Fairy Winner

Chapter 1663: Get a sense

Why laugh?

Because Zhou Shu could already see that when he was chanting, in his perception, the colors of the monsters seemed to become pure and transparent, like a jade statue, with few flaws, and when he stopped chanting, those The monsters returned to their original colors, bright and fierce.

Such changes cannot be said to have nothing to do with vitality.

In the rebirth curse, the vitality of the monsters gradually decreases, but when there is no rebirth curse, they will return to their original state and remain natural.

It is obviously better to perceive this in monsters that only know life and death than humans. Humans have too many desires, and even if they perceive something, they will inevitably be mixed together, and they may not be able to clearly distinguish the birth machine.

However, it is still impossible to confirm that that is the vitality Zhou Shu wants.

But the direction should be right, then continue, just need to go further.

The stone statue remained motionless, still chanting the scriptures.

The voice of the scripture seemed to be a little deeper, pious and mysterious, with an unspeakable power.

At this time, Zhou Shu’s Zen Dao has been quite effective, and Zen power can also be used better. Zen power can be described as one of the most mysterious and special powers in the world. Its power is not in attack or defense, but in confusion. Sex and influence, Zen power can extend to all things, not only monsters, but also plants and insects can perceive, as long as it is a living object, it can be affected.

There is a saying in the classics that when meditation is powerful and chanting, everything listens quietly, and once the chanting is finished, everyone is bliss.

Although Zhou Shu's Zen Tao is not to this level, it is not bad.

On the ground, insects such as ants and spiders crawled out from time to time, staying around the stone statues, listening to the scriptures and receiving the inspiration of Zen.

However, within a few hours, most ants and spiders fell to the ground and died peacefully and happily.

The life of these insects is very short, and the vitality is also pitiful. Under the influence of the rebirth curse, the little vitality of life gradually disappears, and he willingly gave up the rest of his life, and his life also disappeared.

Such a change naturally cannot escape Zhou Shu's observation.

The ant turned into an almost pure white jade statue, and then died out. After death, the ant fell into the soil and disappeared.

These worms almost completely conform to the laws of nature. They have no intelligence, only life and death. In their short life, the vitality and death are also clearly revealed, and there are almost no other impurities in them.

In his eyes, Zhou Shu seemed to have an understanding.

With the help of Shuzhi Dao, any Dao cultivation has good results, and his Zen Dao is increasing day by day.

In the constant sound of the scriptures, in addition to birds, beasts and insects, the surrounding vegetation also began to change.

The low shrubs quickly turned yellow, the tall trees gradually turned decayed, and the grasses began to wither as soon as they gave birth to tender shoots. Only the clump of bamboo became more and more green in the scriptures, and even bloomed with branches full of flowers.

Then withered.

All this is still under Zhou Shu's observation.

Day and night, night and day, every day never stops, the vegetation is withered, the birds and beasts leave and come back, and the insects continue to die.

The disappearing vitality, the death that comes with death, gradually became clear, like a large or small cloud, or pure white or pure black, surrounding the vegetation and insects, although it is not a quantifiable unit. , But it's not all colors anymore, it has a preliminary appearance.

It is a big step to perceive the unknown existence with spiritual consciousness.

"The law of life and death is here."

Zhou Shu still doesn't know what the law of life and death is, but he is no longer completely ignorant, but an impressionable but impossible to describe state.

I recite the mantra of the death every day, see life and death every day, and perceive life and death vaguely every day.

As time goes by, he understands more and more. He can judge the life or death of any creatures he sees. There are few mistakes, such as an ant, how much life is it, and when did it die. When there is a deadlock, he can also change it when necessary, according to the speed of chanting the scriptures and the Zen power used to change the state of life and deadlock.

"Should I try to get them?"

Great progress, Zhou Shu naturally has further ideas.

With the help of divine consciousness, Yuan Li slowly flew out and quietly grabbed the cloud group on the body of the insect.

Naturally, Yuan Li grabbed a void. Obviously, vitality is not a normal breath, and it cannot be obtained by Yuan Li.

Zhou Shu has tried Shu Zhili, Dragon Power, Sword Intent, Compassionate Power, and even Sun Power, but the results are all the same. Even if the insects are completely annihilated, Zhou Shu’s vitality will not be caught by Zhou Shu. in.

Life and death is a manifestation of the law of life and death, which is found in all heavens and all realms, and cannot be dealt with by the Tao of a certain realm.

"If you can get it yourself, maybe you know the law of life and death."

Zhou Shu smiled bitterly in his heart, gave up the idea of ​​regaining vitality, he took out Xuanyuanjian.

By the way, he hasn’t used Xuanyuan Sword yet, and he will not use it now. Once Xuanyuan Sword is really used to kill or deal with someone, the masterless artifact will come back into the world, it will attract heaven and bring down great visions. The entire Xuanhuang realm was shaking, and no one knew it. Zhou Shu wasn't worried that others would find him holding the Xuanyuan sword ~www.ltnovel.com~. There would never be any enemies now, but now is not the time.

The Xuanyuan Sword with the spirit attached quietly fell beside the vitality.

Amidst the vitality, a silk thread suddenly flew towards Xuanyuanjian.

Divine consciousness followed, and the vitality directly entered the Palace of Life and Death, disappearing.

Zhou Shuruo realized something, and guided Xuanyuan Jian to the bush insects.

The silk thread like rain silk flew out from the vitality cloud group one after another, rushing to the Palace of Life and Death in Xuanyuanjian.

Sure enough, after a long period of silence, Xuanyuan Sword, which has not absorbed vitality and has the ability to recover itself, should be limited by its own rules and draw very little vitality, which is about ten thousandths of each cloud group. One, such a small amount of vitality has no effect on any creature. Xuanyuan Sword controls life and death, but it also controls balance.

As Xuanyuanjian absorbed vitality, Zhou Shu also opened up the eighth sense.

The chaotic cloud cluster in the temple reappeared in the eyes, and the gray silk threads, the constant movement, brought the absorbed vitality into the chaos.

The eighth sense can see the essence. Perhaps this is how the law of life and death works. If Zhou Shu can understand it, he can use the power of this chaotic cloud. You can imagine how powerful this power of life and death will be.

The entire process of Xuanyuanjian's absorbing vitality was short, but Zhou Shuquan didn't miss it. Every bit of information was clearly recorded.

You need to slowly look back, deduct, and try to figure out the mystery.

The vitality of the insects disappeared very quickly in the scriptures. It didn't take long for the insects to fall to the ground and completely lose their lives.

At the same time, the light black crash also separated the silk thread and rushed towards Xuanyuan Jian.

Zhou Shu nodded secretly, and began to repeat this process, perceiving and understanding carefully.

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