Fairy Winner

Chapter 1675: Kaisendai

In the distance, several monks walked over the clouds.

An elderly man was at the forefront and walked over directly to meet Zhou Shu, his face was kind, and he raised his hand to salute, "Sect Master Zhou, I'm not as famous as meeting, it really is a young hero!"

Zhou Shu bowed his hand to return the courtesy, "Elder Qin Feng, you are polite here."

The elders of the Kunlun Presbyterian Church are all very famous. Although Zhou Shu has never seen them before, they can recognize them at a glance.

Qin Feng is close to six thousand years old. He has very old qualifications in the presbytery, and his status is only under the eldest grandson. However, these elders do not have the eldest grandson. He came to greet him, which is enough to give Zhou Shu face. .

In addition to the Thai wolf that Qin Feng and Zhou Shu have seen, there are two elders who have never met. One is called Qiu Ze. He is currently the most powerful physical training in the Xuanhuang realm. The physical training can reach the eighth level of the tribulation realm, which is unique in this world. The other was named Cheng Tianlan, the only female elder in the presbytery. She had an extremely beautiful appearance. She was once Lin Qingjue's Taoist companion, and her cultivation base was second only to Lin Qingjue.

Zhou Shu paid the courtesy and responded with the same smile.

These people's cultivation bases are not as good as Lin Qingjue's. Together, he doesn't care too much. Even if you add a few more, he can leave easily. Now in Kunlun, he is most worried about Lin Qingjue, the nine-fold monk. , Although it was only one level higher, but the realm cultivation base was completely inferior to eight levels.

Zhou Shu had seen how strong the eighth-order Perfection Mountain Recipe was.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Sect Master Zhou, I won't gossip, Kunlun has already hosted a banquet in Huixiantai, so I will leave now."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu nodded calmly, but his emotions fluctuated slightly.

Huixiantai has a great reputation in the world of cultivating immortals. It is one of the most desirable places in Kunlun since there were cultivators in the Xuanhuang world.

In the Xuanhuang Realm, there are very few who have been invited to meet in Sendai. They are all monks with a great chance of being promoted. It can be said that as long as a monk has been to Huixiantai, even if he is recognized by Kunlun, he will definitely gain the Tao in the future. Shengxian.

Zhou Shu doesn't care about Kunlun's determination, but it is difficult for any immortal cultivator to remain calm if he wants to go to such a legendary place.

The background, that is, the background, can be shocked at all times.

"Ha ha."

Qin Feng turned around and smiled, "Sect Master Zhou, you are the first non-Kunlun monk who will be invited by Sendai in ten thousand years."


Zhou Shu was shocked, then raised his hand to salute, and said straightly, "I feel terrified."

Not long after, Qin Feng landed in front of a small village.

The village is not big, surrounded by a clear stream like a jade belt. There are dozens of children frolicking by the stream. Smoke swells on the wooden huts and the sound of chickens and dogs. It is more peaceful and quiet, and ordinary mortal villages. It's no different.

The people in that village were all mortals, but they were not surprised when they saw them fall. They were still doing their own things.

Zhou Shu stared at the village, unconsciously showing a trace of doubt.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Hehe, does Sect Master think he has come to the wrong place? No, this is the Kunlun Meeting Sendai."

Cheng Tianlan nodded, "Sect Master Zhou, don't underestimate this village. Just where you are standing, hundreds of great powers once stood. If you perceive it carefully, you may still be able to perceive them. Breath."


Zhou Shu was slightly stagnant and couldn't help feeling it.

Zheng Daoxuan showed some solemnity, "The ancestors once said that immortals come from the mortal, even if they become immortals, they must never forget mortals. Therefore, at the beginning of Kunlun's establishment of the gate, he established a meeting in Sendai and invited ordinary mortals. Living, every time my Kunlun disciple achieves great power, I must come to Sendai to worship mortals, and show the respect of the cultivators to mortals, which continues to this day."

Tai Lang's voice is still very loud, "Today, there are 3,725 people who have gone out of Kunlun Hui Sendai."


Zhou Shu was slightly stunned. The three thousand seven hundred and twenty-five great powers... Although not all of Kunlun's, this kind of background really has to be accepted.

He paused, "So, it's no wonder that it is the sacred place for immortal cultivators, with so much power, but... I don't seem to perceive too much aura left by the power here, there are, but not so much. many."

"Sect Master Zhou is really going to try, nah, I just talked casually."

Cheng Tianlan smiled unconsciously, like a flower, but soon he took it away, "These three thousand powers also include the ancient Kunlun, and the ancient Kunlun is destroyed, and Sendai will be destroyed with it, and then we will rebuild Sendai. Although there is no change here, the power that goes out from here is naturally a lot less, plus the fact that there has been no power to appear for two thousand years, the suzerain naturally cannot perceive much."

Zhou Shu smiled and arched his hands, "Haha, I understand."

The prosperity of ancient Kunlun is far from comparable to the current Kunlun. Although Kunlun copied Huixiantai as it is, the meaning is different. Moreover, ancient Kunlun truly respects mortals. The current Kunlun... can be seen from what they do. , Just behave.

It's easy to see that out of ten of these mortal children, eight have spiritual roots. Where can such mortal villages exist?

I don’t know when, in a clearing in the village, tables, chairs, and chopsticks have been placed~www.ltnovel.com~ It seems that they are all thick tea and light rice, but a little bit of perception can tell that the materials of these tea and rice are by no means ordinary. A kind of lower than the seventh rank, mostly from strange beasts, and even close to divine beasts, such as Baize Beast and Fire Spirit Crow, such a feast, apart from Kunlun, I am afraid that few sects can display it.

Qin Feng raised his hand and said, "Sect Master Zhou, please sit in."

"Thank you."

Zhou Shu nodded, only a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Looking at Zhou Shu, Qin Feng said with a slight smile, "The lord probably thinks Kunlun is rude, don't you invite the lord to enter the mountain gate?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It is an honor to be able to have a banquet in Sendai, but it is indeed a bit regretful."

Qin Feng stroked his beard and said slowly, "Please don’t blame the Sect Master. The Sect Master is not invited to Kunlun because Kunlun’s mountain protection formation has never stopped. If the Sect Master is allowed to enter, we are worried that the Sect Master’s heart will be jealous. In the formation, after all, we and Sect Master Zhou had a bit of grievances...for the sake of peace of mind, so we held a banquet in Xiantai, presumably the Sect Master also sensed that there is absolutely no formation here, and the safety of the Sect Master is absolutely guaranteed."

Zhou Shu thought for a while, smiled and said, "Elder Qin is so thoughtful and admires him."

"It's nothing, it's just human nature, please take your seat."

Qin Feng made a gesture of inviting, and said warmly, "When the sovereign has reached a deal with Kunlun, and the fighting turns into jade silk, there will be no worries about the sovereign going to Kunlun. The old man can also guarantee that as long as the sovereign wants to go, Kunlun’s gate Open to the suzerain at any time."

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "Haha, I'm looking forward to it next time."

Qin Feng smiled and nodded, "We are also looking forward to it."...

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