Fairy Winner

Chapter 1684: The Tower of Change

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "Elder Qin, you are really shameless."

Qin Feng shook his head slightly, "Where did the Sect Master say something? Didn't the Sect Master say he wants to practice?"

Zhou Shu said sternly, "The next thing is that if you don't believe me, I can refine it on the spot. Now that the elder asks me to refine the celestial qi, I just made it clear that I don't believe what I said and don't believe those materials?"

"It's not that the old man doesn't believe it, it really matters."

Qin Feng was quite dignified, "The seventeen materials mentioned by the lord, the best is the seventh-order candlelight bird, and the rarest is the ghost worm. Although they are also very rare exotic animal materials, they are compatible with the fairy Compared with the effect of the Qi..."

Zheng Daoxuan nodded, "Yes, these materials can refine the celestial spirit, which is too incredible."

Cheng Tianlan paused, "If it can be done, it will be a brilliant workmanship. I really want to see the miraculous means of the sovereign."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "This is from the Book of Immortals, and it is not surprising that it is more clever than Tiangong."

At this time, the Thai wolf has walked up and said, "The materials are ready. There are dozens of copies of each. The lord can refine them at any time. If the furnace or the abnormal fire is not good, we will change them. , They are all given to the suzerain."

Qin Feng said rightly, "Please rest assured, we will never spy on the specific process, let alone clean up the remaining materials."

After speaking, several elders turned around together, showing their gestures, and all their spiritual consciousness was also put away.

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly. He didn't care about their snooping, because they could not snoop. The only thing he worried about was Lin Qingjue of Jiuzhong.

Lin Qingjue's spiritual consciousness slightly surpassed him.

It is the Nine-fold monk, the cultivation base is high, he is fourfold, and the difference between the eight-fold and the nine-fold is like a moat, it is a great watershed, not to mention the Kunlun monk. In terms of spiritual consciousness, Zhou Shu can do it with Lin Qingjue. No match, it is unique.

If Lin Qingjue understood this, I believe he would be even more surprised.

However, even if Lin Qingjue was watching, Zhou Shu had to refine it.

Zhou Shu always presses on step by step without giving in at all. This may not be a good job, and the refinement of the celestial spirit on the spot can stimulate the Kunlun monks' potential, making them more greedy and willing to give more. Bargaining chips.

The benefits outweigh the disadvantages to retreat as progress.


Zhou Shu nodded and said calmly, "If you don't refine it on the spot, I'm afraid you won't be convinced, just like the elder's wish."

Several elders saluted with their backs and couldn't hide their joy, "Thank you, the lord."

In the negotiation process, this may be the first time they have taken the initiative.

"Elder Qin, your excitement is just right."

"Haha, Zhou Shu was still a little tender, and he had to agree to our request. He must refine the fairy spirit here."

"Although we don't look at it, Elder Lin can see the whole process, but what materials Zhou Shu used, how much, what kind of refining methods and different fires, we can all know, even if it is a little bit worse, slowly Try and try it out."

"Then let him come here in vain. He didn't get anything and gave up the spirit of the spirit, haha!"

"Is it too shameless?"

"Don't talk nonsense, what is a trip for nothing? Whether he makes a deal or not, he can't do without Kunlun."

A trace of killing intent flashed in Qin Feng's eyes, and he said solemnly, "It just saves us some trouble, and also prevents him from taking out the fake fairy spirit."

Behind them, Zhou Shu had already erected a tower in front of him.

"His Daotao seems to have changed a bit?"

"I also noticed that it was different from the previous match, and it was not the change in depth or color. Even the Dao pattern on it was different. Could it be that his Dao has improved again? This is very strange."

"Yes, the avenue is basically formed, and the monk's tower will not change too much. It's just that the shades and colors are different according to personal experience."

Although they didn't want to spy, the ray of light coming from behind was really strange, and they couldn't help feeling it.

Qin Feng was quite solemn, "Are you sure, it's different from before?"

"It must be different," Zheng Daoxuan nodded, very puzzled, "It's only been more than ten years, right? What kind of Dao does he cultivate?"

Qin Feng said slowly, "In such a short period of time, it is difficult for a particular Dao to make a big change, and Zhou Shu has only two possibilities if this happens."

Dao Pagoda is born naturally when the power of Dao converges after the cultivator has enlightened Dao.

Only a monk who understands the Tao can have a Taoist pagoda. Everyone forms a different Taoist pagoda. Some are sharp and round, and some are black and some are white. However, the monks who practice the same kind of Tao, such as those who practice boxing, they The Dao Pagodas are roughly the same, especially the Dao patterns on the Dao Pagoda, which are the essence of boxing. Even if the personal understanding is biased, for a mature Dao like boxing, the Dao pattern will have nothing. Change, at most, is the change of color, size, shape and shade.

In the Xuanhuang Realm, that's how they understood Daota.

At this time, Zhou Shu's Dao Pagoda had a change in Dao patterns, which was indeed very unusual.

At this point, Zhou Shu didn't realize it, and made a mistake inadvertently.

In the past ten years, he has never encountered an opponent, and has never used the Dao Pagoda, but he does not know that his Dao Pagoda has grown to such a state.

Looking at his Dao Pagoda, Zhou Shu didn't even sigh secretly, this time he was negligent.

Having a true heir, becoming a true Tao, understanding the law of life and death, and incorporating many tactics, growth is a matter of course, and such a big change can naturally be seen by those Kunlun monks.

Could it be that what I cultivate is my own way of comfort, this point is going to be exposed?

For him, it is not a big deal. Shu Zhi Dao has become the real Dao, so he is sure to continue Shu Zhi Dao, but if Kunlun knew this, what would Kunlun do? Is it a crazy strangulation, or a good relationship?

Things that cannot be completely predicted and controlled always make him feel uncomfortable.

Zheng Daoxuan anxiously ~www.ltnovel.com~What is possible? "

Elder Qin said slowly, "First, what Zhou Shu cultivated is a new Tao that is immature and growing, and it may still be a Tao created by himself."

"This is impossible."

"Never possible."

"No one can create a new Dao now. The Xuanhuang Realm does not even have great abilities. There is no soil for the emergence of a new Dao. Before the retreat, Elder Ding has calculated countless times that the realm of cultivation has only fallen Dao and no new life. The way."

"Then Zhou Shu, how could he create his own way? There is no such person in the Xuanhuang Realm."

The elders immediately retorted, and Elder Qin also nodded, "The old man also thinks so. Even though Zhou Shu is a genius, but still within an intelligible range, he is definitely not a creative person. If he really has this ability, we can't possibly Choosing to be his opponent, then there is only the second possibility."

Zheng Daoxuan curiously asked, "What is that?"

"This Dao does not belong to the Xuanhuang Realm, it comes from a distant outside world, even the fairy realm."

Qin Feng slowly said, "This phenomenon can only happen when the external Tao appears in the Xuanhuang Realm. Its Tao patterns are not necessarily the true manifestations in the Xuanhuang Realm, and what we see is not necessarily the real Tao. It is also possible that Daota has made a special disguise, and will change its state every time...None of these are understandable."

Zheng Daoxuan nodded unconsciously, "It must be the case."

Tai Lang said immediately, "His way comes from the spirit of the fairy, there is a power that can swallow everything."

The fear of fighting against Zhou Shu at the beginning seemed to come to mind again.

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