Fairy Winner

Chapter 1683: Let's prepare

The perception is a bit obvious, and my heart throbs.

Thinking about it, Kunlun must have done a lot of preparations for Zhou Shu, even at any cost.

It's just that things have reached this point, and there is no use thinking about it. It must be faced, only to believe in their own strength.

"Since they are so determined, they need more treasures, and it's not in vain to fall into the trap."

Zhou Shu must think about it, and the corner of his mouth unconsciously brought out a smile.

Not long after, Thai Wolf appeared again, holding two jade slips in his hands.

Although the jade slip was a copy, it was also pale yellow. It appeared that it was made a long time ago and no one has ever used it.

"Sect Master can take a look first to determine the authenticity."

Qin Feng pointed his finger, and the jade slip passed to Zhou Shufei, "This is the Kunlun secret slip. The details need to be opened by the Kunlun technique. When the transaction is over, we will offer the opening technique."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, took a look at Yu Jian, and put it back.

At that glance, he had completely recorded the contents inside, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Yes, these two tactics should be righteous qi tactics and impermanence tactics. The text is not ancient, and the number of words is not many, but there are thousands of mysteries hidden inside. Each word seems to have countless ways to interpret it. It takes a lot of spirits and it is no wonder that it is difficult to practice.

As for the Kunlun method of opening the jade slip, Zhou Shu had already known it.

Duo Duo of the Kunlun Presbyterian Church left behind many Kunlun tactics, in addition to breaking the root of the thunder sword, opening the jade slip and the method of accepting Xujie.

Qin Feng nodded in satisfaction, "Sect Master, should you be satisfied now?"

Zheng Daoxuan followed, "Yes, magic pill, magic formula, everything, all of them are treasures, Sect Master Zhou, can you start trading?"

Zhou Shu just shook his head and said calmly, "Although there are a lot of things, compared with my fairy spirit, there is still a lot of gap."

"Sect Master Zhou, you are too greedy!"

Tai Lang looked at Zhou Shu with bad eyes, like a hungry wolf.

Zheng Daoxuan also shook his head, "Sect Master, as an immortal cultivator, you should have self-knowledge. If you exceed the limit, it will be bad for anyone."

Cheng Tianlan just sighed, "Sect Master, it's not that Kunlun is unwilling to allow it, but do you want too much? Just these two tactics, the value is not under the spirit of the spirit, no matter if you take it. You can change to the seat of a great elder at any major gate."

"The transaction should be equal."

Zhou Shuping said quietly, "With the aura of fairy spirits, Kunlun will soon cultivate a large number of talented monks, and you elders may also break the shackles and take a step forward. This is what you have been waiting for. It cannot be done with a magic weapon and a few difficult books. For this, paying more is completely worth it."

Qin Feng nodded lightly, "The Sect Master said it right, but we don't know until now, what kind of material you need for your fairy spirit? What if you want material from a divine beast or a sacred beast, even Tier 9 materials? It is impossible for us Kunlun to obtain a large amount, and everything you say is impossible to start. Then the value of the fairy spirit will be reduced a lot, even to the point that it is not worth trading... We Kunlun took such a risk, we can't Are you up to the price?"

"Ha ha."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, with a trace of disdain, "The elder's words are wrong, the spirit of the celestial spirit needs the ninth-level material? Does the elder himself feel credible? If the refinement of the celestial spirit requires the ninth-level material, I Zhou Shu How do you use it for cultivation? Do you have the ability to get to the ninth-level material?"

Repeated questions made Qin Feng's face blush.

Zheng Daoxuan raised his hand, "Elder Qin just asked unintentionally. Don’t care about the suzerain. However, if we can’t see the specific refining method, then we always have concerns. An extremely rare special material, and that special material has already been collected by the Sovereign—we all know that you have not only the Heyin School, but also Wushuang City. It is not difficult to collect certain materials."

He looked at Zhou Shu with a very sincere expression, "If this is the case, then Kunlun is not so delicious, right?"

Zhou Shu thought about it for a moment and nodded, "Elder Zheng said it is reasonable, but he has not considered it."

Qin Feng smiled and nodded, "It's okay, it's okay."

Zhou Shu looked at the elders and said slowly, "Then, in order to show my sincerity, I will first tell the elders the materials, and the specific refining methods will be released after the transaction is confirmed. What do you think?"

The previous momentum has passed, and it is time to show some sweetness, so that the opponent can take out more chips.

"it is good."

The elders nodded together, and Qin Feng showed a lot of smiles, "That couldn't be better."

Zhou Shu slightly pondered, "I am thinking, should I tell everyone or just tell Elder Qin?"

The elders stagnated slightly, and then laughed together.

Qin Feng said in a slow voice, "The master has a lot of thoughts. He thinks that our Kunlun elders are selfish and want to take the opportunity to provoke them? Give up, our elders have eight people with one mind. No matter who gets the method of refining fairy spirit It will be used by itself, and will only be given to the elders' council. When the time comes, the elders will decide who should use the spirit of the spirit, and no matter what decision is made, the elders will not object and will only implement it seriously."

Tai Lang nodded vigorously, "Yes."

Zheng Daoxuan said indifferently, "The world always says that Kunlun's strength overwhelms other sects~www.ltnovel.com~, in fact, it is not necessarily the united, fair and unselfish elders' council, which is the reason why Kunlun is proud of the world of immortality. Fundamental."

"Just talk about it, you don't need to care."

The mind was pierced, Zhou Shu didn't change his face, and he smiled and arched his hands.

There is also a lot of admiration in his heart. At least from his point of view, these Kunlun elders do not have any selfishness, nor can they see the possibility of splitting. They have reached this level. They are only two days away from Shengxian, but still The sect is the master, it is really rare to put yourself behind the sect.

However, there is nothing to learn.

It's just that Qiu Ze, who rarely speaks, is a bit weird, not that he has selfishness, but the vitality in him.

Zhou Shu has seen it carefully. Compared with other elders, Qiu Ze’s vitality is much weaker. He may not be as good as a monk who has just crossed the calamity. What is the reason? , Is there any move to give up life?

This is worth trying, and maybe it can help Zhou Shu in the future.

Qin Feng smiled and nodded, raising his hand, "Then please say it to the lord."

Zhou Shu paused for a while and slowly began to talk, "Jade True Fruit, Xuan Ling Grass, Blue Leaf Xiansha, Yan Lingzhi..."

The elders listened attentively, but were relieved.

Qin Feng showed a lot of solemnity, "The 17 kinds of materials that the sovereign said, are they true?"

"Elder Qin's words are rude."

Zhou Shu was slightly displeased, "If the elders don't believe it, as long as the materials are brought, they can be refined on the spot."

"Very well, I will let people prepare."

Qin Feng nodded immediately, and unceremoniously agreed.

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