Fairy Winner

Chapter 1677: Talk about business in the sound of the piano

The city lord looked at Zhou Shu, "Just agree, what's the use of not asking? I don't want to do it?"

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "My good stuff is enough."

The city lord sighed slightly and said slowly, "Thank you."

Zhou Shu just smiled, "What is there to thank you, Jianmu fragments can only have the best effect with you... I think Kunlun should have other things worth changing, such as pill pill?"

The city lord thought for a while, "Of course there are many medicines in Kunlun, but how should I say, most of them are not suitable for other cultivators."


"Today, Kunlun medicines are basically made specifically for the roots of Dao. They have little applicability and are quite restrictive," the city lord said slowly, "Speaking of which, the method of Dao is the foundation of Kunlun, but it is only the current Kunlun, in fact, ancient Kunlun has many commendable places. It is a place where all the Taoisms converge. In many respects, there are places beyond their peers. There are a hundred flowers blooming, but after the collapse of Kunlun, most of them disappeared. There are not many remaining ones. The law of Tao has been carried forward in Kunlun and has continued to the present."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "But I have to say that Kunlun now uses the most practical way, so it has always maintained its status."

The city lord followed the Tao, "Yes, most Taoisms are prosperous and declining, and like sects, this is determined by the laws of nature. Only this method of Tao forcibly reverses the laws. Once and for all, Keep Kunlun strong."

Zhou Shu spread his hands, "In short, there is no pill to choose from."

The city lord can only nod his head, "Almost, Kunlun doesn't seem to have any particularly good pill. Xiaohuan pill is a healing medicine, but it is not worth mentioning compared with the spirit of the immortal. There are also a lot of substitutes for the pill, which is not worth it. Add it to the bargaining chip, even if it is a pill."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Then don't need the pill, think of something else."

"Qi Tian Dan."

The green bird, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

Zhou Shu and the city owner were stunned, "Qi Tian Dan? It seems that I have never heard of it?"

"Maybe only Soul Xiu knows," Qingque smiled, "Qi Tian Dan comes from Qi Tian Clan, it is a soul cultivation sect that was annihilated a long time ago. I don't know the specific effect of it, but the soul cultivation all said It is the best auxiliary pill for soul cultivation. Of course, it is also for other immortal cultivators. Qi Tianmen was destroyed by Kunlun, and I think the pill of Qi Tian pill should be with them."

"The elixirs of spirits are indeed very useful, I wrote them down."

Zhou Shu nodded and said with a smile, "The city lord and I have forgotten, why do we have to stick to Kunlun? For tens of thousands of years, Kunlun has wiped out so many sect forces, and their treasures must have fallen into Kunlun's hands. Here, the scope can be expanded a lot."

The city lord also laughed, "Yes, not bad, I was negligent."

Several people laughed, but Bai Long was not. Instead of smiling, he was even a little angry.

The city lord stagnated, "Bailong, what's the matter with you?"

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, and thought about it, "Bailong, you should have what you want too? If you are in Kunlun, just say it."

Bailong stood there, hatred gradually appeared on his expressionless face, and there was a bit of murderous aura in his eyes, "If you can..."

He had long noticed that Bai Long did have what he wanted, but it didn’t meet Bai Long’s usual temperament, so he was unwilling to speak, but that thing, it’s probably impossible for Bai Long to get right now, only Zhou Shu’s deal was made. Have the opportunity.

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Of course."

The law protectors in Wushuang City all helped him a lot, and he would definitely help him if he could do it.

Bailong paused for a while, then slowly said, "Bai Di Dao."

Qingque was startled, "Baidi Dao?"

"it is good."

Zhou Shu immediately agreed, but his heart was shaken.

The city lord’s face was slightly condensed, “The Baidi Knife is said to be a holy sword enshrined in Baidi City, and it is also a magic weapon that Baidi once used. It swept foreign races and was invincible. After Baidi City was destroyed by Kunlun, Baidi Dan was mostly lost. In Kunlun's hands, it's just Bailong. Why do you want him? You don't seem to need a knife? Is it..."

Several people seemed to think of something at the same time and looked at Bai Long together.

Bai Long did not speak, only nodded.

The city lord seemed to realize something, "No wonder every time you practice killing Dao, you have to go to Xihezhou to practice. It turns out that you have a deep hatred with Kunlun and want revenge on Kunlun disciples. Why didn't you say it earlier? If you said it earlier, I will definitely find a way to help you."

"No need to."

Bai Long shook his head, although very light, but firm.

Seeing what the city lord wanted to say, Zhou Shu smiled and waved his hand, "Okay, three things, what else, think more about it, you can't make Kunlun cheaper."

Needless to say, Bailong should be the descendant of the people of Baidi City, perhaps even the descendant of Baidi, so he will be so persistent towards Baidi Dao, and will hate Kunlun so much. It may be revenge for practicing killing Dao.

This point is very similar to Yunli.

Zhou Shu will naturally help, not to mention that the Baidi sword is a magic weapon of the heavens and one of the best swords in the Xuanhuang world.

The discussion in Wushuang City was lively, and the banquet was still arrogant~www.ltnovel.com~ laughed endlessly.

The two parties seemed to have agreed, and no one talked about the transaction because they didn't think it through.

With a soft sound, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

The quiet and deep sound of the piano is just like the sound of natural sounds, without realizing that people are playing.

While listening quietly, my heart turned to ancient times, and I felt cold and immortal.

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, this was naturally Lin Qingjue's arrival, and from the sound of the piano, Lin Qingjue's music way had already entered a new realm.

When the sound of the piano reaches its highest state, a static character stands out, resembling the desolate Taigu Dahuang, which is called the Voice of the Taigu.

The sound of the piano at this time is already close to this state.

Zhou Shu stood up and arched his hands to the east, "Elder Lin, long time no see."

Lin Qingjue was hundreds of miles away, with a disheveled hair, burying his head on the piano, and did not respond, as if he had merged with the piano.

The figure perceived by the divine sense seemed clear, but in reality it was vague. After Zhou Shu's divine sense touched him, it was unconsciously affected, and Lin Qingjue was only willing to show it to Zhou Shu.

Sure enough, it was nine-fold, and it was a nine-fold monk who surpassed other sects.

His spiritual consciousness, compared with Zhou Shu, seems to be slightly stronger.

Zhou Shu hadn't encountered a monk stronger than his own divine consciousness for a long time.

It's not just divine consciousness, it can transmit the piano sound and its realm to everyone within hundreds of miles. This level of cultivation has exceeded Zhou Shu's previous expectations. If Zhou Shu was encircled and suppressed, Lin Qing would have With this strength, Zhou Shu wanted to leave, fearing it would be ten times more difficult.

All the elders present were all refreshed, Qin Feng stood up and raised his hands, with a face in his chest.

"Sect Master Zhou, let's talk about the spirit of the fairy."

(Ps: Thank you, the youth of Luotuo Town, Miss Taiyi for your continuous support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted, Happy New Year's Day~)

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