Fairy Winner

Chapter 1665: Visitors

Zhou Shu stopped immediately.

It’s good to be able to use it, not necessarily to actually use it. Now is not the time.

In a short period of time, Zhou Shu also had a preliminary understanding of how to use the Xuanyuan sword. With the power of Dao with the power of law, the disc in the Palace of Death could be stimulated, and the accumulated laws of life and death in the Palace of Life and Death Exert your strength.

The intensity can be controlled, but he clearly feels that there are too few vitalities in the Palace of Life and Death, and the power of the law is not too much.

Such strength is not enough to destroy the evil soul.

But it is not difficult to supplement, not only Xuanyuanjian will supplement himself, he can also help when he is beginning to understand the law of life and death.

"No, for the evil soul, I have to be sorry for you."

Looking around, Zhou Shu walked forward slowly.

Wherever he went, the vegetation gradually turned yellow, birds and beasts landed one after another, and some elementary monsters and beasts also died in mourning.

The mountain he was on was a barren mountain with no spiritual veins. There were no immortal cultivators and no one inhabited. There were only some low-level monsters, plants, insects and beasts.

The vitality keeps gathering, and when the plants, insects, and beasts die, they will also exude deadness. These are all collected by Zhou Shu.

In less than a day, he could not see any green color. As far as his eyes could be, there was a barren, gray atmosphere, covering the entire mountain. This is a place where there is no life or death. For a long time , No new life will appear again.

Completely dead.

"This defying move is really impossible."

Seeing such a terrible sight, Zhou Shu was shocked, and after sighing, he decided to give up.

It is true that Zhou Shu gained incredible power, and when he used it, he was extremely happy. Everywhere he went was death. There was nothing to stop him. But when he saw the result of this power, Zhou Shu realized that he had committed the crime. A big mistake.

If powerful forces are not restrained, they will inevitably bring terrible results.

No wonder the law of life and death is so difficult to learn. It has no tactics and it is difficult to find definite traces in the Tao. It is because it is too powerful. Once it overflows, or falls into the hands of people with unhealthy minds, it will give the whole world, Here comes a devastating disaster.

Zhou Shu got it, and was almost confused by this power.

The ancients said it well, after gaining a powerful force, the first thing to do is to curb their desire to use.

Based on the vitality and death of this mountain, he calculated that for Xuanyuan Sword to gain enough power, at least one hundred thousand such mountains would need to be absorbed. In this case, the number of lives he would have to capture is really uncountable. , If he really did this, he would create 100,000 dead mountains and touch the pattern of the Xuanhuang Realm, and he could not face his original mind at all.

Plants and ants are also life.

At the beginning, the Emperor of Humanity ignored life and picked it at will. He was already invincible in the world, but he was afraid that he would also incur punishment from the immortal world, and because he did not do so, he could become a candidate for a saint, and the escaped Xuanyuan Sword Spirit faced the danger of extinction. Just grabbing vitality and taking lives, now that he is replaced, can he do whatever he wants with such power? Even if there is a reason to restore Xuanyuan Sword to destroy the evil soul and save the Xuanhuang Realm?

Nor does it work.

There will be other ways.

For example, like Xuanyuan Er, to obtain vitality from the immortal cultivator and find the death from the dead, although the process may be a lot more difficult, it should also be done in this way, so that you can truly get this sword that governs life and death.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu felt a lot more at ease. For the cultivator, there is nothing more important than conforming to the heart.

A few days later, Zhou Shu returned to Qingyuan Valley again.

Because they knew better about the law of life and death, the monsters, trees, etc. in Zhou Shu's eyes were covered with a cloud of clouds. The vitality, pure or not, can be seen clearly without the aid of scriptures.

Walk into the inner valley full of bones.

It is very thick black smoke, shrouded in the valley, it can be seen at a glance, it was not like this in the past.

"Very strong crash."

Zhou Shu was very pleased. The crashes here were comparable to those in tens of thousands of mountains. After all, the creatures in those mountains were very weak, and those who died here were all relatively powerful monsters.

He immediately began to absorb.

The crashes kept converging, following Zhou Shu's Shu Zhili, they kept pouring into Xuanyuanjian.

For about a month, almost all the lifeless energy in Neigu was swallowed by Xuanyuanjian.

In the Palace of Life and Death, almost black clouds could be seen, the central disk began to tilt, rotating very unstable, and Xuanyuanjian moaned quickly, seemingly as warnings.

He knows that this shows that there are too many crashes, which have already affected the balance in the sword. If it cannot be reversed as soon as possible, it will not be good for the sword.

Zhou Shu put away Xuanyuanjian, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped.

Divine consciousness told him that someone was coming, an acquaintance.

He sat down again.


Accompanied by a burst of laughter, a monk rushed in, stopped not far in front of Zhou Shu, raised his hand and said, "Sect Master Zhou, it turns out that you are cultivating in such a remote place. No wonder we came to you. I can't find it for ten years."

Zhou Shu stood up and rejoiced, and said calmly, "It turns out that it is Elder Zheng, what's the matter?"

The visitor was Zheng Daoxuan, who had a serious expression, but he was relieved after seeing Zhou Shu.

Zheng Daoxuan glanced around, fixed his gaze on the statue, smiled ~www.ltnovel.com~ Hey, isn't this the wizard **** Xiangmiao? Why, Sect Master Zhou is also interested in wizardry? Speaking of it, this place is very dead, it seems to be the rumored place of curse, haha, Dongshengzhou really has everything. "

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "It's just a clean repair."

"There are only two of us here, and the old man won't say anything else."

Zheng Daoxuan looked at Zhou Shu, his expression gradually becoming solemn, "Sect Master Zhou, regarding the fairy spirit, we in Kunlun decided to agree to the conditions of the Sect Master, but we still need to deliberate carefully about what the two parties should do."

"Have you agreed?"

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, and said slowly, "Discussion is naturally to be discussed. I don't know how the elders plan to discuss?"

He is studying the laws of life and death here, and he doesn't ask questions about foreign affairs. Now that it has been ten years, Kunlun should indeed be anxious.

Zheng Daoxuan said solemnly, "For the sake of solemnity, the Kunlun Presbyterian Church would like to invite Sect Master Zhou to go to Kunlun for an interview."

Zhou Shu stagnated, "Go to Kunlun?"

"Yes," Zheng Daoxuan nodded earnestly. "The conditions that the lord put forward before include Daoshan and Dao seeds. If our Kunlun promises you, you can do it directly in Kunlun. Go early and late, always To go."

"I understand."

Zhou Shu nodded, showing only a little difficulty, "But it's not suitable now."

Zheng Daoxuan said solemnly, "Sovereign, it has been ten years, so we can't delay any longer. In terms of conditions, we will try our best to satisfy the overlord."

"Hehe, I don't care about this."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, his sleeves were raised, and the Shenmu Ding appeared impressively.

"The evil soul is still in the sacred wooden cauldron. I have painstakingly suppressed for the past ten years, but I still haven't seen any improvement. How can I leave?"

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