Fairy Winner

Chapter 1669: Walk with the enemy

"Sect Master Zhou, you are late!"

At the Sea of ​​Death, Zheng Daoxuan strode over to greet him, saying complaints, but with the most sincere smiling face.

Zhou Shu arched his hand, "Sorry, the road was delayed, and the elders waited a long time."

Zheng Daoxuan rubbed his palm and smiled, "It doesn't matter, I know, the ten days that the lord said does not include the journey."

"Let's go."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, rose in the air, and the two swept towards the sea of ​​death.

There was a dark sea under the feet of the two of them, which seemed boundless, with an inexplicable feeling of depression.

"There is really no aura, the legendary land of extinction."

Looking at the Sea of ​​Death, Zhou Shu seemed to feel something, "I heard that the Sea of ​​Death was originally the location of Ancient Kunlun, right?"

Zheng Daoxuan was slightly stagnant, "Yes, why did the suzerain ask?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "I just thought, there are probably a lot of secret treasures hidden inside, but I don't know if Kunlun has gone to look for it? Where is the elder?"

"Don't hide from the Sect Master, of course I went to look for it."

Zheng Daoxuan paused, and said slowly, "Although the sea of ​​death destroys the soul and the essence, if you have the power of Dao after enlightenment, you can still go down. Of course, the pressure is very high. It feels similar to Mount Abbot, but Mount Abbot can increase. Cultivation base, here can only consume the cultivation base, there is no benefit at all."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "Did you find anything?"

"If you want to say there is nothing, it is false, but if you want to say there is something good, it is true."

Zheng Daoxuan sighed unconsciously, "This place was destroyed by the Heavenly Dao. It was the real calamity. It is said that the Heavenly Dao was specially sent by the Immortal Realm to destroy the Tongtian Pagoda. The cultivation base was close to the Golden Immortal, but after the Kunlun Mountain was destroyed , He has lost most of his cultivation base, and the immortal position is temporarily unprotected... Sect Master, think about it, what kind of power he has, how can there be anything in the Profound Yellow Realm that can resist?"

"That's it."

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, after ascending to immortality, earth immortal, heaven immortal, true immortal, golden immortal, all the way up, the immortal can serve as a realm of heavenly path, but at that time the heavenly path of the Xuanhuang realm was close to the golden immortal, it was already a super level, and the golden immortal really wanted to do his best It’s probably not a problem to destroy a world.

Zheng Daoxuan said slowly, "Sect Master has probably heard that in order to retrieve the Kunlun Mirror, what a price we have spent here, there are ten great monks who have fallen to the realm, unable to ascend to the immortal, and finally found only fragments, even artifacts. They are all broken into hundreds of pieces, can other things remain?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "I'm afraid I can't."

"Sect Master also wants to explore the secret mind, right?"

Zheng Daoxuan smiled faintly, "But I persuade the lord to give up. The gain is not worth the loss. If we really get anything, Kunlun will not let it let it go, and..." After a pause, "Don’t say the old man didn’t remind the lord, here It is an ominous place, and it is easy to be catastrophic."

"Just ask."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "There are still some problems in the next. The immortal world was angry back then, was it all because of Tongtian Tower?"

Zheng Daoxuan nodded immediately, "Of course, the Tongtian Pagoda leads directly to the Immortal Realm. If it is built, anyone in the Profound Yellow Realm can enter the Immortal Realm, even mortals. This has shaken the foundation of the Immortal Realm, except for those immortals from the Profound Yellow Realm, any other realm. None of the immortals would agree."

Zhou Shu sneered unconsciously, "Hehe, our Xuanhuang world's cultivators are too clever, but it has become a sin."

Zheng Daoxuan was startled suddenly, looking at Zhou Shu, his expression was very strange, "Why did the Sect Master say this?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Isn't it?"

"That's what I said, but after all, it has shaken the foundation of the immortal world," Zheng Daoxuan thought for a while, and said a little dignified. "After the Kunlun Mountains sink, the immortal world has passed the immortal order to inform the heavens and the world. From now on No one can build a teleportation array leading to the immortal world. If you want to go to the immortal world, you can only go to the immortal world by yourself, wait for the emissary to receive it, and you can leave the world by tearing it apart for ten days by yourself, but it's difficult to find the immortal world."

Zhou Shu paused, "I also know these things, but don't the elders feel it a pity?"

Zheng Daoxuan frowned, "What a pity?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "It's a pity that the Teleportation Array has fallen. If there is a Teleportation Array now, the Xuanhuang Realm must look different. The four states are accessible. Even if there is an invasion by foreign races, the various places can be rescued at any time. Immortal cultivators need not be so afraid. I was terrified, and not so far, there is no..."

"Sect Master must not say any more."

Zheng Daoxuan hurriedly waved his hand, showing a trace of horror, "Don’t talk about the teleportation formation. Sect Master knows that the Xuanhuang Realm will never allow the teleportation formation to appear, and this is an ominous place. If you let God know, I can Can't afford it."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "I'll talk about it casually, if the elder is like this, I won't say it anymore."

Unconsciously, he looked towards the sea of ​​death. There was no wind, no waves, and no sound on the surface, and there was an unspeakable depression.

"It's best not to even think about it, let alone try to do it," Zheng Daoxuan said solemnly, "You and I are all fellow cultivators. Although there are many grievances, they are inevitable and can be resolved. Only this point is absolute. It is impossible to solve it. In this regard, Kunlun will absolutely abide by the guidelines of the fairy world."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Fine."

With a rare opportunity, he wanted to play side by side and explore Kunlun's attitude towards the teleportation formation, which now seems to be abhorrent.

The two continued to fly ~www.ltnovel.com~ but remained silent for a long time.

Zhou Shu pointed to the bottom, "Elder, what's under the sea?"

Zheng Daoxuan looked down very vigilantly, then smiled relievedly, "Oh, it's a baby fish, hasn't the lord seen it?"

"I've seen baby fish, is it so big?"

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, and suddenly said, "Elder, fly up!"

"Fly up?"

Zheng Daoxuan was still a little stunned, but he immediately noticed something was wrong. The baby fish on the bottom of the sea gradually emerged from the surface of the sea. They were huge. The length was probably more than one mile, and the number was surprisingly large. At least there were thousands of baby fish on the surface. With a violent shot, he flew up in an instant and rushed towards the two of them.

It was only a few breaths on the first day of flying to nearly a hundred miles.

The place where the two were just now has been occupied by the sky full of baby fish, and they struggled in the air for a while before slowly falling down.

"Thank you suzerain..."

Zheng Daoxuan thanked Zhou Shu, his face was slightly earthy, if Zhou Shu hadn't reminded him early, they had flown into the third day, fearing that they would be trapped in a pile of baby fish, they were a little frightened at the thought.

Looking at the group of baby fish, Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Able to fly and still so big, haven't the elders seen it?"


Zheng Daoxuan sighed and said bitterly, "Sect Master Zhou, what you said just now must have been heard by Heaven. I will tell you not to say these things. Look, this is not being reported."

"If you have the ability, come to heaven."

Zhou Shu was still very calm, "The elders don't have to worry, they are just baby fish, they can't hurt you and me."

Zheng Daoxuan looked at Zhou Shu, shook his head, and secretly said, "He is not afraid of anything, but the old man is not. I really dare not go with him in the future."

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