Fairy Winner

Chapter 1671: Guide

The sea of ​​death has come to an end and Xihezhou is within sight.

Zhou Shu suddenly said, "Elder Zheng!"

Zheng Daoxuan's heart was tight, thinking that Zhou Shu was going to do something, and quickly turned around, "What's the matter with the lord?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I need to trouble the elder to be the next guide."

Zheng Daoxuan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "Hehe, since the lord is here, he is the most distinguished guest in Xihezhou, what the guide is."

"That's all right," Zhou Shu nodded with satisfaction, and thought for a while, "I was in a hurry last time and I didn't have a good stroll. I am quite curious about Xihezhou. Before I go to Kunlun, I want to go there. The place, elders willing to lead the way couldn't be better."

"no problem."

Zheng Daoxuan nodded immediately, and only doubted, "I don't know where Zhou Zong's chief is going, isn't it going to Kunlun?"

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "I'm afraid that if I go to Kunlun, I won't have the chance to go to those places, so I want to go see it first."

Zheng Daoxuan's mind is tense, does he know something, knowing that we have to deal with him? But before he spoke, Zhou Shu said calmly, "Elder, take me to Baidi City first. I heard that it is near the Sea of ​​Death."

"Baidi City?"

Zheng Daoxuan looked at Zhou Shu and wondered, "What did the Sect Master go there? It has been abandoned for tens of thousands of years. Basically, I can't see anything. Now it's just a quiet place of death, and I don't even have aura."

"I know, just want to see."

Zhou Shu looked into the distance, showing a bit of emotion, "Back then, the Baidi crossed the west and founded the Baidi City, and recruited immortal cultivators and even mortals to resist foreign races. In that era of raging foreign races, if there were no Baidi and Baidi City a pillar Qingtian has defeated countless foreign races, Xihe Prefecture will never be as peaceful as it is now, I am afraid that it will be trapped in long-term chaos like other states."

Zheng Daoxuan nodded slightly, "That's right, although it is a ruin, it is worth visiting."

Before long, the two came to a ruin.

The ruins of Baidi City are larger than the ruins of the Aolai Kingdom, and the plains of nearly 100,000 miles are more desolate. The sights are full of broken gravel, which is very similar to the destroyed Sword Intent secret realm, only traces of buildings can be found. , The grand scene of the year is completely invisible.

Zhou Shu walked among them with a solemn expression.

Of course, he didn't come all to see the ruins, the bigger purpose was to collect crashes.

This is a famous dead place, and naturally there are crashes. Although the density is far lower than Qingyuan Valley, it is not bad.

Before going to Kunlun, he planned to let the Palace of Life and Death collect enough vitality to be able to issue a blow to kill the evil soul.

Zheng Daoxuan watched from a distance. Although he tried to release his consciousness detection, he didn't know what Zhou Shu was doing.

Xuanyuanjian was in his sleeve. Although Zhou Shu made some cover-ups, he didn't try his best to cover it up. Zheng Daoxuan felt it when he wanted to come. As for whether he could recognize it, Zhou Shu didn't care too much.

It's good to recognize it, this is what he wants.

A lot of time passed, and the huge ruins were gone in a few days.

Only Zheng Daoxuan had waited a little anxiously. Seeing Zhou Shu's return, he immediately greeted him and said, "Sect Master has finished reading, should we go now?"

"finish watching."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, with a lot of sorrow in his eyes, "Baidi City, the largest city in Xihezhou where the glory of mankind is recorded, such a good piece of pure land on earth disappeared so quickly, it is a pity."

Turning to Zheng Daoxuan, he slowly said, "Elder Zheng thinks so too?"

Zheng Daoxuan's expression stagnated, "It is a pity, but Baidi City violated the fate and ended up like this, but it is no wonder."

"Yes, destiny."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, showing disdain, "You Kunlun, you always regard your destiny, but never think about your destiny, how many people's futures you have taken away, and what kind of pain and tragedy it has brought to others, destiny, destiny. , How many crimes are committed because of two words, and they are still fair, but Kunlun, you, never felt that you were wrong. It was in the past and it is now."

"The suzerain is right. This is Kunlun's mission and it will never change."

Zheng Daoxuan nodded, looked into the distance, and slowly said, "The lord came here just to blame Kunlun for a few words and ridicule?"

Baidi City was destroyed in Kunlun.

Tens of thousands of years ago, Kunlun imprisoned the descendants of Baidi, sealed off many buildings in Baidi City, and brought mortals to the new city. At the end of the gathering point, even the roots of the four spiritual veins of Baidi City were taken away, causing the cultivators to leave one after another, and the originally prosperous Baidi City slowly turned into ruins.

The huge ancient city has become what it is now.

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I feel a little bit, the elders don't need to care."

"Good one feels a little bit."

Zheng Daoxuan paused, and he seemed to have guessed Zhou Shu's thoughts. He was slightly cold, "Where is the Sect Master planning to go next? Is it Julu Mountain?"

"Hehe, Julu Mountain I want to go, but for now."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "The elder is too worried. I don't have to go to the place that was destroyed by your Kunlun. Please take the elder to Ningshan Gate. I heard that it is the largest gate in Xihe Prefecture after Kunlun~ www.ltnovel.com~It’s not too far from here."

Zheng Daoxuan was slightly stagnated, "Ningshanmen, I see."

"Look, I didn't specifically expose the Kunlun bottom," Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I heard that this Ningshan Gate was built by Kunlun with your own hands. You helped others to such an extent, and I admire it very much."


Zheng Daoxuan snorted and flew quickly into the clouds.

The Naning Mountain Gate was indeed built by Kunlun. Kunlun did a lot of effort, and it was not even Kunlun’s subsidiary sect, but it was a way for Kunlun to publicize itself. This is the only example of this, while the others in Xihezhou If the sect forces do not join Kunlun, they will be suppressed by Kunlun, gradually weaken, and it will be difficult to survive and develop.

In Zheng Daoxuan's view, this is naturally another mockery of Zhou Shu.

But for Zhou Shu, the vitality there is his biggest goal.

Ningshan Gate was built on the mountain, which is similar to Lingyu City, but it is much larger than Lingyu City, and there is a lot more aura inside.

There were two seventh-tier spiritual veins that were drawn from Baidi City back then, specifically to attract immortal cultivators.

Walking in the mountain city, Zhou Shu seemed to feel something.

Like Lingyu City, it is also very prosperous, but there is not much vigor in the city. Perhaps the immortal cultivators in Xihezhou are too mature, or for other reasons. In short, it looks a little lifeless and prosperous on the surface, but it is already obvious. The weather is in decline.

Zhou Shu didn't care too much about these.

There are a lot of vitality to draw, it is enough, he walks very leisurely inside.

It is getting closer and closer to the goal. After all, Xihezhou, where the most immortal cultivators are the most and the strongest, will absorb it much smoother. ...

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