Fairy Winner

Chapter 1696: Array


A clear dragon chant came from the depths of the Five Elements Chakra.

Hearing the sound and knowing the meaning, the excitement of rebirth after all the hardships, and the joy of returning in victory are all in it.

A smile appeared on Zhou Shu's face.

White light flashed, Xiao Gun rushed straight, and fell next to Zhou Shu, swimming around Zhou Shu.

The slender body, the strong and powerful limbs, the five-color brilliance scales, the majestic and childish face, the horns that faded from the top of the head, everything shows that Xiao Gun at this time is completely a juvenile Chiron. .

"Thank you senior."

Zhou Shu bowed a salute, obviously, the Five Elements Chakra did not interfere with it.

"Weekly! Weekly!"

Xiao Gun kept screaming, clinging to Zhou Shu, as if to entangle him in order to express his excitement.

At the moment of transforming the dragon, it finally awakened the dragon’s bloodline, opened up its spiritual wisdom, and advanced its cultivation. What’s more, all the memories of Zhou Shu also poured in, from a small bug to the present. All the scenes slipped through the heart, without a single omission. It understood how much Zhou Shu had paid for it. Without Zhou Shu, it would still be a worm, and it would never be a dragon. This race has always been aloof.

Therefore, it is quite certain that even if it becomes a dragon now, its relationship with Zhou Shu will not change a little.

Zhou Shu stared at it, seeming to understand its intentions, and only lightly nodded.

At that time, a bright light suddenly shot down from the sky, trapping Zhou Shu in it, and the power of the Five Elements also circumvented one after another, avoiding this light.

Outside the light, it is the leisurely blue sky.

"Did you open it?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, as expected, the Kunlun elders should have understood the situation inside, and made their choice, and opened the Five Elements Wheel. For them, this may not be the best choice, but it is definitely The most correct.

Zhou Shu picked up the Shenmu Ding and said warmly, "Xiao Gun, go up first."


Xiao Gun just agreed, but he was reluctant to let go. Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, one person and one dragon, just like this.

The seemingly long passage came to an end in just a few breaths. At the moment when he was about to leave the Five Elements Wheel, a few words came into Zhou Shu's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Fate, I see."

Zhou Shu nodded, showing a bit dignified.

Above the Five Elements Wheel, Zhou Shu appeared suddenly, with a newborn Chilong by his side.

Although the elders had expected such a scene as early as possible, when they saw it, they couldn't help but exclaim.

"It's really Chilong!"

"For tens of thousands of years, the only dragon in the Xuanhuang Realm!"


After being shocked, they sighed and helpless, because no one could predict whether the reappearance of the dragon clan would be good or bad for the Xuanhuang Realm.

Lin Qingjue temporarily let go of the Five Elements Wheel, folded his hands and smiled, "Sect Master Zhou, congratulations."

Qin Feng bowed down and delivered a big gift, saying in a very sincere manner, "Sect Master Zhou, Kunlun has been offended before, so please don't take offense, Sect Master, I'll wait..."

"Get out of the way!"

Zhou Shu suddenly yelled, and his face sank.

Qin Feng's expression suddenly changed, "Sect Master Zhou, who are you?"

Zheng Daoxuan looked at Zhou Shu and was quite angrily. "It was our fault to trap the Sect Master in the Five Elements Wheel, but we sincerely apologize, and we will do our best to do what the Sect Master needs to compensate. It's impolite, you don't put Kunlun in your eyes?"

"Get out of the way!"

Zhou Shu's complexion became darker, and the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand swept across, and the mighty sword intent of Jianghe followed, and the elders couldn't help backing.

Tai Lang barely stood firm, his face flushed, "Let's say it, he wants to grab the Five Elements Chakra when he comes out!"

Cheng Tianlan's face was pale, and she just shook her head, "If this is the case, we can only do our best to guard."

"Go away!"

This time, Lin Qingjue called it out, his voice even louder than Zhou Shu.

"Elder Lin, are you too?"

Qin Feng stabilized his figure, full of surprise.

I saw Lin Qingjue trembling slightly, without a trace of usual calm, her face tightened, not only nervous, but also panic, and fear.

He had never seen such an Elder Lin before, and he couldn't help being even more surprised, "What's the matter?"

"What's wrong, what's the matter?"

The elders were a little confused, but soon they also realized something was wrong.

On the Shenmu Cauldron in Zhou Shu's hand, a black thread suddenly emerged, like smoke and water, quickly spreading out and expanding. In the blink of an eye, a spider web was formed on the surface of the Shenmu Cauldron, densely packed, and it looked a little strange.

"Evil Soul?!"

The elders quickly understood, all panicked, frightened, and involuntarily stepped back.

The evil soul is coming out.

Freed from the limitations of the Five Elements Wheel, the Evil Soul thought that if he found an opportunity, he would immediately break open the **** wooden cauldron and reappear in the world.

As soon as it moved, Zhou Shu sensed the breath, so everyone around him stepped aside. The second one felt was Lin Qingjue. As for the others, it was already a little late.

"Little roll, go in."

Compared to the panic of other people, Zhou Shu had an idea early and opened the hidden dragon picture and let Xiao roll in.

"Zhou Zhou, no, I can help now."

Xiao Gun stubbornly refused, but in Zhou Shu's solemn gaze, he still slipped into the hidden dragon map~www.ltnovel.com~ only secretly complained a few words.

Zhou Shu could only ignore, and to face the powerful evil soul that had been stung for tens of thousands of years, he could only send the dragon to a dead end.

Putting in the small roll, he gave Lin Qingjue a deep look, "Elder Lin, you step back, and the other elders are optimistic about this place. If there is a remnant soul overflowing, you'd better not let it go out, otherwise... "

He didn't say much, I believe Lin Qingjue can understand.

If the evil spirits are allowed to go crazy in Kunlun, Kunlun’s inheritance may be preserved, but it is inevitable that a bunch of disciples or even more than half of the disciples will die. More importantly, the evil spirits may regenerate by weight at any time, even if only a trace remains. , Then Kunlun will never have peace.

For Zhou Shu, that might not be a big deal, and it could even hit Kunlun hard.

The release of evil souls in Kunlun was something that the Kunlun elders were worried about Zhou Shu doing, but Zhou Shu would never do such a thing, nor would he bother to do it.

Without him, my heart is like this.

"I know."

Lin Qingjue nodded immediately, in a pressing situation, and subconsciously obeyed Zhou Shu.

He turned around and only said a few words, "Lie Taiyi Hunyuan Formation."

The faces of the elders behind him suddenly became extremely solemn, but they nodded almost at the same time.

The Taiyi Hunyuan Formation is one of the strongest formations in Kunlun. It was passed down by the saints. It is composed of five Kunlun Crossing Tribulation Monks. They use themselves as the formation and work together with each other. The great formation is extremely powerful and can temporarily Trapped in the power, and even caused a lot of harm to the power.

However, the cultivators in the formation need to consume a very large amount of origin, and their cultivation base will temporarily fall, and hundreds of years of hard cultivation may not be able to recover.

Using this formation is undoubtedly a great harm to the elders.

But the evil soul appeared in Kunlun, and when things came to an end, he had to do so. ...

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