Fairy Winner

Chapter 1692: Meiyin, Jieyun

"Young Master Zhou, the Nujia is coming to see you again..."

Cheng Tianlan stood in front of the Five Elements Wheel, leaning on the pillars, whispering softly and charmingly.

"Elder Cheng, don't say much."

A cold voice came from the wheel, quite annoying.

Cheng Tianlan smiled slightly, Yan Ran looked like a flower, "That can't help you, the slave knows you have been listening, don't you? In these days, it seems that your cultivation level has improved a bit, whether it is the Righteous Qi Jue or the Impermanence Jue has improved. Or did you understand the secret of Jianmu Fragments? Just tell the Nujia..."

Zhou Shu did not answer, but raised a lot of vigilance.

These days, Cheng Tianlan has come to persuade him every day, although it is only words or words, but it makes him feel in a trance. This ability cannot be underestimated.

"Young Master Zhou, just say something casually. The Slave Family will let you out right away. When you come out, the Slave Family can promise you whatever you want..."

Cheng Tianlan didn't care about Zhou Shu's attitude either, she still spoke softly and kept talking.

For several hours, the elders beside him couldn't listen anymore. Several elders blushed and turned around, but Lin Qingjue looked at the Five Elements Wheel calmly, and did not move steadily.

"Elder Cheng's Meidao is really getting better and better..."

"She is born to be charming, and it is great to practice Meidao. Under her charming voice, few people are not confused."

"It's a pity that you can't use more effective magic charm in person, only through Meiyin."

"Meiyin eliminates the soul, if we can engrave the mark of thoughtfulness on Zhou Shu's soul, we will solve everything."

"Yes, the thoughts of the Yin Yin can make Zhou Shu never betray Kunlun under any circumstances. Once it is engraved, Zhou Shu is completely tamed."

"But it's difficult. Zhou Shu's heart is stable. He hasn't loosened for more than a month, and according to Elder Lin, his condition inside has not deteriorated, but has improved. I don't know what will happen if he continues."

"How can it be? One month will not work, just one year, one year will not work, only ten years, we have time."

They were talking in a low voice, but it was quite leisurely. It has been many days since such days.

Zhou Shu in the Five Elements Wheel is similar.

I need to spend part of my energy every day to resist Cheng Tianlan's Meiyin, and other energy is devoted to studying the tactics, and I get quite a lot.

The force of the fist starts, the wind is surging, and the power of the surrounding five elements moves along with it. It is the power of the high-level five elements. Although it can't form on its own, it can be used in these five elements, which is a good result.

I can't say that I have a deep understanding of the Five Elements Law, but there is no problem in protecting myself in the Five Elements Wheel.

"Small roll..."

Zhou Shu could already see through the power of the Five Elements within a certain range, but Xiaogun hadn't been seen in the past few days, as if he had entered the depths of the Five Elements Chakra.

It should be that the power of the Five Elements in the depths is stronger, attracting Xiao Gun to absorb it.

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, and glanced at the Shenmuding in front of him. The evil soul had no intention of coming out yet, so he didn't bother to care about it.

Speaking of it, the evil soul had revealed a trace of minions. Zhou Shu immediately felt the aura of the evil soul, but when Zhou Shu planned to do something, the evil soul immediately retracted.

It was obvious that he sensed the breath of the divine artifact and did not dare to make a mistake.

Zhou Shu continued to immerse himself in research and practice. He knew a little about the Five Elements Principle, and he could naturally use the power of the Five Elements to beat the body and make the flesh go further. Of course, he did not forget to absorb them and use them for cultivation.

Use the refining demon pot.

When he first came in, after learning about Zhou Shu's situation, Lian Yaohu proposed a way to escape, using the artifact to restrain the artifact, but Zhou Shu did not adopt it.

Compared with the complete Five Elements Wheel, although the Demon Refining Pot is far superior in spirit, its strength is more than ten levels worse. If it is rashly confronted, the result will not be good. It will even give Kunlun an extra artifact. Maybe it was a sincerity, or maybe it was a confession, but Zhou Shu would not do such a meaningless act, and he would not take out the demon refining pot.

Take the power of the high-level five elements here, there is no way to refining the strength of the demon pot, and it is difficult to absorb them into the demon refining world.

But now, Zhou Shu has a preliminary understanding of the Five Elements Principle, and has been able to use strength training tactics.

After being able to use the power refining formula, it will be a great benefit to Zhou Shu and the demon refining pot. The endless power of the five elements is absorbed and refined, expanding the scope of the demon refining world, restoring the demon refining pot, and nourishing it. Of course, a large part of the magic monkey inside was transformed into Zhou Shu's cultivation.

Don't live a life like this too moist.

Day after day, four months passed in the blink of an eye.

Several elders are still guarding the Sitting Forgotten Peak, in front of the Five Elements Wheel, Lin Qing sits absolutely, and Cheng Tianlan tirelessly utters a flattering sound.

"Young Master Zhou, Nujia..."

Halfway through her words, Lin Qingjue interrupted suddenly.

Cheng Tianlan didn't feel annoyed, and just said softly, "Qing Jue, what's the matter, you don't want me to say it, I don't say it."

"No, look at the sky."

Lin Qingjue shook her head indifferently, and only pointed towards the sky.

When everyone looked at it together, their expressions changed.

I did not feel the wind, but there were a lot of colorful clouds gathered above my head, mostly black, but there were other colors too. With just a few breaths, the sky was covered, and the entire Kunlun Mountain was covered with a layer of colorful clothes. For a vision.

"Heavenly Tribulation?"

Zheng Daoxuan said in amazement ~www.ltnovel.com~ It's just these clouds, which looks a little strange. "

Qin Feng nodded and said in a straightforward voice, "Yes, it's the tribulation. These are also tribulation clouds. There are tribulation thunder gatherings inside. Five-color tribulation clouds are indeed rare."

Lin Qingjue seemed to say to herself, "The power of the five elements, the five-colored clouds..."

"Heh..." Tai Lang laughed unconsciously, "This Zhou Shu actually wants to survive the catastrophe inside."

"Is it funny?"

Qin Feng's face sank, "It's only a dozen years since he crossed the catastrophe last time, this time he is going to cross the catastrophe again."

Zheng Daoxuan looked solemn, "Moreover, there was no sign of Consummation when he entered. He stayed in the Five Elements Chakra for half a year, but he was able to attract heavenly calamity. This shows that he may really understand the Five Elements Law, but it is not ordinary understanding... "

"Only when you have mastered the Five Elements Principle, can you use the power of the Five Elements to practice..."

Tai Lang was stunned there, his black face turned white at once, and he was extremely frightened when he thought about it. Could it be that Zhou Shu really mastered the Five Elements Rule in six months! ?

You must know that it is mastering, that is to say that you can freely use the power of the Five Elements Law. This is something that no one has done in Kunlun for nearly 10,000 years. Even Elder Ding, who is retired, is only familiar with the law and able to use magic weapons. That's it.

Qin Feng and the other elders also followed, stunned, murmured, "It seems that this is the only explanation."

"No wonder he..."

Cheng Tianlan lowered her head, her face was dim and pale.

Mastering the Five Elements in six months, what kind of powerful talent is this?

There is no essential difference between being born and being holy.

How could she have seduced such Zhou Shu, even Kunlun should not be against such Zhou Shu, it is impossible to knock him down.


Lin Qingjue shook his head and said calmly, "There are other possibilities. It's not necessarily him who crossed the catastrophe."

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