Fairy Winner

Chapter 1662: Meditation

"All right."

Zhou Shu put down Xuanyuanjian, calm and joyful.

The beggar was slightly surprised, "A lot faster than I thought, and... your power is strange, I have never seen it before."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "It's nothing."

The beggar gave Zhou Shu a deep look, "It doesn't matter if it doesn't count."

Obviously, he was aware of Zhou Shu’s Dao power. As Xuanyuan Sword Spirit who had experienced countless Dao powers, the Dao power that he had never seen before could only be created by later generations, or even Zhou Shu himself. Creative.

For Zhou Shu, he had some different opinions.

Zhou Shu stroked Xuanyuan Sword, and said thoughtfully, "With regard to life and death, is there anything senior can teach juniors, such as how to perceive them? Although Xuanyuan Sword is in his hands, juniors still have no clue. I can't feel it at all."

"I have nothing to teach about this."

The beggar just shook his head and said with a little disdain, "And do you think vitality is spiritual energy, can you perceive it by various cultivation techniques?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "It would be great if it is so."

"I want to be beautiful," the beggar snorted, "Even if you have a magic trick, you have to perceive your spiritual energy, you have to have spiritual roots, but you can't have any roots for your vitality and death, to follow and rely on. Rely on your own understanding to understand."

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed.

The beggar's words touched him a little.

Spiritual energy has spiritual roots, and many Taoisms also have Tao roots. So should the law as the most basic element of the universe also have the root of the law (root of law)?

If there is a root of Dharma, it is much easier to understand the law by relying on the root of Dharma.

Think about it, it may not be impossible.

Fagen is not necessarily a fixed thing. You must know that, such as spiritual roots, Dao roots, and even Tao furnaces, etc., are not substantial things, but just a form of existence, similar to formulas and laws, which are convenient for practitioners and others to go. I understand.

Fagan can also be.

Seeing him in a daze, the beggar ignored him, and only said slowly, "I'm leaving."


Shocked, Zhou Shu stopped thinking about it and immediately saluted, "Senior is going there, what do you need juniors to do?"

"Go wherever you think, and see if you can think of something, or get back one or two," the beggar glanced at Zhou Shu and smiled, "What do you want to do is not to let me enter Xuanyuan Sword and be your sword spirit. Right?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Why? Seniors come and go freely, but if you are in the sword, you should be able to recover better, right?"

"You can't help me at all now, and I don't plan to count on you, let alone recognize you as the master."

The beggar waved his hand, "And I've been bored inside for a long time. I haven't had enough shopping outside, so I plan to walk around more."

Zhou Shu nodded and said, "It's okay, but I don't know how the younger generation should find the senior, if the younger generation finds life and death, and understands the law of life and death."

"The sword is in your hand, I will definitely find you."

The beggar smiled faintly, turned around and walked outside the valley, seemingly slow, but Zhou Shu knew that he would not be able to catch up, so he shouted, "Senior, this junior still doesn't know the name of senior!"

"Xuanyuan Er."

From a distance, a voice came, and the figure of the beggar disappeared from his eyes.

The valley returned to a dead silence.

Zhou Shu walked slowly, falling into his thoughts.

Now he has enough time to carefully consider the law of life and death.

The law is the basic element that constitutes the universe, and it is an eternal existence, such as time, space, reincarnation, and so on.

The law is higher than the avenue, and the law can be contained in the avenue, but it will never be bound by the avenue. On the contrary, all kinds of avenues must be restricted by the law. It is impossible to transcend the law. The law is always the same, and the avenue can be Constantly generated and changed.

The laws of time and space can be reflected in many avenues, and traces can be found in countless tactics. By understanding the avenues and practicing tactics, you can gradually understand the laws, but the laws of life and death are somewhat different. The avenue can be reflected, and the method similar to it...

As if thinking of something, he suddenly paused, "Isn't there just one kind?"

Taking out a jade slip, Zhou Shu looked at it carefully.

In the jade slip, what is recorded is the meditation technique, the mantra of Tianlong.

According to Master Dazhi, the Heavenly Dragon Rebirth Curse can eliminate the obsession of the dead soul, especially the obsession with life. The more you chant, the less obsession with life, and the easier it is to die.

Isn't this obsession of life the opposite of death, but also the embodiment of vitality?

Moreover, Xuanyuan Er also said before that almost all immortal cultivators and mortals cannot perceive death, except for one type of immortal cultivator, which is meditation. When meditation passes away, there is no life, no death, no obstruction, no impact on longevity. His yearning, there is no trace of desire.

To understand the law of life and death, perhaps only in Zen is the most suitable.

I always say that I have a predestined relationship with the Buddha. Maybe now is the time to practice Zen.

Walking out of the Qingyuan Valley, Zhou Shu looked for a remote and quiet mountain and began to practice the Mantra of Rebirth and the many meditation heart sutras he collected on weekdays.

It’s not that he hasn’t practiced the Zen tactics, many body tactics have been practiced, but there are very few Heart Sutras, because in the past he knew that if he was contaminated with the Zen Heart Sutras, he might have trouble with his way, but now it’s different~www .ltnovel.com~ His Tao has matured a lot, and he has to practice Zen Tao.

Time passed quickly.

Morning dew changed into morning frost. One day passed. Zhou Shu always sat quietly, completely blending with nature, sometimes covered with fallen leaves and sometimes covered with snow. Every day, many birds and beasts passed by him, comfortable Foraging, fighting, fighting.

Zhou Shu didn't move, as if turned into a stone statue, without any perception of the outside world.

Sitting meditation Sitting meditation is a unity of mind and body and a natural state of mind. There are not many meditations that can sit in this state.

The path of Zen gradually has a small success, and the power of Zen can also be exerted.

I don’t know how long it took. The birds and beasts in the valley gradually became accustomed to Zhou Shu’s existence. One day, they discovered that the stone statue suddenly read the scriptures.

That scripture is neither short nor long, nor noisy, like the sound of falling leaves of trees, like the sound of running water in a mountain stream, like the sound of wind passing through the forest, living in this constantly reciting scripture, they did not feel the slightest threat , Just do the usual.

Gradually, the stone statue and the scriptures chanted by the stone statue became a scene in the mountains.

Later, more and more birds and beasts came to the side of the stone statue, not just ordinary birds and beasts, but also some low-level monsters and beasts. They stopped by the stone statue, listening to the scriptures, unconsciously immersed in it. , Became more and more addicted.

Later, many monsters and beasts even chanted along with the scriptures. Birds whispered and beasts roared. Although the sounds they made were completely different from the scriptures, they also had the charm of the scriptures.

Day by day, every time the stone statue was chanting scriptures, the stone statue was filled with various monsters, forming a wonder.

The stone statue recites the scriptures, perceives the changes of these monsters, and unconsciously makes a smile with flowers, which is quite satisfying.

(PS: Thank you Chenxiang 54 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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