Fairy Winner

Chapter 1678: negotiation

Zhou Shu nodded, "Then start talking."

Qin Feng showed satisfaction, "Sect Master. Please show us the fairy spirit you refined first."

"Not difficult."

Zhou Shu raised his sleeve and flicked, a small bottle flew up in the air, whirled a few times in the air, and landed in front of Qin Feng.

As Qin Feng had obtained the treasure, he picked up the bottle and looked up and down for a long time before opening the cork reluctantly.

A faint white smoke overflowed from the bottle, seemingly spiritual, turned into a white rainbow, and flew quickly into the air.

"I forgot to remind the elders," Zhou Shu smiled. "The spirit of the immortal shouldn't exist in the Xuanhuang Realm, so I will leave by myself."

"A breath of breath."

Qin Feng did nothing but waved his hand, and a transparent gas mask fell from the sky, completely enclosing the celestial aura, but the celestial aura only slowed down and walked up the gas mask for a while, soon Going out again.

"This little guy has some abilities."

Old Qin Feng blushed slightly, and took out a bowl-shaped magic weapon. After a few clicks, the magic weapon contained the spirit of the fairy and gathered it into the bowl.

Slowly put it next to him, first look, feel, and then absorb a little bit. I only feel refreshed all over, indescribable. There is no trace of turbidity in the fairy spirit, and it goes straight to the dantian, which is extremely smooth.

This feels like entering a fairyland, and the past practice seems to have all become bricks in a bitter kiln.

He showed a lot of satisfaction, only shook his head and sighed slightly, "Oh, compared with the spirit of the fairy, the origin of the air is really nothing."

"Really so good?"

The elders on the side are all stagnant, with many doubts.

"Try it, the old man dare not try more, if you get used to this kind of cultivation, how can you live without it in the future."

Qin Feng nodded slightly and passed the bowl over.

The elders tried one by one, and all showed a pleasant color, as if they were in the cloud fairy world.

Zhou Shu looked at them and sighed in his heart.

When he tried to use the spirit of the fairy, he also had a similar feeling.

Like the fairy fruit of Xianle, most of the things in the fairy world far surpass the Xuanhuang world. The spiritual energy from the fairy world is not comparable to the Xuanhuang world. Using it to cultivate is like enjoyment, and the cultivation level can continue to improve. There is nothing better than this. Yes, but, the more so, the more vigilant Zhou Shu.

Entering the immortal realm, you may be able to enjoy it, but in the Xuanhuang realm, it is still based on training.

Only after experiencing enough training, can there be a chance to enter the fairyland and reach the top.

What's more, using more celestial aura may produce a feeling of addiction, which is also a taboo for the cultivator with a firm heart.

Moreover, this fairy spirit is still a fake, and the harm is even greater.

Perhaps this is the reason why the immortal world strictly prohibits the logistics of the immortal world from entering other circles.

After several elders tried, their complexions all showed a hint of ruddy. Although the celestial aura was not much, the feeling it gave them was shocking.

Zheng Daoxuan looked at Zhou Shu and said slowly, "Sect Master Zhou has always cultivated like this?"

Zhou Shu raised his hand, "What do the elders think? It's a pity that the materials are rare, and it's not easy to refine the fairy spirit."

"No matter how rare it is, I have to look for it, any kind of material is worth it!"

With excitement, Cheng Tianlan looked at Zhou Shu with a red face, and said softly, "Sect Master, what exactly is the material?"

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "Elder Cheng is too excited. There are a lot of refining materials, which can not be explained in a word, but... elders, you have seen the spirit of the fairy, and you should be satisfied. Okay?"

The elders glanced at each other and nodded, "Yes, very satisfied."

The sound of the piano also suddenly aroused, like the sound of cranes, it was also very satisfied.

"it is good."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Then, I have to talk about my conditions."

Qin Feng nodded, only his expression serious, "This is natural, but Sect Master Zhou, don't make excessive demands, otherwise the transaction will be very difficult."

"It's hard to do, so don't do it."

Zhou Shu stood up immediately, with the intention of leaving.

Qin Feng stagnated, "Why did the Sect Master say this? Your conditions have not been opened yet, the old man is just a kind reminder."

"A good reminder, it's just a suppression of ideas, Elder Qin, your attitude is wrong," Zhou Shu looked slightly cold, and snorted, "Hmph, I am willing to trade with you. Angry people were everywhere, angering me, and I immediately made it public, so that all cultivators in the world would know."

Qin Feng's old face turned yellow, a little embarrassed, "Sect Master misunderstood."

Zheng Daoxuan hurriedly got up and raised his glass, "Don't do this with the lord, take a drink first."

Qiu Ze also stood up, shaped like an iron tower, a head taller than Zhu Dashan. He smiled and said sincerely, "The lord said it was good. Everyone wants fairy spirit, but Kunlun is the only one who can give the Sect Master the best conditions. If we divide, we will lose, and if we cooperate, we will benefit. What do you think?"

"Yes, Sect Master, don't breathe."

Cheng Tianlan stood up, raised her bare hand and gave a salute.

Qin Feng's complexion was slightly condensed, and he just stood up and said slowly, "Sect Master Zhou, it is the old man who said improperly, please don't blame the Sect Master."

Zhou Shu put aside his figure, and said in a salute, "You elders don't have to be like this, there are also mistakes in the next. Sit down and say nothing."

The elders all sat down with a smile.

The sound of the piano revolves around, still taking the word "quiet", but from time to time there is a cheerful voice ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ relaxed and happy, with a sense of freedom.

"What a happy music, Elder Lin is interested."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and turned to the elders, "I mentioned before the next that what I want most is the spiritual root cultivation method, and it is still the same now. I really long for this method. I wonder if you have any opinions? "


Qin Feng's expression tightened, and he waved his hand quickly, "This is really impossible. The method of cultivation is the foundation of Kunlun, and it must not be leaked. Otherwise, the world does not know how many Kunluns will be, and the lord is a little bit difficult."

Cheng Tianlan shook his head and said warmly, "Sect Master, don't it, there is nothing to talk about if you want this or that..."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "So, it's not enough to take the roots of Taoism, or the ancient Taoism on Taoshan?"

Qin Feng had to nod his head, "This is the foundation of Kunlun's establishment. Please forgive me for being unable to agree."

Zheng Daoxuan smiled bitterly, "The Sect Master really wanted a coincidence. If these three are taken away, I am afraid that the Heyin Sect will immediately become the new Kunlun, but the Sect Master should also know that such conditions cannot be agreed to by Kunlun. Nothing can be exchanged for them."

Zhou Shu didn't answer, but looked at Qin Feng. Qin Feng also shook his head. The other elders did the same, very determined.


Zhou Shu lightly nodded, and said helplessly, "Although it is so, but there is always a little hope in the next, all the elders do not agree, then..." He glanced at the worried elders, he slowly Slowly said, "Fine, I won't mention the conditions of Taoism again."

Several elders let go of their hearts, showing a lot of joy, "Thank you, Sect Master Gu Quan, please say something else, I will try my best later."

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