Fairy Winner

Chapter 1659: Life and death

"Senior's benevolence is about the same as Human Sovereign, and juniors admire it."

Zhou Shuton was solemn and sighed, "If you change juniors, you may not be concerned about mortals at the kind of crisis that is about to die. In order to be able to save your life, you may have taken everything."

The beggar shook his head and said indifferently, "Don't admire, I just follow the emperor's way."

Zhou Shu nodded, "If he hadn't cherished mankind so much and achieved the utmost in all aspects, he would not be respected by all."

"It's just for later generations..."

The beggar glanced at the Xuanyuan sword on the ground, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, "But because of this sword, he is slandered in every way, alas."

Zhou Shu seemed to feel the same way, "Senior, all will be fine. When the real culprit is found and the truth is revealed, the younger generation will definitely tell the world and restore the innocence."

"It's great if you can do it."

The beggar glanced at Zhou Shu and smiled with helplessness, "But impossible, if I didn't guess wrong, the real murderer is not the monk in the Xuanhuang world, but from the outside world or even the fairy world, the guy who brought Huangquan whip to attack me. ."

Zhou Shu paused and said slowly, "I will look for it later."

The beggar shook his head unconsciously, "Your confidence always leaves me speechless."

"Senior will see it in the future."

Zhou Shu didn't say any more, raising his hand and said, "Senior, what is the crash? It doesn't come from the cultivator?"

The beggar paused, "Death is the desire for death. When life comes to an end, death will inevitably come. Everything becomes empty and all thoughts are ashes. Only this all thoughts are ashes. It is also a kind of desire. This is the death. Most of them settle in Somewhere, when you understand the law of life and death, you can see it."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, but he was quite puzzled.

The beggar continued, “It’s very difficult to get a dead end from a cultivator. Whenever a cultivator dies, they will not lose all thoughts, because they have the pursuit of longevity and will always be unwilling to death, even if the body is destroyed and the soul is exhausted. Loss, this obsession is always hard to dissipate, so there will be no crashes after death, not to mention cultivators, mortals are like this, they have many thoughts when they die, such as hatred for their enemies, and for those who fail to achieve their goals. Desire, unwillingness to be sick, etc. These thoughts form obsessions, and it is impossible to cause death."

Zhou Shu nodded unconsciously, "Oh, it is basically impossible to want people to give up their desires, even before dying, mortals and cultivators are the same."

"Yes, except for a few special immortal cultivators, it is very difficult for humans to get deadlocks."

The beggar slowly said, "But the monster beast is different. In the absence of spiritual wisdom, the monster beast follows the laws of nature. It lives and dies to death. There will be no obsessions mixed with it. There are often crashes at times, and they are deposited everywhere. For example, here, there are many monsters who walked to death, but also left many crashes. And the place I went before was the Huamisi Lake you mentioned, where the crashes were It's all polluted by the wild gods, and it's no longer a pure crash. It's of no use to me."

"Senior, this junior probably understands."

Zhou Shu seemed to understand, "However, what the seniors mean is that the juniors can't perceive life and death before they understand the law of life and death?"

"You don't even know what the law of life and death is, how can you perceive it?"

The beggar said faintly, "My explanation, you can understand it carefully, maybe you can understand a little bit. If you want to understand faster, find a way to use this Xuanyuan sword. It can help you understand life and death faster. law."

"Use this sword..."

Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, some instinctive resistance, "This sword still draws power now, even if I can use it, I will inevitably be swallowed by it."

The beggar stared at Xuanyuan Sword, seemingly feeling, "I didn't have time to look at it when I left in a hurry, but there should be an extra statue in front of the gate of life and death, yes, it really is... so devouring power, that statue smashed. The ghost?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "It should be that the statue has three heads and six arms, using three ancient techniques, and is constantly drawing strength."

"Three heads and six arms, I seem to have seen it in the Xuanhuang Realm before..."

The beggar hugged his head and seemed to fall into thinking again, and muttered, "Who is it, who is going to die... Why use Xuanyuan's appearance? Is it deliberately framed... Could it be Xuanyuan's past enemy... Why me? Can't remember..."

Seeing the painful look of the beggar, Zhou Shu quickly said, "Senior, don't think about it if you don't remember it, it doesn't matter."

The beggar turned his eyes away, and it took a long time to calm down.

Zhou Shu walked a few steps closer, blocking Xuanyuanjian behind him, and said with some expectation, "If it's senior, there should be a way to take it out or destroy it?"

"I have no strength at all, I can't do it."

The beggar shook his head categorically, "Moreover, this is Xuanyuan sword. Even if I am a sword spirit, I can't make such a change. Only a cultivator with a sword can do it." He glanced at Zhou Shu, seemingly expectant. "If you can use this sword, I should also be able to tell you how to take out the statue."

"If you can take out the statue, the sword will be fine. There is nothing the younger generation can't use, I just can't ask for it."

Zhou Shu quickly agreed, "It's just that the younger generation has tried it. This sword should be sealed, and it won't work at all."

"In fact, it's not a seal, but the gate of life and death is closed, you can't enter the palace of life and death~www.ltnovel.com~ so the power of the cultivator can't pass, and naturally can't manipulate Xuanyuan sword."

The beggar glanced at Xuanyuan Sword, with some pride, "Looking at the traces, it was probably forced to shut down by someone using the spirit of the guardian sacred beast... Although I am sleeping, Xuanyuan Sword has no power, but I can do this. He is also a powerful character, after all, collecting the spirits of the four sacred beasts is not easy."

Zhou Shu felt the same way, "He is also a good person. This is to avoid harming the monks again."

The beggar thought for a while, "Open the gate of life and death, reopen the palace of life and death, and let Xuanyuan Sword use it again. There should be three ways."

Zhou Shu was quite solemn, "Senior, please say."

The beggar said slowly, "First, I can pass through the Palace of Life and Death at any time, but I am unable to open the gate of life and death, but as long as I restore one-thousandth or even one-thousandth of my strength, I can do this, but this is possible. It’s the hardest, because I don’t know how to restore my strength."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "The juniors don't know, but you can try it slowly."

"Secondly, it is also very difficult. To find the guardian sacred beast, you must use the spirit of the sacred beast to unlock it. It must be a very complete spirit."

The beggar shook his head, "During the time I was out, I traveled all over the four continents, but I didn't find any traces of holy beasts. The Xuanhuang Realm is no longer what it used to be..."

Zhou Shu followed and shook his head, "The complete spirit of the four elephants, I think it must be gone now."

"The third one seems even more impossible."

The beggar stagnated, "Find the descendants of the Xuanyuan family and use the Xuanyuan bloodline to open the gate of life and death. The Xuanyuan sword is made by the Xuanyuan family and the bloodline can be opened... However, the Xuanyuan family should have been completely extinct very early."

Looking at Zhou Shu, he shook his head unconsciously. Only this time, Zhou Shu didn't follow to shake his head, instead, there was light in his eyes.

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