Fairy Winner

Chapter 1668: You see me also

Seeing the two disciples who were devoting themselves to cultivating, Zhou Shu smiled with satisfaction.

The questions raised by Xu Rong and Lei Yuan in the past few days have greatly helped Shu Zhidao.

Shu Zhi Dao, as a new born Dao, can be confirmed by several practitioners and make progress together. It is no better thing.

While asking questions and answering questions, Zhou Shu's knowledge of the sea didn't stop for a while, and he kept deducing, further perfecting Shu Xin Jing.

Seven days later, leaving two jade slips, Zhou Shu quietly left.

In the jade slips, there are the divine thoughts left by Zhou Shu, the updated Shuxin Sutra, and the techniques for using Shu Zhili. In addition, it also collects some of Zhou Shu's recent insights about Shu Zhidao. More or less The few bring deeper truths, and how much they can comprehend depends on their own destiny.

The city of Lingyu in the early morning is full of vigor and vitality.

Almost all the cultivators are covered with thick clouds, like wearing a layer of cotton.

This is completely different from those birds, beasts and insects.

Zhou Shu walked quickly through the city, without any movement, he saw a little bit of life converging, scrambling to get into the Xuanyuan sword at his waist.

In just one day, after walking a few times in the city, the vitality collected is about to overflow the palace of life and death.

Somewhat unexpectedly, it is worthy of being a big city with nearly a million immortal cultivators, and it is surprisingly vigorous and unique in the world of immortal cultivation.

"It's much simpler than expected."

After stopping, Zhou Shu didn't notice a slight smile.

Regarding the law of life and death, he still used the law of life and death very jerky, and he took vitality from the immortal cultivator. It was inevitable that he could not grasp the strength. He thought it would be troublesome and time-consuming, but the result was not the case, because the vitality of the immortal cultivator Protected by distracting thoughts and great avenues, the unprotected vitality is directly exposed, overflowing when full, casually sticking to the body, after mastering the power of the law, it comes down with a light touch.

Those lost vitality will not have any impact on the cultivators, but Zhou Shu will benefit a lot.

While thinking about it, a ray of blue breeze floated over and fell next to Zhou Shu. It gradually took shape, but it was a blue bird.

She blinked her eyes curiously, "Zhou Shu, what are you doing? I have been wandering around the city for a day, but there is no movement."

Looking at the familiar face, Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "You ask me, but I want to ask you. You seem to have been swaying for many days. Since the day I came back, you have been walking around the city, and you are doing it again. what?"

"You found it..."

As if being caught, the blue bird was a little bit twisted, but soon became serious again, "Actually, I am observing every immortal cultivator and want to observe the law."

Zhou Shu was startled, "Well, the rule?"

Is it true that Qingque is also comprehending the law of life and death?

This is surprising, he hasn't told anyone about the law of life and death.

Everyone who understands the power of the law will try to integrate the power of the law into the tactics they are familiar with, thereby greatly increasing the power of the tactics. For example, Kunlun's big cutting fist is the same in the sleeve, but the law of life and death , But there is no similar magic formula, because it is too dangerous. If it becomes the form of the magic formula, people with wrong intentions may obtain the magic formula, which will cause great harm to the cultivator.

The immortal cultivators in the past did not do this, and Zhou Shu naturally did not.

The magic formula with the power of the law itself should not exist in the Xuanhuang Realm, Zhou Shu did not intend to do it like this, even if it would greatly increase his own strength.

The Xuanyuan sword is enough for the Xuanhuang Realm. As for the power of the law, it should be used in higher-level places, and the Xuanhuang Realm is not a place for use.


Qingque nodded, expressing emotion, "I got some ancient information in the soul tower. The information about the law of the soul is just too vague, because the soul cultivation hasn't figured out how the law of the soul is understood, and I just said I could find some clues from the cultivator, so I gave it a try."

"How is the result?"

Zhou Shu breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that Qingque was looking for the law of the soul.

Qingque spread out her hands and said helplessly, "There is no result. I can see the souls of most people, but I can't see the relationship with the law of souls. It is said that souls are souls, souls, evil spirits, etc. The essence of all nihilistic spirits, souls, souls, and spirits are actually the appearances that rely on the laws of the soul, but there is really no clue at all."

"Don't worry, take your time," Zhou Shu smiled and said warmly, "You have realized that if there is anyone in the world of immortality who can find the law of the soul, there is only you. There is nothing to worry about."

"I hope so, but I am not as confident as you."

Qingque nodded slightly, with some sadness on her face, and sighed softly, "Leave a message in the soul tower. The magical artifact Kongtong seal is the key to the law of soul. If you can get the seal of Kongtong, you can easily understand the law of soul. Many, but where to find the Kongtong seal, it is said that it disappeared as early as the ancient times, and it is difficult to tell if it is still in the Xuanhuang Realm."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Kongtong Yin...When things are up, let's look for it."

"Is it the Chaos Secret Realm? Well, I can wait for you!"

Qingque looked at Zhou Shu excitedly, but looked forward to her eyes, as if she was about to jump at any time.

Everyone is like a child in the face of what he wants most.

Zhou Shu nodded earnestly, "You will do it if you promise, but it's still early ~ www.ltnovel.com~ There have been many things recently, and the aliens are coming."

"Look at this Lingyu City, everyone is working hard, no one will slack off."

Qingque pointed to the surroundings, "Dongshengzhou almost knows about the alien invasion. There are lotus sects guiding, and many sects are very vigilant... Hey, you haven't asked me yet. What are you looking at? Is it also observing the immortal cultivator, wanting to find the law?"

Zhou Shu nodded unconsciously, "Almost, you look at me, don't you think that every cultivator has a lot of things worth seeing and learning?"

"I know that when you get to this level, everyone will think about it," Qingque blinked with complacency, "do you see anything?"

"No, watch it later."

Zhou Shu turned his head and smiled, "Qing Que, I'll leave, you tell them."

"it is good."

Qingque nodded, then turned to look at the immortal cultivator, watching very intently.

Zhou Shu did not stay, leaving Lingyu City and heading for the Sea of ​​Death.

In many cases, instead of flying high in the sky, he ran fast against the ground. Although the speed was much slower, it was helpful for him to collect crashes.

In the huge Dongsheng Prefecture, crashes can be said to be everywhere, but they are more or less different.

Of course, there are very few crashes in many places, and it is not worth stopping to collect. The time wasted is worth far more than that point of crash. However, it is necessary to slow down in places where monsters gather, such as Silver Pine Forest. Net debut

It took Zhou Shu a month to fly while walking.

But there is nothing to care about. Kunlun has been waiting for the fairy spirit for so long, and he doesn't care about it for a month or two.

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