Fairy Winner

Chapter 1670: Frightened

The school of baby fish quickly disappeared, and as if it hadn't appeared, the Dead Sea also returned to calm.

Only under the calm sea, there seemed to be a familiar and strange face hidden, perhaps only Zhou Shu could feel it.

Zheng Daoxuan thanked him again, but involuntarily moved away from Zhou Shu. He probably felt that being too close to Zhou Shu would be contaminated with bad luck.

In his opinion, the cultivator must break through the obstruction of the heavenly way and regard the heavenly way as an enemy, but he should also have the necessary respect for the heavenly way. However, Zhou Shuquan is not like that. Loss.

Zhou Shu glanced at him and smiled carelessly.

After another journey, Zhou Shufei took a few steps closer, and said with a smile, "Elder, Elder Lin has been promoted to the ninth level?"

Zheng Daoxuan's heart was shocked and he almost fell from the air.

Looking at Zhou Shu, he stood still, his face full of surprise, "You... Sect Master Zhou, what did you say suddenly... There is no such thing."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Isn't it? Why should the elder lie to me?"

Zheng Daoxuan was stagnant, and only condensedly said, "Sect Master Zhou, why do you ask? Although I really want to have it, we in Kunlun have never had the nine-fold monks."

A year ago, Lin Qingjue left the customs, leaped forward, and was promoted to the Ninth Stage of Crossing Tribulation.

The Kunlun Presbyterian Church regards this matter as an important secret and will not reveal it.

Kunlun hasn’t had nine-fold monks for many years. Lin Qingjue, a genius of tenth-grade Dao roots, has finally succeeded in reaching the nine-fold. This event will be the best opportunity for Kunlun to unify the world of immortality. It must be displayed at the most suitable time. , In order to receive the greatest effect.

Unexpectedly, the talented Zhou Shu suddenly mentioned inexplicably that Zheng Daoxuan would inevitably lose his attitude.

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "The elder promised too simply before. I carry evil spirits that will come out at any time. If there are several eight-fold cultivators crossing the Tribulation Realm, the evil spirits can be suppressed briefly, but It must use a lot of magic weapons, consume a lot of cultivation base, and the cost is not small, but if there are cultivators of the Nine Heavens, the result will be much easier... And, Kunlun will definitely not use artifacts for evil souls, right? "


Zheng Daoxuan secretly said badly, is it because of this? Some of the previous ones were not rigorous, but Zhou Shu saw the flaws.

He stroked his beard, bit his scalp and said, "Hehe, the lord is really worried, does that mean that Elder Lin has been promoted to the ninth level? In fact, Kunlun, like the lord, is good for the world of cultivating immortals, in order to suppress evil spirits. , The Kunlun elders work together, even if it consumes some cultivation base, it is worthwhile."

"The elders are also right. I don't doubt Kunlun's intentions."

Zhou Shu nodded and smiled slightly, "Those are indeed just speculations, but..."

Zheng Daoxuan was startled, "But what?"

Zhou Shu looked at him and smiled quite comfortably, "In fact, I was on the edge of the Dead Sea in Dongshengzhou, and I felt the breath of Elder Lin. A month before he got there, he should be still there."

Zheng Daoxuan was stunned, unable to speak anymore.

Zhou Shu looked at him with a smile, "Elder Lin's aura is much stronger and more concealed than when I fought against me last time. It is completely integrated with nature. I am afraid that no one can detect the abnormality, but unfortunately, With good luck, I happened to perceive it, so..."

Zheng Daoxuan was still stunned, saying that he was indisputable here.

Zhou Shu was still smiling, but his eyes changed a little, "I don't know what you are doing there, but I think... If I hadn't carried the evil soul on my body, I'm afraid Elder Lin is still in the sea of ​​death, I'm afraid it's already Do you want to start with me? Nine-fold cultivator, if you are surrounded by the Sea of ​​Death, I am afraid that you will not be able to escape..."

"What did Sect Master Zhou say..."

Zheng Daoxuan laughed dryly, "How can we in Kunlun do this kind of thing, we are sincerely dealing with the sovereign."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "I hope this is the case, but I always feel that this trip is extremely dangerous, so be careful."

"What does Sovereign mean?"

Zheng Daoxuan's expression suddenly changed, and he said anxiously, "Isn't the Sovereign planning to go to Kunlun? That's not good. Even if Elder Lin has been here, he won't attack you. On the contrary, Elder Lin appreciates your talents and has always been an elder. I will say I want to befriend you and agree to your terms as soon as possible."

Zhou Shu waved his hand and smiled strangely, "Of course not. I will definitely do what I promised. However, the appearance of Elder Lin still scared me. To make me more at ease, Elder Zheng, don’t you Do you think Kunlun should express it?"

Zheng Daoxuan thought for a moment, then smiled, "That's what I said, disturbing the suzerain, Kunlun should make amends. I don't know what the suzerain wants?"

Zhou Shu touched his nose, "Elder Zheng has been longing for the big cutting punch he practiced..."

Zheng Daoxuan's expression was shocked, "This..."

Zhou Shu sighed, so it was difficult to say, "The place where you are going to go is Kunlun, Xihezhou is basically Kunlun now. If you are frightened too much, I am afraid it will be difficult to complete the transaction well. Forget a few words in the refining method of the fairy qi..."

Looking at Zhou Shu's smiling face~www.ltnovel.com~Zheng Daoxuan was helpless, nodded and said, "It's just a book of tactics, and the old man will give it to you."

He took out a jade slip and quickly wrote it.

He writes quickly, but his face is a bit ugly, and his heart hurts even more.

The big cutting fist is one of Kunlun's rarest magic formulas. In this world of immortality, most of the magic formulas containing the power of the law are only available in Kunlun, which is also an important reason why Kunlun has always been the top of the six sects.

After finishing writing the jade slip, he looked at Zhou Shu and solemnly said, "This is Kunlun's unique method. The old man does not want the suzerain to pass it out, but he also asks the suzerain to agree, otherwise the old man is ashamed of the Kunlun ancestors and dare not give it to you. "

Zhou Shu nodded immediately, very solemnly, "I will only study it myself, and I will never give it to others."

Of course, he would definitely not hand over the tactics to others, but it would be hard to say if he uses Shuzhidao to absorb and improve them and become his own tactics.

In this big cutting punch, there is a lot of space law power, he has always wanted to get it, and now he will certainly not miss the opportunity.

"The old man believes that the lord is a trustworthy person."

Zheng Daoxuan nodded lightly and gave the jade slip to Zhou Shu. Zhou Shu quickly finished reading it, knowing that there would be no fakes, and immediately squeezed the jade slip into powder.

In terms of face, Zheng Daoxuan also breathed a sigh of relief, "Sect Master, let's go, we are about to reach Xihezhou."

Zhou Shu nodded with a smile, flew up in stride, and moved forward.

Zheng Daoxuan followed, a faint light gradually condensed in his eyes, and the killing intent was like a fierce beast hidden under the ice abyss, biting to the bone.

"What about it? Since you are here, you will never let you leave alive!"

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