Fairy Winner

Chapter 1698: Dilemma

Qin Feng said sternly, "Elder Tai, how are you preparing next?"

Tai Lang nodded hurriedly, "The order has already been given, and the following are all set up. There are five formations, and 30 disciples who cross the catastrophe are guarded. Even if we retreat, we can trap the evil soul for a long time. Fortunately, I’m sitting on Wangfeng. The defense is already tight, and I have prepared before, so don’t worry.

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, "It's also a blessing in misfortune."

"It might be better not to sit on the Forgotten Peak," Zheng Daoxuan shook his head and sighed, "If the Evil Soul is on an unimportant peak, we can just cut off the top of the mountain and move it to another place for disposal, and it won't be so troublesome now. "

"The matter is over, it's useless to say more."

Qin Feng looked at the middle and said slowly, "I only hope that Kunlun can get through this catastrophe as soon as possible without causing too much loss."

Several elders nodded together, and the Thai wolf felt helpless, and stopped talking.

Qin Feng glanced at him and said straightly, "If you have any words, even if you say it, we must work together now and not tolerate any differences."

"I just think..." Tai Lang stagnated, "Now the loss has been great. We have set up too a mixed element formation, and we have lost a lot of cultivation base. It may not be able to fully recover for hundreds of years, but..." He sighed , "Forget it, there is nothing to say."

Cheng Tianlan smiled, "Elder Tai, you want to say why Elder Lin didn't make a move. It would be much easier than us to ask him to do it, right?"

Tai Lang's expression was stagnant, apparently acquiescing.

Cheng Tianlan's voice grew colder, "He can use the eight golden locks alone. It is much easier to stop the evil spirits without losing a lot of cultivation. However, our elders have already decided before, not the most critical. At any moment, never let Qing Jue consume a trace of cultivation, have you forgotten?"

Tai Lang's face turned red and white, and he defended, "Isn't it the most critical moment?"

Cheng Tianlan said loudly, "Of course not, Kunlun has gone through hundreds of thousands of years. I don't know how many distresses it has experienced. Now it's just an evil soul. What's the point?"

Tai Lang continued, "Evil souls are nothing, but we don't have much power now."


Qin Feng whispered, Tai Lang and Cheng Tianlan immediately stopped arguing.

Qin Feng looked at the two and slowly said, "Stop fighting. Elder Cheng is right. It is not yet the most critical moment. Elder Tai, you know, what Kunlun lacks most now is power, 20,000 yuan. Having been in a difficult situation for years, now finally has Lin Qingjue and hope, are you willing to let Kunlun lose this hope?"

Tai Lang immediately shook his head, "Of course not."

"That's it."

Qin Feng looked at Zuowangfeng, righteously saying, "Remember, our name is Kunlun, and all the monks of Kunlun do are for Kunlun. They must not have any selfishness, and it is nothing to lose some of their cultivation. For hundreds of years What is it that can’t recover? Elder Ding abandoning everything to retreat to the dead, don’t you understand? Now facing the evil spirits, it is worthwhile to exchange the cultivation base of the five of us for the cultivation base of Elder Lin. No matter how much cultivation is consumed by the five people, it will not be consumed as much as Elder Lin. He is our hope in Kunlun."

Ty Langton was there and reflected for a while, "I'm sorry, elders, I was wrong."

Zheng Daoxuan smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter if I think about it occasionally, in fact, we Kunlun monks, everyone knows this truth."

These words didn't cover up too much, Zhou Shu in the middle could also hear it clearly, not feeling a little moved.

Monk Kunlun really regarded Kunlun as his whole thing, and he could do anything for this, even if he didn't cultivate immortality, even if he died, he would not yearn for such a spirit, but he had to admire it.

Every Kunlun disciple is like this. It's no wonder that Kunlun has been standing at the top of the world of immortality since the emergence of humans in the late immortal period.

As time passed, Zhou Shu stared at the evil soul in front of him, but still did not move.

Of course, Zhihai is busy to death, constantly deducing, trying to find the best way to get the best results.

As an opponent with the same power, the evil soul has no entity, and its power exceeds all the existence of the Xuanhuang world. And all the power that Zhou Shu has now has almost no effect on it, at most it is delayed. In fact, it can suppress Only the power of the law of life and death carried by Xuanyuan Sword is the only thing that can destroy the evil soul.

The power of the law will not be affected by opponents, nor will it be restricted by the rules of the Xuanhuang world.

Zhou Shu has no doubt that the power of the law in Xuanyuan Sword can definitely kill the evil soul, but the problem is that Zhou Shu hasn't grasped the power of the law of life and death well, and it will definitely bring out the spirit of consciousness when cast. Power or other powers such as Shu Zhili. Those powers will not have a good effect on the evil soul, and may even cause a negative impact. It may give the evil soul a chance to escape, especially the divine consciousness, which is very likely to be opposed. Come here to be used by the evil soul.

The power of the law cannot be used purely, and the effect is difficult to say, and there will probably be many remnants of the evil soul.

If in the unmanned secret realm, Zhou Shu can slowly accumulate the power of the law to hunt down, but in Kunlun Mountain, where people are everywhere, it is impossible to completely eliminate the evil soul, which means that all the previous work was wasted. You can use the spirit and consciousness of the immortal cultivator to continuously strengthen the new life.

The monks cast the power of the law, most of them go out together through the law and the power of the Yuanli Dao~www.ltnovel.com~ such as Kunlun's big cutting fist, the universe in the sleeve, etc., and the power of the law alone has exceeded the monks' power. ability.

If Zhou Shu had Xuanyuan Sword Spirit in his hands, there would be no problem, but it would be very difficult for himself.

The dark red evil soul has been emitting evil spirits, corroding Zuwangfeng, and constantly attacking the Taiyi Hunyuan Formation, but has never attacked Zhou Shu.

It seems that it also knows what kind of threat the Xuanyuan Sword in Zhou Shu's hand can pose to it, and the power of the divine tool is that evil souls without too much consciousness dare not make mistakes. It cannot be too far away, nor can it be rushed. Zhou Shu started.

Like Zhou Shu, he was in a dilemma.

"I'm afraid it won't work like this."

Zheng Daoxuan shook his head slightly, very worried, "We retreat and then retreat, the evil soul is still the same, there is no sign of weakness, the evil spirit is afraid that it will be endless, and it will become more dangerous if it is consumed. I don't know when Sect Master Zhou will have to. Do it, I’m afraid we won’t last long."

Tai Lang seemed to realize something, "Will he deliberately not do anything, just waiting to consume our cultivation base?"

Cheng Tianlan hesitated for a while, and said slowly, "We have been sleepy with him for so long, and we must trust him when we come out. It is indeed unreasonable to hope that he will help us deal with the evil soul, but Qingjue seems to believe him very much, so I am willing. Believe."

"What if I don't believe it?"

Qin Feng said calmly, "The only things that can restrain the evil soul right now are the Xuanyuan sword in his hand and the five elements wheel below. The five elements wheel cannot be used to suppress it temporarily, and Zhou Shu took the initiative to speak, so we have no choice. Even if he deliberately wants to kill our cultivation base, he can do it."

Zheng Daoxuan nodded lightly, "Yes, we can't let it go. If the evil soul goes straight down, Kunlun will lose even more."


The sound of the piano changed slightly, and Lin Qingjue seemed to see Zhou Shu's predicament and spread the word through the sound of the piano.

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