Fairy Winner

Chapter 1695:

The Five Elements Wheel did not speak anymore, and Zhou Shu also retreated back with interest.

In fact, he also understands that it is impossible to really take away the Five Elements Chakra. This kind of divine tool has gone through countless vicissitudes from its birth to the present. Its existence itself cannot be profaned, and it will only be taken by violating the will of the divine tool. Cause disaster, not only cannot be used, it may even be eaten back by the artifact.

This kind of thing is not uncommon.

Of course, if Zhou Shu had a stronger strength, the artifact would also succumb, but he obviously couldn't.

If you can get the great benefits from the Five Elements Wheel, you should be content. If you are not in the Five Elements Wheel, although the chance of Xiaogun successfully transforming into a dragon is not small, it is by no means great, but now it is much better. Use the Five Elements Wheel. The power of the five elements is huge to overcome the catastrophe, and it is stable.

Just wait quietly.

Zhou Shu stopped paying attention and focused on the Shenmu Ding in front of him.

From the beginning of the small Gundu Tribulation, the Shenmu Cauldron had some abnormalities. Perhaps it was because of the fading of the power of the surrounding five elements, the evil soul was about to move.

If the evil soul wanted to take the opportunity to come out and destroy Xiao Gun's Tribulation, Zhou Shu would never sit back and watch.

Xuanyuan Jian was lying flat in front of him, ready to take action at any time.

A little bit of time passed.

The sky is dark inside, and the sky is dark outside.

Many Kunlun monks looked at the sky in shock, and the doubts in their hearts were hard to describe.

Watching the sky fall a full eighty tribulations, who has experienced this kind of thing? What's even more strange is that so many tribulations disappeared in midair, only to see a ray of light flashing on Zuwang Peak.

Some disciples wanted to go up and check, but they were all stopped back.

Qin Feng said calmly, "Nine-nine-nine-eighty-one, if there is nothing wrong, this is the last one."

That calmness is not a matter of confidence, but numbness. Knowing that there are enemies in the Five Elements Wheel using the Five Elements Ferry to rob, it is impossible to stop it, or even helped the enemy by himself. It is extremely depressed, and is about to reach a state of grief greater than death.

He is not the only one, most of the elders are like this, if Zhou Shu is here, you can see that their vitality is much less.

Lin Qingjue was transparent and said calmly, "Yes, after this tribulation, it is time for us to make a decision."

Cheng Tianlan seemed to realize something, "Open the Five Elements Wheel and let him out?"

"it's the only way."

Zheng Daoxuan immediately replied, "If you let him continue inside, and you don’t know what the Five Elements Wheel will become, you might as well just let him out and let him go. Maybe he will think of the Five Elements Wheel helping him so much. Will no longer be hostile to Kunlun."

"But there is no guarantee that he will do this, right?"

Tai Lang shook his head flatly, "What if he wants to take away the Five Elements Wheel? What if he uses the Five Elements Wheel to deal with our Kunlun? It is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain! I still insisted on my opinion, taking advantage of his not coming out, set up a death formation in advance , Suppress the Five Elements Wheel with him, so that he can never come out."

Lin Qingjue said lightly, "If you are sure, I won't object."

"The Five Elements Wheel is a divine tool and the guardian of Kunlun. Suppress our guardian?"

Zheng Daoxuan just shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Let’s not say that we can’t do it. Even if we do, it’s all harm but no benefit. It’s for Zhou Shu alone to suppress the Five Elements Wheel and shake my Kunlun’s hundreds of thousands of years of foundation? Will be lost, Kunlun will no longer be in the past."

Tai Lang's figure was shocked, still stubbornly said, "But if Zhou Shu comes out, he has the Five Elements Wheel, will he still shake Kunlun's foundation?"

Zheng Daoxuan shook his head, his eyes were firm, "I'm not sure how he will be, but at least we can be ashamed of Kunlun and be ashamed of our hearts."

Cheng Tianlan nodded unconsciously, "Elder Zheng said that no matter what the outcome is, at least he can be worthy of Kunlun."

Qiu then nodded, his expression very solemn, "Yes, the artifact represents Kunlun, and we can't do anything unfavorable to the artifact."

"We cannot go against the will of the Kunlun Guardian in order to make up for the mistakes we made. That way, we will only make mistakes again and again, out of control. We were wrong before, but now we can't go wrong again."

Qin Feng's face was calm, and he slowly said, "I agree with Elder Zheng's opinion and let Zhou Shu come out. Whatever the result is, our elders will bear the responsibility. If he doesn't move the artifact, it is naturally good. If he wants to use the artifact, We have to protect the five elements in our death."

Tai Lang sighed and said, "Never mind, just follow you."

Qin Feng turned to Lin Qingjue and said seriously, "Elder Lin, I will trouble you to turn on the Five Elements Wheel."

Lin Qingjue nodded lightly, "Well, the Five Elements Wheel should be able to control by then, I will open it to let Zhou Shu come out, and then act on occasion.

As soon as the voice fell, the last sky thunder fell.

This path was a bit slow, because when the power was accumulated, when this robbery thunder appeared, all the surrounding clouds disappeared, and they all merged into the thunder thunder.

Nine nines into one.

Not only robbery clouds, but also robbery wind and fire, the sky is clear and clean, and everything is in the thunder.

Needless to say, Jie Lei’s mighty power, even after ten heavens, the monks below were frightened when they saw it. Some Kunlun disciples with poor concentration have already knelt down unconsciously, many of them Yuan Ying The disciples of the realm and even the gods~www.ltnovel.com~ Tianwei is so majestic, it is naturally shocking.

(Qin Feng frowned secretly, recording all the disciples who fell down in his heart, fearing that it would be impossible to reuse them in the future.)

The robbery thunder disappeared in the air, and the boundless light of thunder poured straight into the Five Elements Wheel, turning it into a sea of ​​thunder. The whirlpool is really beautiful.

Only in the beautiful scenery, there are infinite murderous opportunities hidden.

Even Zhou Shu had to increase Shu Zhi's strength to resist the scattered light of the thunder. If he is not careful, he will be invaded.

The core of Jie Lei fell directly on Xiao Gun, and the light of thunder flashed, and immediately smashed it down fiercely, directly into the depths of the Five Elements Chakra.

Even Zhou Shu couldn't perceive it.


The roaring and roaring sound came from the depths, endlessly.

From the voice, it could be heard that Xiao Gun couldn't succumb to the robbery, it would fight to the end, at all costs, even if this robbery was more violent than the previous eighty ways combined, it would never give in.

Zhou Shu remained motionless, alert to the Shenmu Cauldron in front of him. The more at this moment, the more he couldn't relax, and at the same time he exuded his spiritual consciousness, quietly digging into the depths between the thunder light and the power of the five elements.

Naturally, it was blocked again.

"Senior, junior just want to take a look at it."

For a long time, there was no response.

Zhou Shu must be worried. After all, the Five Elements Chakra and Chilong have always been opponents, and they regard each other as nemesis. If at this critical moment, the Five Elements Chakra is a little bit obstructive, Xiaogun will not succeed, but he also feels that with the wisdom and harmony of the Five Elements Chakra Qualifications, should not be able to deal with the new born Xiaobo.

What the result will be, he is also unpredictable. At this time, he can only wait.

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