed unconsciously, "Haha, evil soul, am I like an evil soul?"

"Before seeing the evil soul, the junior can only judge based on the rumors, so I can't be sure whether the senior is or not," Zhou Shu slowly said, "but after seeing the evil soul, the junior can be sure that the senior must not be an evil soul."

The beggar said calmly, "Thank you, then what am I?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while, and said cautiously, "Junior doesn't know, Senior should be Xuanyuan Sword Spirit?"


The beggar snorted, did not answer, but looked at Zhou Shu and said, "Are you looking for me? How did you find me? Why did you look for me?"

Zhou Shuli agreed, "Yes, the juniors are looking for seniors, and they have been looking for many days. From Nanzhanzhou to here, they have been searching for death all the way, so they can come here to meet seniors. As for why they are looking for seniors, I want to ask seniors. Thing."

The beggar smiled faintly, "Exterminate the evil soul?"

Zhou Shu nodded, his expression was very solemn, "The juniors have this intention, and the juniors have always felt that if there is anyone in the world of immortality who can destroy the evil souls, it is only the seniors. Please also ask the seniors to look at the evil souls. When the Xuanhuang Realm is about to be messed up, give me some advice."

The beggar's expression suddenly became cold, and two cold lights appeared in his eyes, "You don't even know who I am, why are you so sure?"

Zhou Shu did not evade in the slightest, "Junior firmly believes that the power of the senior can be achieved."

When he got the Shenmu Ding, finding a beggar was the first plan he thought of, and possibly the best plan, because a beggar was the most powerful and incredible "person" he had ever seen. There was no one in him. It seems that even the most terrifying evil soul now can't stump the beggar.

The beggar looked at it for a while, and laughed, "Where is your confidence?"

Zhou Shu followed and smiled, "Senior gave it to junior."

The beggar paused for a while, then gently shook his head, "Actually, it is not me who can solve the evil soul, but you."

Zhou Shu looked stagnant, "Me?"

The beggar nodded and said calmly, "The two divine tools in your body have the ability to destroy evil spirits."

Zhou Shu's heart was shocked. It seemed that in front of this beggar, he could not keep any secrets, so he could only face it calmly.

He slowly said, "The Demon Refining Pot says that he is far from recovering, he can't do it at all, and the Xuanyuan Sword, the junior can't use it at all now."

The beggar shook his head, "It's just that you think so."

Zhou Shu seemed to feel something, and wondered, could it be that the Demon Refining Pot is lying again, it can actually suppress or even destroy the evil soul?


The beggar looked into the distance, his eyes gradually changed, becoming extremely sad, as if he was hiding unimaginable pain.

Zhou Shu glanced at it, and it seemed that he was infected, and there was a burst of sorrow and grief, "Does senior have anything to worry about?"

The beggar stood up and paced back and forth among the piles of bones ~www.ltnovel.com~The pace was slow and the floor was silent.

Zhou Shujing watched quietly, but didn't dare to bother.

a long time.

The beggar stopped, seeming to mutter to himself, "I have traveled in the Xuanhuang world for several years, and always hear a rumor..."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "What rumor?"

The beggar sighed, "The rumors say that the emperor is the most selfish person in the world. He went to the immortal realm by himself, but left the Xuanyuan sword in the Xuanhuang realm to harm others, and continued to draw the strength of the monks through the Xuanyuan sword until they fell. ...Many immortal cultivators have been killed by Xuanyuanjian, right?"

Looking at the beggar, Zhou Shu was stagnant, and said regretfully, "The juniors have also heard of these rumors, have also searched for some classics, and have also sought confirmation from the big sects. It seems that it is not fake... and for this reason, Xuanyuan The sword will disappear, be suppressed, and only recently did it appear again."

"In other words, are the rumors true?"

The beggar looked at Zhou Shu, his complexion getting colder, and then flashed in front of Zhou Shu. The cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said sharply, "Who is it, who did it?"

"Who did what?"

Zhou Shu showed a trace of doubt.


The beggar glared at Zhou Shu, "Who is using Xuanyuanjian to do such a shameless thing!"

The sound was strangely loud and resounded through the valley, and the birds and beasts in the valley were startled and chaotic.

Zhou Shu condensed slightly and shook his head, "Junior doesn't know who it is, but...senior hasn't been in the sword all the time, don't you know?"

He was very confused. If he said that the beggar was a sword spirit, he didn't know the situation of Xuanyuan Sword for no reason. He even thought that these things were done by the sword spirit before, but the look of this beggar was definitely not like a lie. People, what is the problem in this?

(PS: Thank you, Qingniu, Luotuo Town, for your support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted.)

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