Fairy Winner

Chapter 1661: Palace of Life and Death

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Shu discovered a problem.

He is going to open the door of life and death, and the spirit must pass by the statue. How can he avoid the statue's absorption?

If the spirit is absorbed, the blood of the Tianlu beast will be wasted.

After a long period of meditation, after repeated deductions in the sea of ​​knowledge, Zhou Shu started to do it.

A wisp of soul escaped into the Xuanyuan sword, and quickly felt the statue's absorption, shaped like a black hole, almost impossible to resist, but Zhou Shu did not resist either, but followed the black hole, spinning without restraint, with a few forces. It maintains a delicate balance in the middle, and every time it is about to be swallowed, it suddenly jumps away.

Even for Zhou Shu, this is very difficult to do, but after all, there have been deductions. Although it is thrilling, it can always be successful.

Fortunately, the statue did not know the change, and always maintained the same way of drawing, giving Zhou Shu enough room to control the spirit.

Just like the bait that couldn't be swallowed, that strand of spirit caught the statue, and at the same time, another strand of spirit, with the blood of the Tianlu beast, quietly bypassed the statue and flew to the gate of life and death.

The huge gate of life and death, the four sacred beasts are vivid, as if they would jump out at any time.

The fierce aspiration still exists, the divine power is still there, and it is a little frightened at first glance, the soul is transformed, and it can always shock the monster.

"If you are not a master painter, it will really hurt your charm if you smear it randomly."

Zhou Shu figured it out for a moment, and then started.

Divine Soul carries the essence and blood, wisps across the four holy beasts, just like the original talisman, the pen is light and heavy, rising and falling, wherever it goes, as deduced before, there is no trace of confusion Leak.

However, Bai Xi, a drop of essence and blood was completely used up, and it was worthy of being covered with the four elephant patterns.

The quantity is calculated by meditation, so there will be no mistake.

As soon as it was filled, I saw golden light flashing, and the door began to sway, like the ground and the sky.

The four sacred beasts on the door seemed to have come alive too, dragons and tigers leaping, turtles and birds crowing.

The majestic posture is still there, watching the world, and those who endanger the Xuanhuang world will be punishable.

Zhou Shu didn't have time to appreciate it, and led the soul to retreat quickly. Because his spiritual sense had already sensed the abnormal movement, the four elephants seemed to have come alive, and they were roaring, roaring, and flaring their claws at him.

As if struck by lightning, Zhihai was violently shaken, and even his body was a little unstable and backed unconsciously.

The beggar felt abnormal, "What's the matter?"

"The door to life and death is open."

Zhou Shu stood still, with a lot of doubt in his eyes, "But in the Palace of Life and Death, why is it empty?"

Very disappointed, the Palace of Life and Death is empty, and there is nothing.

But the beggar nodded in satisfaction, "It seems that you are really open. When you don’t understand the law of life and death, the palace of life and death you see is indeed empty, but if you understand the law, you can feel it. All kinds of life and death visions, every life, from the beginning to the end, you can see one by one inside. To tell you the truth, the Palace of Life and Death is the most wonderful place I have ever seen, nothing can compare."

"Senior said so."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, not knowing the truth and seeing the beauty.

But he didn't rush to withdraw, only quietly used the eighth sense to visit the Palace of Life and Death again.

He would never miss such an opportunity.

In the empty hall, there was a scene suddenly.

In the center of the hall, a group of black and white clouds appeared abruptly. The clouds were black and white, but they were tightly entangled.

A lot of gray silk threads stretched out from the surface of the cloud group, changing constantly from time to time, making people dazzling and totally countless.

Between black and white, more or less smoke is emitted from time to time, which seems to be a mysterious power, but it is not clear.

But when Zhou Shu wanted to take a closer look, the picture stopped abruptly.

The eighth sense suddenly stopped, and the effect was lost forcibly. When I looked at it again, the hall was already blank. The black and white clouds and the chaotic silk thread before it were completely gone, as if they had never appeared.

Zhou Shu felt stagnant and wanted to gather the eighth sense to examine again, but found that there was no response for a long time.

It seemed that that glance exhausted all his savings.

"Is it the essence of the law of life and death?"

Zhou Shu secretly thought that the scene was definitely not an illusion, it was like chaos, like the scene before the heavens and the earth were open, life and death were entangled, like yin and yang entangled, inseparable from each other.

"Don't try, you can't even see the death of life, how can you understand the Palace of Life and Death?"

The beggar looked at Zhou Shu, who was slightly at a loss, and kindly persuaded him, “When you perceive life and death, and can find and retrieve them, this palace of life and death will slowly open to you, revealing the true meaning of the law of birth and death, but I can't teach you, I can only understand it, not say it."

Zhou Shu nodded, seemingly thoughtful.

The beggar made a lot of sense, but he had a feeling that the beggar might not know what he saw.

What the beggar sees is not necessarily true.

"You opened the door of life and death, Yuan Li, etc. can also pass through the Palace of Life and Death, although the power of the law in the Palace of Life and Death cannot be used, but the sword is already usable," the beggar was quite relieved, "Don't think there is no law of life and death, this The sword of life and death is not easy to use. With its own material, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com can maximize your strength and make Yuxuexin much better than ordinary magic weapons of heaven."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Junior understands."

The sword spirit said it well, but he knew very well that without a sword spirit, an artifact that could not exert the power of the law was of little use to him. It was okay to be an omnipotent weapon, but he wanted to destroy it with it. Eliminating evil spirits and fighting against heaven is an impossible task.

"By the way, Senior, how should this statue be removed?"

After trying Xuanyuan Sword for a while, Zhou Shu frowned slightly when he felt his Yuan Li and Divine Sense disappear unconsciously.

The beggar waved his hand, "Destroy it."

Zhou Shu was stunned, "Destroyed?"

The beggar nodded vigorously and said straightly, "Yes, now that the gate of life and death has been opened, you can fully concentrate all your power in Xuanyuan Sword, and then use your strongest killer move to destroy it. If you can't do it If you do... then try a few more times."

Zhou Shu was helpless, and said, "Senior, this is how you plan to tell me? I was looking forward to it before."

The beggar raised his head, deliberately not looking at Zhou Shu, "Otherwise, what else... Yes, I can easily solve it, but I don't have any strength now, otherwise I will do it myself, and I have forgotten the method. , Otherwise I can teach you how to cut through the sky, but that is a sword art that can even split the sky. It is naturally not a problem to deal with this statue."

Zhou Shu smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Forget it, I'll do it myself."

Picking up the Xuanyuan sword, Zhou Shu sullenly walked aside and began to concentrate on the statue.

Although a little disappointed, what Xuanyuan Jianling said was not wrong. The current Xuanyuan Jian could hold his power, and he could pass through without hindrance. With power, he could try anything.

(PS: Thank you Meng Tu Liu for your support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~)

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