Fairy Winner

Chapter 1682: omen

As for the impermanence formula, it is a bit more powerful.

It is said that since the ancient Kunlun was destroyed, no one has learned it. In fact, not only did not learn it, but also many Kunlun disciples who tried to learn the Jue of Impermanence. In the process of studying the Jue of Impermanence, they fell into a stumbling block, their minds were damaged, and they were repaired. To be ruined.

Among them, there are even several great powers.


According to legend, the secret of the law of destiny is implied in the secret of impermanence.

The law of destiny is one of the highest laws that make up the heavens and the world, including the immortal world, and it is also one of the most difficult laws in the heaven and the world.

Everyone knows that understanding the law of fate is equivalent to mastering one's own destiny, and after knowing or even fully controlling, you can control the destiny of countless people and countless realms. The heavens and the realms are under control, which is beyond the immortal. Range.

The law with the law of destiny should not exist in a small world like the Xuanhuang world, just like the law with the law of time, but Kunlun has one copy, it is this impermanence. There are many foreign races invading the Xuanhuang world. , Also for this impermanence formula.

Of course, Kunlun regards it as a treasure, no one can touch it except Kunlun disciples.

However, because it contains the law of destiny, the impermanence formula is too profound. Although it remains in the Xuanhuang world, no one has ever learned it, and even what its specific effect is, it can’t even be said. You will die if you make a mistake, and no one dares to touch it afterwards.

Like the Righteous Qi Jue, it sinks in the bottom of the Tibetan scriptures.

Looking at Zhou Shu, Elder Qin said slowly, “Sect Master Zhou’s request seems a bit excessive. One key formula is Kunlun’s best formula. If we don’t pass on the secrets, I’ll wait for them to be handed over to the master. How to be worthy of the ancestors who created them?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "As it is now, no one has been able to learn, is it worth it?"

Elder Qin's expression was slightly stagnant, and the other elders were also startled.

Zhou Shu appeared a little dignified, "I have always respected Kunlun's jerkiness in the next, and I believe that the same is true for all the elders. If it is always shelved and left alone, then it will be fine? The meaning of jerkiness is to let it continue and maintain. By inheritance, this is the significance of the Kunlun ancestors creating them. Now that you let it go, you are actually disrespectful to the Kunlun ancestors."

The elders did not speak, only discussed in secret.

"Although he is cleverly discerning, he does have a trace of truth."

"Yeah, for so many years, our Kunlun's unique knowledge has not been learned by our disciples. I have to say that this is indeed a shame."

"Give it to him, can he learn it?"

"Isn't it better to learn? If he learns the impermanence tactics, and he gets hooked out of his mind, it doesn't fulfill what I was waiting for?"

"...I don't know what to say."

Zhou Shu glanced at a few people and continued, "You elders should understand that the tactics that you can't learn are actually not of great value. There are so many powerful tactics in the world of cultivating immortals, such as the Huangquan song of Lishan, and the mysterious of Hengshan. Tianzheng Fa is a powerful but difficult and obscure technique, but no one in this school has ever learned it. Until the sect weakened, these techniques also flowed to the world of cultivating immortals. At first they regarded them as treasures. They have used them for reference, but found that there is no experience to learn from, and they can’t learn at all. The final result of these powerful techniques is that no one cares about it. It is really regrettable."

Tai Lang snorted, "Do you think Kunlun will perish like these sects?"

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "I don't think so, but the tactics do. Only when people continue to learn the tactics can they maintain their vitality, and only when people continue to learn and develop, like Kunlun, no one has learned them for tens of thousands of years. The method, with all due respect, is actually not too valuable anymore."


Tai Lang glared at Zhou Shu, full of anger, but did not finish speaking, and was blocked by Qin Feng.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Sect Master, let us discuss it for a while."

Several elders continued the discussion.

"It's the same thing. If you know that there are tactics, but if you can't learn it, it's no different from not having it."

"Leave aside this, but the old man remembered one thing..."

"What is it, Elder Qin?"

"Leiyin Temple has withered for nearly ten thousand years, because no one in the temple has been able to learn the Buddha's Heart Jue. At that time, there were only seven disciples in Leiyin Temple. It was about to die out completely, and the Buddha's Heart Jue had to be made public. Let the meditation practice in the world of immortality study together, and you know the final result."

"There are other meditation practitioners who have learned the Buddha's Heart Jue, and shared the experience they have gained with Leiyin Temple, and realized together that it has restored Leiyin Temple to its former glory and has become a major problem for us."

"Yes, if Zhou Shu learns our technique, he can share his experience with us again..."

"Speaking of him, he is indeed a genius, but it is impossible for Kunlun to rely on him, and he will not tell us what he has learned."

"The old man just mentioned that, anyway, after today, he can't do without Kunlun, even if he takes away the tactics, isn’t he going to return it in the end? It’s better to give him the tactics directly. If he is not dead, let him He learns for us."

"That's not bad. If he hasn't died and has learned, we can use this part as a condition to release him and force him to hand it over~www.ltnovel.com~ Elder Qiu's words are very reasonable, I agree. ."

"I agree too."

"Of course I won't object, I'm just a little worried..."

"Don't worry, he can't escape the cage we laid today."

As they said, the dignity on the faces of the elders gradually decreased a lot, and some smiles were even piled up.

Zhou Shu seemed to have some enlightenment, and said righteously, "Elders, how are you thinking about it?"

Qin Feng smiled while stroking his beard. "What the Sect Master said is quite to my heart. The old man often feels that the tactics must be shared with others in order to make continuous progress. Speaking of which, Kunlun keeps these two secrets. There is something wrong."

Zhou Shu was slightly surprised, "The elders have changed a bit quickly."

Qin Feng's expression did not change, "The Sect Master is so insightful and thought-provoking. I am not a stubborn person. A slight change is reasonable."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Then, the result of consideration by the elders is..."

"The Sect Master spoke, and we have no reason to refuse."

Qin Feng nodded, "Elder Tai, can you please bring the two copies of the law and give them to Sect Master Zhou."

Tai Langfeng also went away, all the elders looked at Zhou Shu with a smile, Zhou Shu also responded with a smile.

Zhou Shu knew what they thought, but it was unexpected. Kunlun could easily pay even such a bargaining chip. It seemed that the confidence in his own trap was quite large, to the point that Zhou Shu could not predict it.

Suddenly, he had a sign of danger.

It's just weird that his first straight is detecting, but he still doesn't see any danger.

Where does this danger come from?

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