Fairy Winner

Chapter 1687: Get it

Facing Qin Feng's gaze, Zhou Shu quietly looked forward to it.

Qin Feng pondered for a long time before he slowly said, "Isn't it possible that the transaction can't go on without the construction wood fragments?"

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "This requirement can't be met, so naturally there is no reason to continue trading."

"it is good."

Qin Feng waved his hand, "Please wait a moment, Sect Master, I will come when I go."

Several elders got up one after another, Cheng Tianlan turned around and explained, "Sect Master Zhou, where the building wood fragments are stored, there must be more than four elders working together to open the formation, so..."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "You can save yourself."

Compared with other treasures, the status of this construction wood fragment is obviously much higher.

The elders have gone, and the previously selected chips are still in the banquet, but Zhou Shu can't move. Although five elders have gone, Lin Qingjue has not moved. The sound of the piano is still melodious and quiet, like a breeze. , I don’t know the sound, but I can hear it when I want to hear it.

Zhou Shu arched his hands far away, "Elder Lin, you have worked hard."

The piano's tone changed slightly, sometimes low and soft, sometimes soft and cheerful, Lin Qingjue seemed to answer with the sound, uniquely sentimental.

The aura and vitality around, uninvited, danced around the banquet for joy, as if there was life.

Zhou Shu had experienced such a situation before. At that time, the power of Tao was affected by the sound of the piano and moved along with it. At this time, it was vitality.

As the piano sounded faster, the vegetation around the banquet also moved, dancing with the wind, rustling, making sounds unique to vegetation. What's more strange is that the tables, chairs, stones, etc., have actually joined in. Following the vibrating of the piano, it produces a harmonious resonance, giving the movement a richer charm.

Ledao has reached such a point, incredible.

Another point is that the sound of the piano is bursting, and the ordinary mortals working around, seem unconscious, still busy with their own affairs.

Zhou Shu listened quietly, and couldn't help feeling secretly, "If Lin Qing is definitely not an opponent, maybe he can make good friends."

After a while, several elders flew together, and the sound of the piano gradually dimmed, restoring the silence before.

Qin Feng held a dark green jade box in his hands.

"Lord, please see."

As the jade box opened, a strong qi of wood came out, but it was not scattered, but gathered into a cloud.

In the middle of the clouds, a piece of dark wood lay quietly.

But four or five inches long, like a rock, full of cracks, the divine consciousness cannot penetrate, nor can you see the inside of the crack, but there is a feeling that the entire world is hidden inside, as the original tree of the Xuanhuang World, the Xuanhuang World It has gone through all the vicissitudes of life.

"It's it."

Zhou Shu just glanced at it and confirmed it, there will be no fakes.

Qin Feng nodded, closed the jade box again, placed it with the previous items, stood beside him, and said in a deep voice, "Sect Master, we can give it all, so should you be satisfied?"


Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, took out a jade slip from his sleeve, and held it in his hand, "I am also ready to go. All the details of the refining method are in this jade slip. Any elder can refine immortals through it. Spiritual air."

Qin Feng said calmly, "How to determine the authenticity?"

Zhou Shu said lightly, "If it is fake, Zhou Shu I shall not be promoted to immortality."

Very few immortal cultivators say such things. Elder Kunlun is all about it. Qin Feng's figure is also shaken, and he nods seriously, "If the lord says this, the old man will naturally believe you. Okay, how do you make a deal?"

"This is Kunlun, all the elders are also staring, are you still worried that you won't be able to run down?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, seemingly thoughtful, "Why don't it be like this, take things in the next, and hand over the jade slip to you immediately."

Qin Feng thought for a while, "Yes, but you can't leave until we have read the jade slip to determine its authenticity."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "So the best."

Qin Feng laughed, showing all his excitement on his face, and said, "Then first wish us a successful transaction."

"At last it didn't take a lot of hard work."

"Thank you Sovereign Zhou, this transaction is worthy of each other."

The other elders also raised their hands to salute, staring at the jade slips in Zhou Shu's hands, all of them flashed in their eyes, and the stars were also like stars. They were excited and sent out, anyone could see it, and it was definitely not a fake.

Zhou Shu also noticed it, smiling and returning the gifts one by one.

The piano tone changed immediately.

Joy, happiness, like a wanderer who has been away from home for many years, after all the hardships, finally embarked on the path back home, looking at the door not far away, can't control the excitement in my heart at all, just want to rush in and see Long-lost relatives.

This atmosphere is in line with the mood of everyone at this time. When the negotiation that lasted for a long time finally came to an end, everyone was happy.

"Thank you Elder Lin."

Zhou Shu arched his hand slightly and walked slowly towards the middle of the feast.

"Fairy spirit, I will finally get it."

Qin Feng glanced at Zhou Shu with sorrow, and walked back slowly, leaving all the things to Zhou Shu.

Step by step, Zhou Shu walked smoothly and firmly. Net debut

At this time, Kunlun was the easiest time to launch a trap, and naturally it was also his most dangerous time.

There was also an eighth sense of divine consciousness. It was in a fully opened state. Any abnormality would not escape his observation. Even if Lin Qingjue made a sudden move, he did not notice any abnormality.

Elder Kunlun looked at him excitedly, there was no sign of action, many people did not even let go of their spiritual consciousness.

Lin Qingjue was still leaning on the piano, with a natural expression and elegantly playing every note.

In Huixiantai~www.ltnovel.com~ I can’t feel the existence of the formation, expand thousands of miles to the gate of Kunlun Mountain, and the same is true. No abnormal changes.

This is not the case now. From the beginning of the negotiation to the present, it is the same.

Isn't it dangerous? Does Kunlun really want to make a deal?

But the previous omen should not be false.

Soon, Zhou Shu came to the pile of chips and observed carefully one by one, looking at the objects and the surrounding situation, but there was still no sign of launching the trap.

In the melodious and cheerful piano sound, the power of music is not felt.

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, put away all those things, and threw the jade slip to Qin Feng.

"Thank you."

Qin Feng smiled and picked up the jade slip, then nodded at a glance, "Sect Master Guo is a believer, not bad."


Zhou Shu arched his hands, flicked his body, and swept straight away. The things were already in his hands, so he couldn't leave more for a moment.

Just after flying, the surrounding scenes have all changed.

Huixiantai is gone, and no elders can be seen anymore, as if they have been dragged into an illusion. There is a cloud of chaotic smoke and dust in the eyes, and they can’t distinguish the color.

This scene is extremely unreal, it seems that it shouldn't happen at all.

At the same time, his body seemed to be torn apart suddenly, and he felt huge pain inexplicably.

Looking down, he was stunned. The exposed skin continued to bulge like blood hills, and the limbs flew out involuntarily, as if to leave the body.

There is a feeling of death immediately.

It feels very real.

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