Fairy Winner

Chapter 1691: Sit on the Forgotten Peak

Kunlun Mountain, sit on the Forgotten Peak. ,:.

The peak rises straight into the clouds, and the top of the peak is as flat as a mirror.

There is an octagonal pavilion on the top of the peak, each side is nine feet, nine feet and nine minutes long, and the height is the same. The nine huge pearls on the top of the pavilion are brilliant, and they can compete with the sun and the moon. The four ancestors of Kunlun tattooed with them, as well as the well-known Kunlun Five Sages, are vivid and vivid in sight.

An ancient magic weapon was placed in the pavilion.

It is composed of five huge wheels with different colors and colors. The huge wheels have a fixed center and surround each other without interfering with each other. They achieve a wonderful balance. They rotate constantly, fast and slow, like a movement, with a long ancient charm. .

It is Kunlun's five-element wheel, which is also the best-preserved artifact in the Xuanhuang world today, and has never been damaged.

After countless years, it has not changed its appearance, and its luster remains the same. If there is any difference, it is probably that the original guardian is the Xuanhuang Realm, and now it is the Kunlun.

By the wheel of the Five Elements, Lin Qing sat absolutely, his eyes closed slightly, his face calm.

Behind him, several elders were also sitting, but they all looked a little anxious.

Zheng Daoxuan said anxiously, "Elder Lin, what's going on inside?"

Lin Qingjue paused for a while, then slowly said, "Don't worry, I am not transparent about the Five Elements Rule, and I can't fully understand the situation inside. I'm taking a closer look."

"It would be great if Elder Ding didn't retreat."

Cheng Tianlan sighed slightly, "In the presbytery now, he is the only one who knows the Five Elements Principle. If he were to ‘fight’ the Five Elements Chakra, it would be much better."

Qin Feng nodded, "This is natural, Elder Dante has closed the death barrier and made a death oath. The Jiuzhong will never leave the barrier before crossing the Tribulation Realm. There is no way to let him out."

Qiu, who rarely spoke, shook his head, quite sad, "It was only me who made the death oath back then."

"It's all for Kunlun, no one goes there," Qin Feng waved his hand, quite solemnly, "Elder Qiu, I know that you and Elder Ding are like brothers, but don't think about these things again in the future, just focus on cultivation."

Cheng Tianlan hurriedly said, "Yes, now that there is Elder Lin, there is no need for one person in our presbytery to swear to shut down every thousand years."

She looked at Lin Qingjue, with a lot of envious'color', and said softly, "Qingjue, can't you see inside?"

"Elder Cheng, you don't need to say the word Qing Jue anymore," Lin Qingjue frowned slightly, and said calmly, "It is precisely because I can see a little bit, that I called you to think about it together. According to my opinion, the current situation is not very good. Well, the power of the five elements in the Five Elements Chakra rushes around in a mess, and it seems that the power of the five elements is less, which is really abnormal."

Qin Feng seemed to realize something, "Elder Lin meant that Zhou Shu was doing trouble inside?"

"No, he can resist at best, can he fight back?"

Zheng Daoxuan shook his head unconsciously, and was quite surprised, "Under normal circumstances, the power of the five elements in the Five Elements Wheel rotates endlessly, and there will be no consumption. If it is less, you must have encountered a power that can rival it or even out of it. , There is only Zhou Shu in it, but it is strange that although his Dao power is very strong, it will never be higher than the power of the Five Elements, and it is impossible to match it. This is the case unless he..."

At this point, his face was a bit frozen, and he couldn't say it for a while.

"Unless he understands the law of the five elements, he can find the weakness of the power of the five elements."

The **** of Tailang'looks' condensed, "We have all studied the Five Elements Principle, which is by no means so easy to understand. It has been difficult to make progress for thousands of years, but how did Zhou Shu understand this? Did he get our tactics? "

Zheng Daoxuan was stagnant, "He got a big five-element fist, just before entering the five-element round."

Tai Lang's face tightened, "He has a big five-element boxing?"

Zheng Daoxuan nodded and explained a few words, "...In order to learn about Xuanyuanjian, I gave him the Big Five Element Fist and didn't inform the elders. It was my fault."

"Nothing, you have found important news, it's not wrong."

Lin Qingjue said indifferently, "The problem will not lie in the Big Five Elements Boxing. If Zhou Shu can practice the Big Five Elements Boxing in just two months, and even comprehend the Five Elements Rule from it, then Kunlun will also admit defeat. , But I think it’s impossible. He should have other ways."

Cheng Tianlan nodded immediately, "Qing Jue is right. It's impossible for anyone to understand the law within two months."

Lin Qingjue did not remind her this time, only frowned slightly.

Zheng Daoxuan sighed unconsciously, "I think too much."

Qin Feng thought for a while and said, "Perhaps he is using the Xuanyuan Sword to attack the Five Elements. It should have been a long time since he got the Xuanyuan Sword. It is not surprising that he can use it well. He had to do the same when he came out."

"Or, the evil soul was released."

Tai Lang paused, "He and Evil Soul are resisting the Five Elements Wheel together, even he has been infected by Evil Soul?"

Lin Qingjue shook his head, "I can't feel this. Zhou Shu's breath is still intact. There is no major change. If he is swallowed by the evil soul, there will be no him."

"Stop thinking about it."

Cheng Tianlan spread out his hands and said helplessly, "We guess it is also a'random' guess, clear, you can talk about the impact now, what should we do, only you can'fuck' the Five Elements Wheel~www.mtlnovel. com~ You don’t have to worry about the old rules of the Presbyterian Church, we just listen to you."

The other elders were quite appreciative, but Qin Feng's expression was slightly stagnant, and his desire was stopped.

Lin Qingjue said indifferently, "That's not possible, everything is dominated by the Kunlun Presbyterian Church, and the problem must be solved together."

Qin Feng smiled and nodded, "Just right, Elder Lin, please tell me more specifically. Let's discuss it again. For example, is it possible for Zhou Shu to come out now?"

"From the current situation, it is impossible to come out."

Lin Qingjue shook his head slightly, "Although the chaos in the Five Elements Chakra is'chaotic', the origin has not received any impact. No matter what Zhou Shu is doing, the best situation is that he has not been affected by the power of the Five Elements for the time being, but he is still affected. As for those who are imprisoned in it, I am not sure what will happen."

Qin Feng seemed to realize something, and smiled, "Isn't this very good, but it also meets our expectations of him."

Zheng Daoxuan nodded, "Yes, we don't want him to be crushed to death by the Five Elements Wheel. Now that he is in a stalemate, it is not bad."

Cheng Tianlan's jaw slightly, seeming to have a smile, "Then what should we do, can we try to tame him?"


Lin Qingjue said indifferently, "If we don't strengthen the power in the Five Elements Wheel and try to obliterate him, then there is really nothing we can do now. If we must do, it is to influence him as much as possible, or let him accept our conditions. Or just stay trapped inside."

Qin Feng slowly said, "Can you pass a message to him?"

Lin Qingjue nodded slightly, "Yes, I can use the power of the Five Elements Law to establish a channel connecting the Five Elements Chakra and here, so that your words can be heard by him, but it can only be so. Besides, if he doesn't reply, It's his business."

After several elders discussed for a while, Qin Feng said rightly, "Okay, then trouble Elder Lin."

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