Fairy Winner

Chapter 1657: Xuanyuan Jianling

"If I know, why ask you?"

The beggar paused, gave Zhou Shu an angry look, but sighed again.

Zhou Shu said thoughtfully, "Senior, I don't believe that the emperor is such a person, there must be something strange in the middle."

The beggar sneered, "You don't believe it... you've seen the emperor, do you know who he is?"

Zhou Shu stagnated, and slowly took out thirteen stone slabs. "Although the younger generation has never seen the Emperor of Humanity, they believe in the monks of Ao Lai Kingdom. Those Warriors of the Unparalleled Kingdom have believed in the Emperor of Humanity until they die, and use their lives to protect these slates. This makes the younger generation feel that the Emperor will never let them down and do things that are so angry with everyone."

On the stone slabs, there are portraits of the emperor, with various gestures, lifelike.

Obtained from the remains of Huaguo Mountain, the Aolai Kingdom was invaded by the demons and turned into ruins, but these portraits of the emperor were extremely well preserved. Obviously, it was the result of deliberate protection by the monks.

Staring at that side of the slate, the beggar was stunned.

As his eyes glided across the stone slab one by one, his body began to tremble, his expression sad, and he gradually became unable to himself.

"Xuanyuan... it's great to see you again..."

He stroked the stone slabs and muttered in a low voice, like weeping.

Zhou Shu stood quietly on the side, quite moved. It seemed that this beggar really had a deep relationship with the Emperor Xuanyuan, could it really be the sword spirit of Xuanyuan Sword? This surprised and shocked him too much...

After a long time, the beggar raised his head, looked at Zhou Shu and nodded, "I believe you."

Zhou Shu said earnestly, "I also believe in the Emperor, just like I believe in the monks of the proud country, every monk who has given everything to the Xuanhuang Realm will never do anything to harm the Xuanhuang Realm."

"you're right."

The beggar stared at the stone slabs and said in a concentrated voice, "Human Emperor Xuanyuan is the most benevolent person, so how could he frame up other monks?"

Zhou Shu nodded and said slowly, "Senior knows the Emperor so well, should he be Xuanyuan Sword Spirit who has followed him for many years?"

"Not bad."

The beggar nodded slightly.

Although he had expected it, Zhou Shu couldn't hide the shock in his heart. Astonished, shocked and joyful, all concentrated on his face, "Senior, senior..."

"Senior, I'm afraid I can't afford it."

The beggar shook his head slowly and sighed, "Today I have only a trace of the remnant soul in the world. You have to count on me to help you eliminate the evil soul. I can't do it."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "Senior has been suppressed by the Four Elephant Seals for a long time, it is inevitable..."


The beggar sneered coldly, with all disdain in his laughter, "Even if the real Four Elephants come together, they won't be my opponents. Only some exquisite Four Elephant Seals can suppress me? What a joke!"

Between words, arrogance and clouds filled the world, and Zhou Shu was startled.

Zhou Shu couldn't help but wonder, "Why is that senior?"

The beggar paused and said slowly, "My injury was not because of the suppression of the Sixiangyin, but because I was hit and was flogged by Huang Quan."

"Yellow Spring Whip?"

Zhou Shu was quite puzzled, "The only thing that can hurt seniors should be artifacts, but juniors have never heard of Huangquan whip."

The beggar shook his head, "Huangquan whip is not a divine tool, but a Taoist tool from the immortal world. You don't know it naturally."

"Xianjie Taoist?"

Zhou Shu was a little confused and a little excited, "Could it be that there is a magic weapon that is higher than a magical weapon?"

"Naturally, the sacred treasure, also known as the sacred instrument, is the highest magic weapon in all realms, standing side by side with the saints."

The beggar explained, "Under the sacred artifacts, there are Taoist artifacts and artifacts from the immortal realm. Sacred artifacts are the guardians of a realm. They have their own rules and avenues. Taoism tools are made by immortals who completely control the rules and avenues. The magic weapon is the same as the magic weapon.

Zhou Shu seemed to feel something, "It turned out to be so."

The beggar continued, "There are not only Dao implements, but there are also immortal implements lower than Dao implements. They are also refined by immortals and contain Dao laws. They are just not as magical as Dao implements, but they are still much higher than many heavenly magic weapons in other realms. The best blog is not worth mentioning. As for the magic weapon, it is the lowest."

Zhou Shushen made a bow and said, "Thank you seniors for your advice, juniors understand."

The beggar nodded, "Huangquan whip is a Taoist tool, refined by immortals in the immortal world. With one blow, the soul flies away, and the soul is returned to Huangquan. If it is normal, I would not be afraid of him, but he suddenly attacked when I was promoted. At that time, I was only thinking about catching up with Xuanyuan and entering the fairy world. How could I have expected a sneak attack, neglected to guard, and hit the whip that he was determined to win, my soul was scattered, my way was lost, and only a trace of remnant soul was hidden in the sword After the gate of life and death, he fell back to the Profound Yellow Realm with the sword..."

Zhou Shu didn't notice a bit of anger, "It's really shameless to suddenly attack when entering the fairyland."

"Who said no?"

The beggar said bitterly, "Damn Huangquan whip, I don't know who brought it, but I must avenge it!"

"We must take revenge," Zhou Shu nodded his head, with some doubts, "Isn't the senior who was promoted to the immortal with the Emperor? Then, would the Emperor also be attacked?"

"He will not."

The beggar said affirmatively, "He has made such merits in the Xuanhuang world~www.ltnovel.com~ has been determined as a candidate for a saint. No one dares to attack unless he dares to violate the saint’s will. This is impossible. What's more, when he was promoted to the immortal, the emissary sent by the sage took him in. Unlike me, he will be fine."

Zhou Shu nodded, "I see."

Being favored by a saint and determined to be a candidate for a saint, how many merits should this emperor have made, but that was also in the ancient times, when human beings were born, and everything has done a lot, and now the Xuanhuang world has gradually withered. I am afraid it is very difficult to make merits and virtues.

Zhou Shu couldn't do it, and he became a candidate for a saint directly.

"Although I don't know how Human Sovereign is now, most of them already have an excellent position in the immortal world, maybe they are all quasi saints."

The beggar smiled slightly, smiling very comfortably, as if he was still at the side of the emperor, "but I, with only a trace of remnant soul, sleep, sleep, sleep in Xuanyuanjian..."

Muttering, he gradually showed a lot of bitterness.

Zhou Shu seemed to understand, "Since falling back to the Xuanhuang Realm, Senior has been sleeping, so I don't know what happened to Xuanyuanjian, and I don't know who used Xuanyuanjian to do these things."


The beggar didn’t conceal, “I was lashed by the yellow spring to disperse my soul, and I can’t do anything except sleep. I didn’t realize that my catastrophe was imminent until I was awakened by you a while ago. ."

"I understand."

Zhou Shu nodded, he almost made it clear, combined with many classics and his own verification, what the beggar said should be the truth.

He was deceived by the Demon Refining Pot for a long time, and he was wary of the artifacts, and would not believe it if he didn't figure it out.

"Senior, everything will be fine."

Looking at the beggar, Zhou Shu said seriously, smiling confidently.

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