Fairy Winner

Chapter 1664: simulation

After countless lives and deaths, Zhou Shu's feeling became clearer and clearer, and he could even sense the power contained in that vitality and death.

The life and death around me is undoubtedly a huge treasure mine. Unfortunately, without mastering the methods of mining and smelting, no amount of treasure mines can be used.

But Zhou Shu knew that that day would not be too long.

This self-confidence does not come from the illusory and sudden realization, but from long-term calculations and simulations. Quantitative changes will inevitably lead to qualitative changes.

Practice makes perfect, skill makes fine, that's all.

Because he understands that comprehension has always been his weakness.

After all, he is not a person in the world of cultivating immortals. He is always inferior to other geniuses in understanding. In aspects such as kendo talisman, he will never be faster than Li Aojian, Zhao Yueru, Lin Zhu, Ning Xuanqing and others. Comprehension is a nihilistic aptitude, in certain ways, others will always understand faster than him and better than him, but he has his own advantage, that is, he has obtained the eighth sense early, the unique talent for deduction, and later generations. Mathematical thinking and so on.

It is also because he knows how to use his strengths, diligent and able to make up for the weaknesses, use his strengths and avoid weaknesses, so that he is never weaker than others.

Without sufficient comprehension, Zhou Shu is unlikely to be the best in other ways, so Zhou Shu created a new way by himself, and then did the best in his own way.

Instead, a new path was created.

Every day, every moment and every breath, Zhou Shu is trying to simulate life and death with Shu Zhidao, perceiving everything about them, and trying to summarize the laws.

It's hard, but he never stops.

He knows that once a law is discovered, it must be closely related to the law of life and death, and can use this to understand the law of life and death, and then use the simulation results to experiment with the real life and death, so as to use the power of the law.

This is similar to the original simulation of the power of the sun, but it is done in reverse.

He is very confident in his Shu Zhi Dao, the law will be reflected in the Dao, so it will not be in the Shu Zhi Dao, in the all-inclusive Shu Zhi Dao, it will definitely be able to simulate the death of the birth machine and discover the law.

I don't know how long it took.

During this period of time, Zhou Shu had no idea about time and focused on the extreme.

Wow, wow.

The stone statue that had not been moved for a long time suddenly moved, and the bird on the side was startled, flapping its wings unconsciously, and flew a few steps away.

The stone statue opened its eyes, and they were as deep as a pool, with a full moon floating on the pool, blooming with bright light.

The calm face could not conceal the ecstasy in his heart. At that moment before, Zhou Shu successfully moved the vitality and death, allowing them to follow the direction they pointed to move forward or backward.

He can capture the vitality, use Shu Zhi's power, use the inexplicable and clear power in Shu's Tao.

Is that the power of the law? He can't be sure, because this is just a simulation in the sea of ​​consciousness, and it may not be successful if it is manifested.

The scriptures of the Mantra of Death soon came from the mouth of the stone statue, spreading like a wind.

Birds and beasts, vegetation, and insects, just like in the past, lie down and listen quietly, following the chanting.

Zhou Shu looked at them with a smile.

Their vitality is so obvious in the eyes, like pieces of ore to be discovered.

Without stopping, he moved quickly, using Shu Zhili, using the simulated laws to capture these vitality, where Shu Zhili could reach, the clouds on the insects, birds and beasts gradually thinned out, emitting a cloud of smoke. , Following Shu Zhili's movement, it didn't take long for Shu Zhili to wrap a cloud and return to Zhou Shu.

Perceiving the vitality close at hand, Zhou Shu was a little intoxicated. There was nothing wrong with it.

Maybe it was a little overdone. Many insects fell directly on the ground and lost their breath. Some birds and beasts also became sluggish, screaming, disgusting, decadent, weak, and there was a bird that was no more than three inches away and flew straight towards Dashi smashed into the past, unloved.

"not too good……"

Zhou Shu looked slightly stagnant, "I'm really sorry."

The first time I used this method, the extraction was a bit excessive.

However, he also discovered that the ability to capture vitality is really powerful. If he does not care about life, he can completely take the vitality of these birds, beasts and insects, and make them die instantly.

But it is only limited to these birds, beasts and insects, because they are too pure, vitality is vitality, there are no distracting thoughts, and there is no defense at all.

For humans, it is much more difficult to fully capture the vitality. Human desires are too much, and vitality is mixed in the desires, and it is muddy, but it is turbid, which is tantamount to the best protective layer, and wants to be separated from it. It is not easy to steal the machine, and the cultivator is more protected by the great road, unless he fully grasps the law of life and death, it is possible to do it.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Shu continued to experiment.

The scope is larger and farther, and the vitality captured is much less. This is not difficult to do. Everything he does now is simulated from the sea of ​​knowledge. There is also a quantitative standard for strength. Just a little adjustment. can do it.

A lot of time passed, and a big piece of life gathered in front of Zhou Shu.

Pure white like jade ~www.ltnovel.com~ There is no trace of flaws, with infinite vitality, it seems to have a kind of satisfaction.

Perceiving them, Zhou Shu didn't realize it, "If you divide these vitalities to a person who wants to commit suicide, you can give up immediately."

Think about it, there is no one here.

Zhou Shu took out Xuanyuan Sword and stuffed this group of vitality into it.

This is the only thing he can do. His body can’t hold so much vitality, maybe no one can. The sea of ​​consciousness simulation can hold infinitely, but if it’s really put in front of you, he can’t get it, he can only summarize it. To Xuanyuanjian.

Of course, Xuanyuan Sword is not rejected by those who come and can absorb as much as there is.

Divine consciousness also followed the vitality, all the way into the palace of life and death.

At this time, the Palace of Life and Death seemed to be empty, but when I looked closely, I could vaguely see that everything was growing in it.

The growth rate is very fast, and very slow, as if you can see the results in an instant, but when you think about it, you don’t miss a point.

Plants and trees germinate, grow leaves, bloom, bear fruit, wither, and germinate again;

The bird breaks its shell, matures, mates, lays eggs, grows old, and regenerates...

Every step of growth is very clear and has not been missed at all. This feeling is very strange.

The cycle of life and death, life and death, is constantly produced and converged in this cycle.

Zhou Shu's heart was shocked, but when he looked again, everything disappeared again, as if all he had seen before was an illusion, but there was an extra disc in the palace of life and death.

The disc is black and white, with a gray dot in the middle, which seems to be still, but it is constantly rotating.

Zhou Shu tried to arouse the disc, using the power of his uncertain law.

The disc turned faster, and an inexplicable force suddenly emerged from the gray dots, which instantly slowed down the entire Palace of Life and Death.

On Xuanyuan Sword, a strange brilliance bloomed.

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