Fairy Winner

Chapter 1688: trap


"Look where you flee?"

"'Transaction'? The people who are doing'transaction' with our Kunlun haven't appeared yet!"

Seeing Zhou Shu disappear, the elders on Huixiantai burst into bursts of laughter unconsciously, and it took a while to calm down. . .

"I still feel a little pity."

Zheng Daoxuan slowly said, "Zhou Shu is really a genius. If it can be used by me, I am afraid that the Kunlun monk will be able to enter the immortal world within two hundred years."

Qin Feng nodded his head and said, "But he doesn't know how, so he can only do that."

Cheng Tianlan shook his head lightly, wondering, "Should he not die?"

"This one……"


The elders' expressions were slightly condensed, and they did not know how to answer.

"If you change someone else, you should definitely die, but he probably won't."

Lin Qingjue floated and said calmly, "Even if his strength is not as good as mine, it is not far behind. As long as he passes the initial stage, it is difficult to die."


Qin Feng shook his head unconsciously, showing some regret, "Elder Lin, can't even the Five Elements Wheel kill him?"

"Although the Five Elements Wheel is a complete artifact, it is limited by the Xuanhuang Realm, so we can't use much power, and Zhou Shu is also a monk in the Xuanhuang Realm. It can't perform the guardianship it deserves when facing people in the same realm. The power, as long as Zhou Shu gets used to the power of the five elements inside, he won’t die."

Lin Qingjue's face was calm, and there was a trace of joking in Qin Feng's eyes, "Why, he can't die, the elder seems very dissatisfied?"

Qin Feng shook his head and smiled, "That's not the case. I'm just worried that he will come out and ruin our Kunlun event."

"Don't worry, if he can get out of the Five Elements Chakra, then..."

Lin Qingjue's face gradually became darker, and he thought for a while, but did not speak.

Qin Feng said in a hurry, "So what will happen, Elder Lin?"

Lin Qingjue looked at the Kunlun Mountains in the distance, shook his head slightly, and said slowly, "If he can really break free of the Five Elements Wheel, then, even if he wants something bad, we can't stop it, let him go."


Qin Feng was a little dumbfounded, and his expression became heavy.

Tai Lang was rather dissatisfied and shouted, "Elder, what are you worried about!? Can he really get out of the artifact? Impossible, what could not be done in the past, why is Zhou Shu!?"

Zheng Daoxuan nodded, "He wants to come out, only if we let him out. At that time, he will definitely be tamed by us and will obey our Kunlun."

Cheng Tian's blue eyes lit up, "Tame Zhou Shu? Just hand it over to me to do such a thing."

"It's still early, let him stay up for a while."

Lin Qingjue waved his hand, turned around, and the remaining elders followed along to Kunlun Mountain, and Huixiantai returned to calm.

Zhou Shu at this time was encountering an unprecedented predicament.

After sensing the abnormality of the body, Shu Zhili followed his heart and immediately protected the body completely.

Except for the unbearable pain, the body seemed to be restored to its original state, but immediately felt endless pressure. If a mortal fell into the deep sea, pressure would come from all directions, crushing himself to pieces at all times.

Zhou Shu hasn't felt this way for a long time.

"Such power..."

Zhou Shujing meditated, while resisting with Shu Zhi's strength, he felt carefully.

Soon he discovered that this power not only comes from the outside, but also from the inside of the body. The outside has to come in, and the inside of the body has to go out, attracting each other like magnets. If Shu Zhili temporarily blocked the two, he was afraid it was himself. His body will soon blend into these forces, and then he will no longer exist.

How could there be such a strange power?

As soon as the ‘doubt’ was born, he had the answer immediately.

This is the power of the Five Elements Chakra, that is, the power of the Five Elements, the power of the high-level Five Elements.

Most things in the Xuanhuang world are composed of the five elements, and people are no exception. The foundation of the human body is the five elements.

The general power of the five elements comes from various materials with five elements aura, and the five elements aura between heaven and earth. The Five Elements Method is to use them to make essays. Kunlun is different. They have the five elements and can use each This kind of high-level five elements can also use the power of high-level five elements.

The power of the high-level five elements mobilizes not only the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth but also the materials, it is everything with the five elements, including human beings.

If you can'fuck' the five elements, you can also'fuck' the human beings. As long as they are humans, they can't resist. Even if they are a tribulation monk, even if they are powerful, they will not be immune to the five elements unless they jump outside the five elements. control.

His body was controlled by the power of the high-ranking five elements, if it hadn't been blocked by Shuzhi's power, it would have been torn to pieces.

"Am I in the Five Elements Wheel?"

Zhou Shu easily came to this conclusion from the power of the five elements around him.

It is impossible for the Kunlun monk to do it. They can'manipulate' the power of the high-level Five Elements to such an extent that they control the monk who crosses the Tribulation Realm. That Kunlun monk must be familiar with the Five Elements Principle, and even have a basic grasp. There is no such monk—with such a monk, Kunlun has long been able to ascend to the immortal—then there is only one result, that is, Kunlun, who is well-versed in the Five Elements Law, used the Five Elements Wheel to force Zhou Shu into the Five Elements Wheel.

Knowing this fact, Zhou Shu was a little shocked ~www.ltnovel.com~ but also a little fortunate.

Obviously, the Five Elements Chakra in the Xuanhuang Realm cannot display all its power. If the Five Elements Chakra can display its full power, Zhou Shu is already dead.

"For me, I didn't hesitate to use a magic weapon, I still underestimated the determination of the Kunlun monk."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, with a little regret. He thought that Kunlun would definitely use the artifact to deal with Tianlong Temple. After all, Tianlong Temple also has artifacts to swallow the sky gourd. There will be a battle between the two, but he did not expect Kunlun to use it. Here is him.

He smiled bitterly, "Even if it is used on evil souls..."

Can still laugh, because there is no danger for the time being.

The power of the high-level Five Elements in the Five Elements Wheel is indeed very strong, but Shu Zhi's power is not weak. It resists internal and external pressure and builds a small safe space. It is not difficult to do. Just want to go out and get rid of the Five Elements power completely. It is extremely difficult, perhaps impossible.

"Is it Lin Qingjue?"

After a pause, he realized something.

None of the five elders in Huixiantai had such abilities, and the eldest grandson had neither a bogey nor a bogey. It could only be Lin Qingjue.

"Using the power of Le Dao with the power of the law of space, I moved me into a trap set up in advance, and went directly into the Five Elements Chakra. I am afraid that only Lin Qingjue can do this, Kunlun Ah Kunlun, when Under such a prestigious reputation, there will be no avatars."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, a little upset, but also secretly admired.

Lin Qingjue understands at least two kinds of laws. Although they are both preliminary, they are also extremely rare. In the Profound Yellow Realm, there are not many monks who can understand the two laws in the Tribulation Realm. Almost without exception, they have been promoted to immortals. Lin Qingjue should also be one of them.

And Zhou Shu learned about reincarnation and the law of life and death.

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