Fairy Winner

Chapter 1674: Arrive in Kunlun

Looking at Xuanyuanjian, Zheng Daoxuan couldn't help shaking in his heart and lost consciousness for a while.

Compared with temporarily losing judgment, being absent is not a good thing, and it is even more deadly to monks.

In the eyes of immortal cultivators, Xuanyuan Sword’s master-chewing characteristics are deeply ingrained, and everyone is afraid. Even the monks who cross the Tribulation Realm are no exception, but they are rare like Zheng Daoxuan. Is Zheng Daoxuan’s will not firm enough?

No, the bigger reason is interference from Zhou Shu.

There are verbal, psychological, and more divine consciousness tactics. For so many days, Zhou Shu has almost always used Zheng Daoxuan’s mind-relieving tactics to influence him, but Zheng Daoxuan has always maintained After all, his mind was stable. After all, he was an eight-fold cultivator who was crossing the Tribulation Realm. His mind was extremely strong. Until now, flaws were finally revealed and signs of instability appeared.

Water droplets pierced through the stone, such a long day, constantly subtle, even a piece of steel, there are times when it melts.

Few monks would stay with the enemy for several months. Zheng Daoxuan had to do this, and therefore he relaxed his vigilance and started talking.

Seeing Zheng Daoxuan's condition, Zhou Shu secretly nodded, but his expression became more gloomy, "Elder, do you know, what happened before the earth spirit got this sword?"

Zheng Daoxuan subconsciously said, "What's the matter?"

"The water spirit of the Heavenly Sword Gate, and the wood spirit and Fengling, all discovered the changes in the world and came to Beiluzhou to search for the unearthed artifacts. They all found them, but they..." Zhou Shu paused, quite worried. Said, "They were all swallowed by Xuanyuan Sword. Actually, this matter is like a trap. The born Xuanyuan Sword is tempting them, gaining their power, and increasing their abilities..."

Looking at Zheng Daoxuan, he shook his head and said faintly, "Facts have proved that Xuanyuan Sword can eat the soul and soul. Within a few months, all the heaven and earth elves have died, leaving nothing behind."


Zheng Daoxuan's heart trembled, his face uncertain, and his eyes began to dodge, as if he didn't want to look again.

He turned to his side and slowly said, "Since this sword is so evil, why did the Sect Master take it again, or even bring it?"

"If you don't hold it, let it continue to attract the elves and continue to grow?"

Zhou Shu seemed helpless, and picked up Xuanyuan Sword, "And I also hope to be able to understand the mystery of Xuanyuan Sword. If I can crack the curse of the Lord Devourer, I might be able to obtain and use it."

"With all due respect, Sect Master Zhou, you are burning your body."

Zheng Daoxuan showed a lot of solemnity, "Do you think it can be deciphered? From the departure of the emperor to the disappearance of Xuanyuanjian, dozens of people have obtained Xuanyuanjian during this period. Many of them are masters and even powerful, but without exception, Xuanyuanjian has all been taken The sword was killed, there was no bones left, and the sovereign's heart was too great."

Zhou Shu nodded, "The elder is right, but this is a genuine artifact. Although it is terrible, it is also a artifact. I am not that you Kunlun has two artifacts. Heyin faction does not have much family business, so you can have the opportunity to hold Just take it, and thank you elder for reminding me, I will be careful."

"I know, you put it away, don't take it out again."

Zheng Daoxuan waved his hand, quite disgusted, and thought to himself, if you want to find your own death, no one can control it, and it is not a bad thing for Kunlun, but you have not only the evil soul, but also Xuanyuan sword...damn, The two super evil creatures of the Xuanhuang World came together, and for us Kunlun, many variables have been born.

I am afraid that some of the arrangements made before will be changed.

If it weren't for the aura of fairy spirits, people like Zhou Shu would still stay as far away as possible.

"During this period of time, even though I was enlightened day and night, it still had no effect."

Zhou Shu put away the sword and sighed slightly, "Oh, I feel that my energy has been declining recently. I can hardly remember a lot of things. It's probably a sequelae of understanding Xuanyuanjian."

"You have been soul-eaten, right?"

Zheng Daoxuan only said slowly, "The lord is just too tired, so he will arrive in Kunlun soon, so he can rest well."

"Yes, let's go."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly embarrassingly, and flew to Kunlun first.

Zheng Daoxuan followed behind this time and deliberately stayed a little further away. Obviously, Zhou Shu's danger was a bit bigger in his heart.

Zhou Shu just didn't know what to do, even with a slight smile.

He never thought about covering up about Xuanyuanjian. Sooner or later, he would make it public. It was a good way to pass through Kunlun. He also hoped that Zheng Daoxuan would inform the Kunlun Presbyterian Council of the news. With a frightened and horrified attitude, Zheng Daoxuan had been caught by Xuanyuanjian. Affected the mind, this attitude will also infect other people in Kunlun, causing them to have similar fears.

It is not a bad thing to make Kunlun worry about him at any time, let alone at the time of the transaction.

Kunlun couldn't bear the spirit of immortality after all. If he could extract more, he could extract more.

After a few days, a majestic mountain appeared before him.

Unlike Dongshengzhou, which is mostly a continuous mountain range, this mountain stands proud and extremely tall, with a radius of thousands of miles, and most of it is stuck in the clouds, but there is no snow on the mountain, and it is lush and lush. Floating, thousands of miles away can feel the aura of the mountain.

Around the mountain, there are many small mountain groups, tens of thousands, like stars holding the moon, and also highlight the majesty of the mountain.

"What a big mountain!"

Zhou Shu looked at ~www.ltnovel.com~ from a distance, only to feel magnificent, excited and unconscious, and said unconsciously, "Is this Kunlun Mountain? It can be said to be unique on the four continents. Just seeing this mountain, It's a worthwhile trip."

"Hehe, all monks see Kunlun Mountain, they are like this."

Zheng Daoxuan nodded slightly, unable to hide his arrogance, and said slowly, "Does the lord know? The Kunlun Mountain today is just one of the side peaks of the ancient Kunlun Mountain."


Zhou Shu was taken aback, quite shocked, "Is this just a side peak?"

"of course."

Zheng Daoxuan nodded, "The ancient Kunlun Mountain is more than a hundred miles high, and it is a true mountain that connects to the sky. The peak is within the sixth day of the sky. There is no monk who crosses the tribulation realm, and even the peak cannot fall. "

"Such a mountain is just a side peak. The real Kunlun Mountain top is really incredible in the sixth day. If I could see it with my own eyes, I don't know how excited it would be."

Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, looking forward to it.

"I can't see it now, alas."

Zheng Daoxuan sighed and said slowly, "However, the old appearance of ancient Kunlun is in the current Kunlun, and I will show it to the master later."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu nodded quickly, showing a lot of awe, and saluted, "I am grateful."

Zheng Daoxuan was surprised and delighted when he saw Zhou Shu's expression for the first time, "It turns out that he is still afraid of Kunlun. Sure enough, any monk who arrives in Kunlun Mountain will be like this, and he will be no exception."

He didn't know that Zhou Shu's awe was not for the current Kunlun, but for the ancient Kunlun, the holy land for the cultivators of the Xuanhuang world, Kunlun Mountain.

Today's Kunlun, Zhou Shu will not be in awe.

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