Fairy Winner

Chapter 1658: Sword of Life and Death

"Get better……"

The beggar shook his head and smiled helplessly, "I don't have such hope. That whip has almost destroyed everything. The original strength, as well as many memories of cultivation and promotion, have all disappeared, and I cannot recover. , There is nothing to do except linger."

"Senior forgot everything? No power?"

Zhou Shu showed a trace of doubt, "But senior, you moved the stagnant water in a hundred thousand mountains, and moved the place of a huge lake."

"That's a very simple thing."

The beggar was slightly dazed, and swiped a few times.

The ground in front of him was changing miraculously, and the two grounds were shifting each other, exchanging positions.

It was completed very quickly, although they were all bones, but they were no longer in their original positions.

Seeing Zhou Shu’s surprised gaze, the beggar shook his head, “It’s nothing difficult, I can do it easily, but when I really want to do something, such as breaking the statue, I’m incapable of such a simple thing. Powerless."

Zhou Shu stared at the beggar, seemingly enlightened, "Senior's situation, I probably understand."

The beggar paused, "What do you understand?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Senior has lost most of the memories of cultivation, but the principles and avenues he has learned will not disappear. They will always exist. Seniors just lost their power and forgot the tactics, so they cannot transform the principles and avenues. For practical power."

The beggar thought about it for a while, then slowly nodded, "Perhaps so, but I'm not sure."

"It should be like this. Senior is very fragile and weak, but still very strong."

Zhou Shu nodded and said earnestly, "Senior masters the avenue of law and can do many unthinkable things, such as shrinking the ground before, which is obviously very slow, but the junior can't catch up with you. Lake Mess uses the law of space to do what he wants. Although Senior himself may not be clear, Senior is still very powerful."


The beggar stagnated and looked at Zhou Shu and said, "What do you want to do, do you want to rely on me to destroy the evil soul?"

Zhou Shu immediately shook his head, "No, but what I want to do more is to help Senior recover, return to Xuanyuan Sword, return to the fairy world where Senior should be, and even return to the Human Sovereign."

"Back to Xuanyuan..."

The beggar's body was shocked, and his eyes unconsciously showed many expectations, "Can it really be done?"

"Yes, what the seniors are missing is only the method, not the fundamental," Zhou Shu smiled slightly. "Cultivators like us all use various methods to explore the principles of the Great Dao and comprehend the law. The power is only for better use and Get the principle of the avenue, and the seniors have already understood the principle of the avenue, even if there is no good way to use them, it should not be difficult to push backwards."

The beggar thought for a while, "It's a good idea, I can try it."

Zhou Shu nodded earnestly, "The juniors will try their best to help."

No matter what, you must first gain the trust of Xuanyuan Sword Spirit. Xuanyuan Sword Spirit has lost a lot of souls and remembers very few things. Only after becoming a remnant soul, the memory is clear. Most of them can only act on instinct. It was very fragile, but still very powerful, but he didn't know how to use it. Zhou Shu believed that if he could help the Xuanyuan Sword Spirit to recover, the Sword Spirit would definitely be able to destroy the evil soul, and even more.

Looking at the beggar who was expecting something, Zhou Shu thought for a while, "Is the predecessor still short of life and death?"

The beggar shook his head, "It's almost there, I can't absorb more now."

Zhou Shu stared at him with a respectful expression, "What is this vitality and death? Why did the senior rush to look for it when he came out?"

"Life, death..."

The beggar meditated hard, holding his head seemed to be a little laborious, and after a while he said, "I can't remember clearly, please listen to it. If there is something I don't understand, I can't explain it anymore."

Zhou Shu is doing a good job, holding the disciple's ceremony, "Okay, please tell me, senior."

The beggar said slowly, "You take out Xuanyuan sword."

Zhou Shu nodded, took out Xuanyuanjian and placed it flat between the two.

The beggar pointed at the sword and said slowly, "If you have probed with the spirit, you should have found that there is a gate in the sword, called the Gate of Life and Death, behind the gate is the Palace of Life and Death, which is also the residence of the sword spirit."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "I've seen it before, but why is there a Palace of Life and Death in Xuanyuanjian?"

The beggar appeared a bit solemn, "Because Xuanyuan Sword is a sword of life and death."

Zhou Shu was shocked and exclaimed, "The sword of life and death?"


The beggar paused for a while, "Xuanyuan Sword is in the Palace of Life and Death, where life and death are in balance, and the Palace of Life and Death is the place where the laws of life and death are concentrated."

Zhou Shu looked calm and slowly said, "In other words, if you can use Xuanyuan Sword, can you use the law of life and death to determine life and death?"

With one sword going down, the opponent must die, how does it feel.

Sure enough, most of the artifacts have power against the sky, just like the refining demon pot, they all control a certain Dao law, one is determined to die, the other refining all things, returning all things to their origins, can turn decay into magic.

"The reason is that there is nothing wrong..."

The beggar shook his head and smiled~www.ltnovel.com~ However, in the Xuanhuang world, it is impossible for a sword bearer to fully grasp the law of life and death, let alone use the power of the law of life and death to such an extent, even the emperor of the year would require a sword It's hard to decide to die. "

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, not too disappointed, "But can you use it to understand the law of life and death?"


This time the beggar did not shook his head. "Life and death is just a way to understand the law of life and death, perhaps the most direct way."

Zhou Shu raised his hand, "Senior, please make it clear."

"Vitality is the vitality of life, which is possessed by every life. Once you understand the law of life and death, you can perceive them and capture them. A small amount of capture will not affect life, because in most cases , The vitality of life is a constant value, even if it loses some, it can return to its original state in a few days. This is especially obvious for the immortal cultivator, because the cultivator’s thirst for life is the strongest, and the vitality is also The most vigorous, as long as it does not capture the light once, it has no effect on them, and for some fragile mortals, losing a little vitality may mean total loss of life."

The beggar paused and looked at Zhou Shu, "I was going to die at the time, and I had to replenish it immediately after I came out. That's why I regained the vitality in your city, but you don't have to worry at all. Your city is full of immortal cultivators. Zhemu Changsheng will never affect his life because of the disappearance of a little vitality."

Zhou Shu nodded, "I see, there is nothing wrong with what Senior did."

"Fortunately, there are no mortals in your city. If there are mortals, I would be in a lot of trouble."

The beggar seemed to sigh, "The Emperor Xuanyuan is known for his benevolence and will never harm humans. If I do such a thing, how will I see him in the future."

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