Fairy Winner

Chapter 1694: 5-row wheel

Yes, the catastrophe is here, what else can I do?

The elders have different moods, but there is nothing to do, you can only watch.

"The robbery can be more violent."

Qin Feng murmured in a low voice, "If the Chi beast transforms into a dragon successfully, with Chi Dragon's help, it will be easy for Zhou Shu to leave the Five Elements Chakra, even..."

"It's not even a problem to take away the five elements," Zheng Daoxuan took the words, his face was full of worry, "The elders are really worried, it is indeed the biggest problem facing Kunlun, and I just hope that it won't happen."

Cheng Tianlan only sighed, "If he really has Chilong, it will almost certainly happen. Chilong who controls the Five Elements has entered the Five Elements Chakra. It is not difficult to **** the Five Elements Chakra."

"We put it in by ourselves."

Qin Feng lowered his head sullenly, but the other elders were the same, his face was dark.

Tai Lang shouted anxiously, "So we must find a way to stop it from turning into a dragon, what can we do?"

"It's no use doing anything."

Lin Qingjue stared at the Five Elements Chakra, "The number of days will not change because of you and me. It is all destined. Instead of thinking about how to stop it, it is better to think about how to deal with the aftermath. What's more, even if he becomes a beast this time. The dragon fails, who knows what will happen in the future?"

If Zheng Daoxuan realized something, "Elder Lin meant..."

Lin Qingjue said calmly, "It can be seen that the fate of Zhou Shu's rise is no longer something we can stop, and it is meaningless to stop."

Qin Feng said anxiously, "Then let him take away the Five Elements Wheel, can't we resist?"


Zheng Daoxuan shook his head unconsciously, and said with a wry smile, "He has Chilong in his hand, plus the Five Elements Wheel, is our resistance useful?"

Lin Qingjue said indifferently, "Yes, resistance may not be effective, but he may not do it. Taking away the Five Elements Wheel will do more harm than good to him, so just watch."

Everyone was a little puzzled, but they also breathed a sigh of relief invisibly.

Within the Five Elements Wheel.

Zhou Shu was still sitting upright, only splitting out a lot of divine consciousness and thoughts, and went deep into the Five Elements Wheel.

Now the power of the five elements is very chaotic. With a little knowledge of the five elements, he is already able to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so that his spiritual consciousness is not disturbed or interfered as little as possible. Naturally, he wants to see more of Xiao Gun.

When I saw Xiao Gun, the Ninth Heavenly Tribulation just fell.

Xiaogun flies in the sky with the power of the five elements, and between his gestures, the power of the five elements moves, as if everything is under control.

When the thunder fell, it was quickly blocked by the power of the surrounding five elements, and the rest was still smashed on the body, only the dragon scales that had just spawned flashed a dazzling five-color brilliance, wrapped the thunder in it, a little bit The disperse and kill.

The huge robbery thunder, connected to the vast and unparalleled power, completely disappeared within only ten breaths.

As the robbery cleared away, Xiao Gun gradually revealed his true appearance.

Xiao Gun at this time has basically the shape of a dragon, about one foot long, slender and strong, with four legs strong and powerful. The original fur has long been replaced by scales. The dragon scales are made of five colors and are draped like armor. , Tamron is in the sky, flaring his teeth and dancing claws, his age is still immature, but his domineering spirit is fully revealed.

The difference from other dragons is the horns on the top of the head. Chilong is a hornless dragon. Xiao Gun now has a unicorn, but it will gradually fade as it matures.

As if perceiving Zhou Shu's arrival, Xiao Gun first let out a dragon chant, the clearer and stronger, the sound shook all directions, and there was no sign of weakness.

Taking advantage of the next heavy catastrophe, Zhou Shu slowly said, "There is no problem, Xiao Gun?"

"Zhou Zhou, rest assured, these tribulations are far worse than dreams!"

Xiao Gun shook his head and shook his head, seemingly unsuitable for his current body. He looked a little clumsy and a little cute.

Zhou Shu nodded thoughtfully, "That's good, but there are still seventy-two tribulations, you have to be careful."

Xiao Kun stretched out his paws, and said proudly, "There is the power of the five elements here, and it doesn’t matter if you have more. On the contrary, it will allow me to better adapt to the body and control the five elements. Weeks and weeks, you don’t have to worry anymore, wait. I, when we go out together, I will not only take the Five Elements Chakra, but also make this place upside down!"

Long Si is agile, and Xiao Gun already understands his current situation in the process of crossing the catastrophe.

"I'm waiting for you, and the catastrophe is coming again."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and didn't go on. It seemed that there was no need to worry, but the capture of the Five Elements Wheel was completely out of the plan. There is a master's divine tool in the Profound Yellow Realm, and it is not easy to change ownership, it is about causal destiny.

Even if it is taken away, it may not be usable, but it is a disaster.

Divine Sense bypassed Xiaohu and continued to poke in, only to be blocked back before he went far.

The power of the five elements in the depths is even stronger. It seems that there is spiritual wisdom in it, and the divine consciousness has been greatly disturbed and cannot move forward.

He tried to test, but still did not move forward, but a voice came back.

"Enough, got what you want, do you want more?"

The voice is directly transmitted to the sea of ​​consciousness, vicissitudes and full of wisdom. Obviously, this is the voice of the Five Elements Wheel~www.ltnovel.com~ There is no magical tool, but also spiritual wisdom. This is the biggest difference between them and other magic weapons. Other magic weapons can only have spirituality and can be better used if they have tool spirits. As the guardian of the Xuanhuang world, artifacts are born with wisdom. The spirits are self-selected by them, and they can only enter the spirit inside the artifact after recognition. Even if the Qi Ling is recognized, it is impossible to master the artifact.

For other magic weapons, Qi Ling is the master, and among divine tools, Qi Ling is just a steward.

Zhou Shuli showed a lot of awe at the moment, and said in a straightforward voice, "The junior dare not, it's just curiosity, the senior won't allow it, the junior won't continue. I'm really sorry to disturb the senior before."

The Five Elements Wheel was not captured by the current Kunlun, it has been in Kunlun since ancient times, and Zhou Shu has always been in awe of the ancient Kunlun.

"As long as you know……"

The voice gradually fell silent, but Zhou Shu didn't want to miss the opportunity to talk to this ancient artifact, and quickly said, "Senior wait a minute, the younger generation still has something to say."

The Five Elements Wheel Road, "What do you want to say? You have already got what you deserve, and you can't get what you shouldn't get."

Zhou Shu raised his hand and saluted, "Junior and the spirit beasts have made a big fuss in Senior, and even use Senior to overcome the catastrophe, senior will not be surprised?"

The Five Elements Wheel paused for a while before slowly saying, "It's okay, it's not your fault."

Zhou Shu expressed regret, "It has absorbed a lot of the power of the Five Elements and consumed the practice of seniors for many years. It has a great impact on seniors, right?"

"The master is unworthy, the sin is in himself, what is it to you?"

The Five Elements Chakra said slowly, "You comprehend the law in it, which is your destiny. It is also its destiny when it crosses the catastrophe in it. It is also my destiny to lose some power, but it will stop there. Don’t do any more. Thing."

Zhou Shu thought about it for a while, and nodded seriously, "Junior understands."

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