Fairy Winner

Chapter 1667: Enter my door

"Senior Brother Shu really can do everything!"

Hao Siyun rushed towards him, but quickly backed away, his face flushed.

Hao Ruoyan smiled faintly, "Master Shu, Ruoyan is relieved."

Zhao Yueru turned her head, hummed softly, and whispered to herself, "Isn't it bad to say it earlier."

Zhou Shu smiled and said warmly, "I have a way, but don't disclose this matter for the time being. It's fine if you know. Those monks who come for the evil soul will still be treated as well.

Hao Ruoyan nodded slightly, "Master Shu, Ruoyan will do it."

Hao Siyun raised her hands high, "Me too, I will definitely help my sister."

"Zhou Shu, where are you going again?"

Zhao Yueru turned around, with a weird smile on her face, "If it's a secret realm or something, I want to go too."

Hao Siyun was startled, "Going again?"

"Yes, I only stay in Lingyu City for ten days," Zhou Shu was helpless, "No way, but I'm not going to experience it. I'm going to Kunlun once, and I can only go by myself. I'll leave it to you here."


The hearts of the three were tight.

Hao Ruoyan immediately agreed, with a lot of worries in his eyes, "It's okay to give it to us, but... Shu Shi, that's Kunlun."

"Don't worry."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Don’t stay in the city, go to Huaguoshan to practice when you have time. There is a teleportation formation in Wanghai City, and you can go back and forth at any time. In less than 20 years, you must hurry up. Let's do things first."

Watching Zhou Shu leave, the three goddesses have different colors.

Shu Feng.

A newly-opened mountain in the Heyin School has two sea pillars of vitality, but there are only two people on the huge peak.

"Master, you are back!"

Seeing Zhou Shu, Lei Yuan who was cultivating jumped up excitedly.

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Continue to practice, don't move."


Lei Yuan was a little puzzled, but immediately sat down obediently and continued to work his mind.

"This is the feeling..."

Zhou Shu secretly thought, there was a kind of excitement that couldn't be said, and this excitement might be no less than the power to comprehend the law of life and death.

In the process of Lei Yuan’s practice, a little bit of Shu’s strength was continuously entering Zhou Shu’s dao furnace, transpiring and transforming in the dao furnace, and turning into a controllable force. He had felt it before in Lingyu City. , But it felt very vague and difficult to distinguish. It became clear when he walked in front of Lei Yuan.

What made him even more pleased was that there was not only one force of external comfort.

In the middle of the mountain peak, there is also a faint Shu Zhi Li, which belongs to Xu Rong, not as pure as Lei Yuan's, but it is also the orthodox Shu Zhi Li.

Of course, it is not Shu Zhili after enlightenment, but just ordinary Tao power cultivated through Shu Xin Sutra, so it needs further transformation by Tao furnace, and it will not increase Zhou Shu’s cultivation level, and may even become Zhou Shu’s burden. But Zhou Shu didn't care at all, what was this little strength?

He is no longer alone, others have also cultivated Shu Zhi Li, which shows that his Shu Zhi Dao can be accepted by others and become the real Dao.

Although there are only two people who have the power to practice the Dao, it is enough to prove it.

From the moment they practiced the power of Taoism, Zhou Shu became a true founder. Although it is still far from mature, Shu Zhidao has become a Tao and will be passed on for a long time.

The little bit of Shu Zhili fell into the furnace like snowflakes, melting, gathering, and dispersing...

He savored this feeling, always excited, unwilling to stop for a long time.

A few hours later.

Zhou Shu called Xu Rong and Lei Yuan together.

"Now that you have all cultivated the power of Dao, Shu Zhi Dao is truly enlightened, and I am also considered a founder of Dao. Today, I will officially admit you to my Dao Sect."

Zhou Shu put on a solemn face and said every word, "Lei Yuan, now you are my second disciple, and Xu Rong, you are the third. From now on you call me Master Zhou, I will treat me The Taoism you have mastered is given to you, and you must also stick to your own Tao. Can't give up halfway, can you do it?"

"Master Zhou, the disciple must do it!"

The two said in unison, their expressions were solemn, and they also knew what it meant.

It is such an honor to be the first disciple of the founder, or the first few disciples. If Shu Zhidao can be carried forward in their hearts, this is almost certain, then their achievements will be limitless, which is beyond imagination. Fortune, now in front of you, how could you not accept it?

After watching them for a long time, Zhou Shu seemed to see through their hearts and nodded in satisfaction, "Very good."

Xu Rong hesitated for a while, "Master Zhou, the disciple has some questions..."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Just ask, you have been cultivating here these few days. Tell me all the problems you have encountered while practicing Shu Tao. I will answer. Remember, all questions, no matter how big or small, are more than these. It is to help you and also to help me, so that we can better perfect the Tao of Shu. You must know that the future of the Tao of Shu is in me and in you."

Xu Rong was stagnant and couldn't help but whispered, "Junior Brother...no, as Master Zhou said, the disciples are a little afraid to ask, and I feel very responsible."

Lei Yuan followed, "After listening to Master Zhou, the disciple also has a great sense of mission..."

"That should be the case."

Zhou Shu looked at the two ~www.ltnovel.com~ calmly said, "The Tao of Shu is a new kind of Tao. I can create it, but it is impossible to complete it with me alone. You must rely on each one to get comfort. People of Taoism, you are my earliest disciples. Naturally, you have to take on this responsibility. Cultivation is the first and promotion to immortality is the second. You must also have this kind of awareness. The original Confucianism and Taoism, but Confucianism and 72 disciples The result of joint efforts."

The two thought for a while, and nodded very seriously, "The disciple understands."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "You don't need to carry any burdens, as long as you understand the Tao, I guarantee that you will all be able to ascend to immortality."

"The disciple knows."

Xu Rong laughed unconsciously, "For so many years, there is nothing impossible to do with you."

Lei Yuan thought for a while, "Master Zhou, you only taught us the Tao of Shu, but we have all cultivated the power of Tao, which proves that the Tao of Shu is completely passable. Then, can we recruit more disciples? Well, if there are more disciples and brainstorming, the better the Shuzhi Dao of Master Zhou will be, right?"

"You are right, and the truth is right, but now is not the time to recruit disciples."

Zhou Shu smiled, "The two cultivated, and both of them succeeded. The first is because your qualifications are sufficient, and the second is that my Shu Xin Sutra has been adjusted according to your purpose. It can be said that it is specially prepared for disciples like you. It may not be successful if you change other people. So, the task of initially perfecting Shuzhi Dao lies mainly with you, so don't think about avoiding it."

Lei Yuan's face turned red, "The disciple knows that he is wrong, but he has no idea of ​​avoiding it."

"Just talk about it, don't care."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Well, don't waste time, you can ask questions as soon as possible, I will be here."...

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